Muhiddin Tuş. Sosyal ve ekonomik açıdan Konya (1756-1856). Doktora tezi (1993)

Tez KünyeDurumu
Sosyal ve ekonomik açıdan Konya (1756-1856) /
Yer Bilgisi: Ankara Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Tarih Ana Bilim Dalı
Konu:Tarih = History
Dizin:Ekonomik hayat = Economic life ; Konya = Konya ; Sosyal yapı = Social structure
299 s.
The present dissertation aims to rxamme Konya, an always important city in Anatolia, with respect to its political, social and economical condition in between the years 1756-1856. In the study the physical characteristies of Konya are examined first. Then scah officers in the city as vali, mütesellim, alaybeyi, yeniçeri serdarı, kadı, müftü, şehir emini, have been focused on. In the second chapter the social life of the people in Konya are probed. It is within this context that the social hierarchy, population, family and institutions of education in the city have been evaluated. In the third chapter, the tradespeole ‘ s organisa tions are divelt upon with special-emphasis on the econo mic life of the city. Later, the commercial life and tradesmen have been divelt upon, besides the goods impor ted into the city have been found out. The potentialities and facilities of both the region and Konya in particular; the economic activities of the people of the region have been analysed of the resovrees of production salt and some other mines have been cited. 251

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