Mihály Dobrovits. The Altaic world through Byzantine eyes (2011)

Title:The Altaic world through Byzantine eyes: some remarks on the historical circumstances of Zemarchus’ journey to the Turks (AD 569-570)
Author:Mihály Dobrovits
Publisher:Akadémiai Kiadó
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Mihály Dobrovits. The Altaic world through Byzantine eyes: some remarks on the historical circumstances of Zemarchus’ journey to the Turks (AD 569-570) // Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. Vol. 64, No. 4. Published by Akadémiai Kiadó. — 2011, pp. 375-409.


The famous embassy of Zemarchus to the western ruler of the Turks is quite a well-known story. In this paper an attempt is made to clarify some details of the journey, with special focus on methods and manners of communication. Did Byzantine diplomacy make use of some of its old skills in dealing with the Altaic peoples, or, as many scholars have already supposed, was there a new process based mainly on experiences with Sasanian Iran and other Iranian peoples?

Keywords: Алтайский мир глазами Византии: некоторые замечания об исторических обстоятельствах путешествия Земарха к тюркам (569-570 гг. н.э.); Bizans gözüyle Altay dünyası: Zemarchus’un Türklere yolculuğunun tarihsel koşulları üzerine bazı açıklamalar (MS 569-570); Bizans gözü ilə Altay dünyası: Zimarxosun türklərə [Türk Xaqanlığına] səyahətinin tarixi şəraitinə dair bəzi qeydlər (m. 569-570)