Yıl 2024, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 61 – 72, 30.06.2024



Gardens, one of the important places in cultural history, bring together original compositions in which people interpret nature. They are more than just places where vegetables, fruits, flowers or trees are grown, they are reflections of the traditions of the period and society to which they belong. At this point, Persian Gardens introduced the Chahar-bagh, Four-garden, style to world landscape art. In this study, the Fin Garden in Kashan City of Iran, which is among the UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Landscapes and represents one of the most beautiful examples of Persian Garden Art, was analyzed under the headings of garden walls, environment, water use, water system and water structures, plants, shaded areas and design approach. It is expected that the study will bring a common perspective to Persian gardens in terms of architecture and landscape architecture in the Fin Garden example.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Persian Gardens, Chahar-bagh, Fin Garden, UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Landscape


  • Abizadeh, E., & Babazadeh Oskuei, S. (2013). Investigating Presence of Water and its Conceptual Manifestation in Architecture of Courtyard of Fin-e-Kashan Garden. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences.
  • Akdoğan, G. (1974). Bahçe ve Peyzaj Sanatı Tarihi. Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Comte de Sercey (1928). La Perse en 1839-1840. Paris.
  • Farahani, L. M., Motamed, B., & Jamei, E. (2016). Persian Gardens: Meanings, Symbolism, and Design. Landscape Online, 46–46. https://doi.org/10.3097/LO.201646
  • Kave Boukani, P. (2015). Iranian gardening and its architectural elements (Analysis of Fin Kashan Garden). 1. https://www.sid.ir/paper/826458/fa
  • Khabbazi, P. a, & Erdoğan, E. (2012). İslam Bahçeleri. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(2), Article 2.
  • Labibzadeh, R., Mahdi, H., & Mohammadali, K. (2012). Influence of Ideas and Ideals On Persıan Garden Structures Case Study: “Pasargad Garden” from Achaemenid Period and “Fin Garden” From Islamic Period. 8(19), 3–16.
  • Navai, K., & Haji Ghasemi, K. (2011). Khesht ve Khiyal: Description of Islamic architecture in Iran. Sorush (Broadcasting of the Islamic Republic of Iran).
  • Nurlu, E., & Erdem, Ü. (1994). Peyzaj Sanatı Tarihi. Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Ramyar, R. (2020). Learning from tradition: The role of environment perception layers in space making- the case of the Persian Garden. Journal of Urban Management.
  • Resmi Gazete (2003). Avrupa Peyzaj Sözleşmesinin Onaylanmasının Uygun Bulunduğuna Dair Kanun. Resmi Gazete 10.06.2003 Tarihli ve 4881 Sayılı Kanun http://www.basbakanlik.gov.tr.
  • Sarkowicz, H. (2003). Bahçelerin ve Parkların Tarihi (E. Kayaoğlu, Trans.). Dost Kitabevi Yayınları.
  • Taylor, K. (2009). Cultural landscapes and Asia: reconciling international and South-east Asian regional values. Landscape Research 34 (1): 7–31.
  • TDK (2005). Türk Dil Kurumu Türkçe Sözlük, Türk Dil Kurumu Akşam Sanat Okulu Matbaası, Ankara, 2243 sayfa.
  • Toosi, M., & Emamifar, N. (2011). Semiotics and Symbolic Logic of Iranian Garden Features Using Designed Features in Kahsan Fin Garden. 6(17), 59–71.
  • WHC (2003). Cultural Landscapes: the Challenges of Conservation. World Heritage 2002 Shared Legacy, Common Responsibility Associated Workshops 11-22 November, 2002 Ferrara, Italy, Published in 2003 by UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Retrieved Jan. 27, 2018 from http://whc.unesco.org/venice2002
  • WHC (2012). Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention. UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, World Heritage Centre 7, place de Fontenoy Paris.
  • Navai, K., & Haji Ghasemi, K. (2011). Khesht ve Khiyal: Description of Islamic architecture in Iran. Sorush (Broadcasting of the Islamic Republic of Iran).
  • Toosi, M., & Emamifar, N. (2011). Semiotics and Symbolic Logic of Iranian Garden Features Using Designed Features In Kahsan Fin Garden. 6(17), 59–71.
  • UNESCO, WHC-World Heritage Centre, (2017- 2018). CULTURAL LANDSCAPES. https://whc.unesco.org/en/culturallandscape/
  • UNESCO (2024). World Heritage Cultural Landscapes – The Persian Garden. UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural, Erişim https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1372 (14.06.2024)


Yıl 2024, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 61 – 72, 30.06.2024



Kültür tarihinde önemli mekanlardan biri olan bahçeler insanın doğayı yorumladığı özgün kompozisyonları içinde buluşturur. Bahçeler sebze, meyve, çiçek veya ağaç yetiştirilen yer olmanın ötesinde, ait olduğu dönemin ve toplumun geleneklerinin birer yansımasıdır. Bu noktada Pers Bahçeleri dünya peyzaj sanatına Chahar-bagh dörtlü bahçe stilini kazandırmıştır. Bu çalışmada UNESCO Dünya Mirası Kültürel Peyzajları arasında yer alan ve Pers Bahçe Sanatının en güzel örneklerinden birini temsil eden İran’ın Kaşhan kentinde yer alan Fin Bahçesi incelenmiş; bahçe duvarlar, çevre, su kullanımı, su sistemi ve su yapıları, bitkiler, gölgelik alanlar ve tasarımı yaklaşımı başlıkları altında analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçları itibariyle çalışmanın Fin örneğinde Pers bahçelerine mimari ve peyzaj mimarlığı açısından ortak bir bakış açısı getirmesi beklenmektedir.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Pers Bahçeleri, Chahar-bagh, Fin Bahçesi, UNESCO Dünya Mirası Kültürel Peyzajları


  • Abizadeh, E., & Babazadeh Oskuei, S. (2013). Investigating Presence of Water and its Conceptual Manifestation in Architecture of Courtyard of Fin-e-Kashan Garden. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences.
  • Akdoğan, G. (1974). Bahçe ve Peyzaj Sanatı Tarihi. Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Comte de Sercey (1928). La Perse en 1839-1840. Paris.
  • Farahani, L. M., Motamed, B., & Jamei, E. (2016). Persian Gardens: Meanings, Symbolism, and Design. Landscape Online, 46–46. https://doi.org/10.3097/LO.201646
  • Kave Boukani, P. (2015). Iranian gardening and its architectural elements (Analysis of Fin Kashan Garden). 1. https://www.sid.ir/paper/826458/fa
  • Khabbazi, P. a, & Erdoğan, E. (2012). İslam Bahçeleri. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(2), Article 2.
  • Labibzadeh, R., Mahdi, H., & Mohammadali, K. (2012). Influence of Ideas and Ideals On Persıan Garden Structures Case Study: “Pasargad Garden” from Achaemenid Period and “Fin Garden” From Islamic Period. 8(19), 3–16.
  • Navai, K., & Haji Ghasemi, K. (2011). Khesht ve Khiyal: Description of Islamic architecture in Iran. Sorush (Broadcasting of the Islamic Republic of Iran).
  • Nurlu, E., & Erdem, Ü. (1994). Peyzaj Sanatı Tarihi. Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Ramyar, R. (2020). Learning from tradition: The role of environment perception layers in space making- the case of the Persian Garden. Journal of Urban Management.
  • Resmi Gazete (2003). Avrupa Peyzaj Sözleşmesinin Onaylanmasının Uygun Bulunduğuna Dair Kanun. Resmi Gazete 10.06.2003 Tarihli ve 4881 Sayılı Kanun http://www.basbakanlik.gov.tr.
  • Sarkowicz, H. (2003). Bahçelerin ve Parkların Tarihi (E. Kayaoğlu, Trans.). Dost Kitabevi Yayınları.
  • Taylor, K. (2009). Cultural landscapes and Asia: reconciling international and South-east Asian regional values. Landscape Research 34 (1): 7–31.
  • TDK (2005). Türk Dil Kurumu Türkçe Sözlük, Türk Dil Kurumu Akşam Sanat Okulu Matbaası, Ankara, 2243 sayfa.
  • Toosi, M., & Emamifar, N. (2011). Semiotics and Symbolic Logic of Iranian Garden Features Using Designed Features in Kahsan Fin Garden. 6(17), 59–71.
  • WHC (2003). Cultural Landscapes: the Challenges of Conservation. World Heritage 2002 Shared Legacy, Common Responsibility Associated Workshops 11-22 November, 2002 Ferrara, Italy, Published in 2003 by UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Retrieved Jan. 27, 2018 from http://whc.unesco.org/venice2002
  • WHC (2012). Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention. UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, World Heritage Centre 7, place de Fontenoy Paris.
  • Navai, K., & Haji Ghasemi, K. (2011). Khesht ve Khiyal: Description of Islamic architecture in Iran. Sorush (Broadcasting of the Islamic Republic of Iran).
  • Toosi, M., & Emamifar, N. (2011). Semiotics and Symbolic Logic of Iranian Garden Features Using Designed Features In Kahsan Fin Garden. 6(17), 59–71.
  • UNESCO, WHC-World Heritage Centre, (2017- 2018). CULTURAL LANDSCAPES. https://whc.unesco.org/en/culturallandscape/
  • UNESCO (2024). World Heritage Cultural Landscapes – The Persian Garden. UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural, Erişim https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1372 (14.06.2024)

Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Çevre ve Kültür, Peyzaj Tasarımı, Peyzaj Mimarlığı (Diğer)

Parisa Daneshmand AKDENIZ UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE 0009-0000-2201-3118 Türkiye

Meryem Atik AKDENİZ ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0003-2105-9231 Türkiye

Yayımlanma Tarihi30 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi22 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi26 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APADaneshmand, P., & Atik, M. (2024). DÜNYA MİRASI KÜLTÜREL PEYZAJLARINDA “PERS BAHÇELERİ VE BAGH E FİN”. PEYZAJ, 6(1), 61-72. https://doi.org/10.53784/peyzaj.1503499

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