Godless : 150 years of disbelief


Godless : 150 years of disbelief

224 p. ; 23 cm

Godless is a compilation of wide-ranging texts, both hilarious and horrifying, on atheism, belief, and religion. The selections in the book appeared in various formats from the late 19th century through the early 21st, and their authors were often active in the anarchist, Marxist, or radical leftist movements of their day. Derived from printed pamphlets, periodicals, and newspaper pieces that were mass-produced and widely distributed, these texts serve as freethinking propaganda in a media war against morbid authoritarian doctrines. With both a sophisticated analysis of inconsistencies in deistic beliefs and a biting satirical edge, Godless gives ammunition to those fighting fundamentalist bigotry–and more than a few reasons to abandon Christianity. Readers previously familiar with the authors’ political polemics will be rewarded in contemplating another side of their remarkable literary output. Contributors include Emma Goldman, Ambrose Bierce, Chaz Bufe, E. Haldeman-Julius, Earl Lee, G. Richard Bozarth, Johann Most, Joseph McCabe, Matilda Gage, Pamela Sutter, S.C. Hitchcock, and Sebastien Faure

Front Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Introduction Dan Arel; Chapter I: The God Pestilence-Johann Most; Chapter II: Woman, Church, and State-Matilda Gage; Chapter III: The Devil’s Dictionary (excerpts)-Ambrose Bierce and American Heretic’s Dictionary (excerpts)-Chaz Bufe; Chapter IV The Failure of Christianity-Emma Goldman; Chapter V: Twelve Proofs of the Nonexistence of God-SeĢbastien Faure; Chapter VI: The Meaning of Atheism-E. Haldeman-Julius; Chapter VII: How Christianity Grew Out of Paganism and Christianity and Slavery and Judeo-Christian Degradation of Woman-Joseph McCabe

Chapter VIII: Why Science Leaves Religion in the Dust and Twenty Reasons to Abandon Christianity-Chaz BufeChapter IX: May the Farce Be with You: A Lighthearted Look at Why God Does Not Exist-Pamela Sutter; Chapter X: Disbelief 101: A Young Person’s Guide toAtheism (excerpt)-S.C. Hitchcock; Chapter XI: Dogspell-Earl Lee; Afterword-Chaz Bufe; About the Authors

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