Inocencia y poder : Hewitt, Kate


Inocencia y poder : Hewitt, Kate

156 pages ; 17 cm

La guapa, inteligente–y emperdernida soltera Emily Wood es la directora de Recursos Humanos más joven que ha habido en la empresa en que trabaja. Tan sólo su cínico jefe, Jason Kingsley, pare inmune a sus encantos. Jason está acostumbrado a que las mujeres caigan rendidas a sus pies, pero no está interesado en las relaciones a largo plaza

Beautiful, clever, rich and determinedly single Emily Wood is the youngest ever head of HR at her company. Whether dousing corporate fires or matchmaking lonely colleagues, Emily’s at the top of her game. Only her handsome, sardonic boss Jason Kingsley appears to remain immune to her charm. Jason is used to women falling at his feet, but relationships with all their illogical demands are not for him. So why does he find Emily so attractive?

Título original: Mr. and mischief

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