Responses of Alkali Grass (Puccinellia ciliata Bor) Genotypes to Geothermal Water

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 566 – 573, 30.04.2024


The increasing use of geothermal resources for generating electrical energy has brought the negative impact of geothermal fluids on the surrounding agricultural areas in Turkey. Alkali grass is one of the halophyte plant species that is spreading in marginal areas such as waterlogged, excessively alkaline and salty. We conducted the study to test the response of alkali grass genotypes to geothermal and mineral water used as irrigation water. Geothermal water negatively affected the observed traits by 14.01% (panicle length) and 64.21% (seed yield). The number of tillers per plant for biomass and the number of panicles per plant and plant height for seed yield were the determinant traits. Genotypes XII and XI were determined as seed-type, whereas genotypes IX and VIII were determined as biomass-type according to the Biplot graph.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Alkali grass genotypes, biomass, biplot, geothermal water, seed yield


  • Akbulut, G. (2010). The thermal spring tourism in Turkey and problems. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 9 (1): 35-54.
  • Ali, S., Abbas, Z., Rizwan, M., Zaheer, I.E., Yavaş, İ., Ünay, A., Abdel-Daim, M.M., Bin-Jumah, M., Hasanuzzaman, M. and Kalderis, D. (2020). Application of floating aquatic plants in phytoremediation of heavy metals polluted water: A review. Sustainability, 12 (5): 1927.
  • Coşkun, Y., İsmail, T. A. S., Akçura, M., Ayhan, O., Tütenocaklı, T., and Yeter, T. (2020). The effects of different irrigation water salinity levels on seedling development of maize. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 7(4), 1139-1147.
  • Çınar, V. M. and Ünay, A. (2022). Biological and Agronomic Characterization of Improved Alkali Grass Genotypes (Puccinellia ciliata Bor) in the Aegean Region of Turkey. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 41 (28): 33-43.
  • De Mendiburu, F. and De Mendiburu, M. F. (2019) Package ‘agricolae’. R Package, Version, 1, 3. Available from:
  • Derin, P., Yetiş, A. D., Yeşilnacar, M. İ. and Yapicioğlu, P. (2020). Investigation of Potential Heavy Metal Pollution Caused by Geothermal Waters in GAP’s Largest Irrigation Area. Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 63 (1): 125-136.
  • Doğanay, H. and Soylu, H. (1999). The importance of Deliçermik Thermal spring from the point of view of tourism. Turkish Geographical Review, 34: 1-18.
  • Elyakoubi, A. (1992). Influence du substrat de culture et de la solution fertilisante sur la production du melon d’arrière saison et de primeur. Thèse de3eme Cycle. INAT. Tunisie.
  • Fisher, R. A. (1935). Design of Experiments. London: Oliver and Boyd.
  • Gilbert, A. A. and Fraser, L. H. (2016). Effects of Competition, Salinity and Disturbance on the Growth of Poa pratensis (Kentucky Bluegrass) and Puccinellia nuttalliana (Nuttall’s Alkaligrass). In: Khan, M., Boër, B., Ȫzturk, M., Clüsener-Godt, M., Gul, B., Breckle, SW. (eds) Sabkha Ecosystems. Tasks for Vegetation Science, pp. 349-367, vol 48. Springer, Cham.
  • Gray, A. J. and Scott, R. (1980). A genecological study of Puccinellia maritima Huds.(Parl.) I. Variation estimated from single‐plant samples from British populations. New Phytologist, 85 (1): 89-107.
  • Grime, J. (1979). Plant Strategies, vegetation processes, and ecosystem properties. John Wiley & Sons, London, UK.
  • Hacısalihoğlu, S., Kaynar, E. and Darat, V. D. (2023). Evaluation of Mustafakemalpaşa stream water quality in terms of environmental quality standards and usage purposes. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 10(4), 750-760.
  • Haddad, M., Mougou, A. and Boukhris, M. (2003). Growth and quality of tomato plants grown in sand and perlite by the use of geothermal water. Acta Horticulturae, 609: 447-452.
  • Haider, M. S., Ibrahim, M., Athar, H. R., Sarwar, G. and Tahir, M. A. (2013). Ability of Puccinellia ciliata to grow in a waterlogged saline environment. Agrochimica, 57 (3): 279-288.
  • Hasanuzzaman, M., Fujita, M., Islam, M. N., Ahamed, K. U. and Nahar, K. (2009). Performance of four irrigated rice varieties under different levels of salinity stress. International Journal of Integrative Biology, 6 (2): 85-90.
  • Hill, M. I. (1990). Population differentiation in Spartina in the Dee estuary–common garden and reciprocal transplant experiments. Spartina anglica–A Research Review from Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Research Publication, No: 2, pp. 15-19.
  • Hosseini, S., Shabani, L., Sabzalian, M. R. and Gharibi, S. (2023). Foliar spray of commercial seaweed and amino acid-derived biostimulants promoted phytoremediation potential and salinity stress tolerance in halophytic grass, Puccinellia distans. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 25 (4): 415-429.
  • Karatepe, V., Elveren, M. and Etem, O. (2023). Investigation of the effects of geothermal and mineral water on barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Eskişehir Technical University Journal of Science and Technology C- Life Sciences and Biotechnology, 12 (1): 19-29.
  • Kenkel, N. C., McIlraith, A. L., Burchill, C. A. and Jones, G. (1991). Competition and the response of three plant species to a salinity gradient. Canadian Journal of Botany, 69 (11): 2497-2502.
  • Khatun, S., Rizzo, C. A. and Flowers, T. J. (1995). Genotypic variation in the effect of salinity on fertility in rice. Plant and Soil, 173: 239-250.
  • Koç, C. (2007). Effects on environment and agriculture of geothermal wastewater and boron pollution in Great Menderes Basin. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 125: 377-388.
  • Lee, D. J., Zamora, O. B. and Chae, J. C. (1996). Effect of geothermal water on germination, seedling growth and development of vascular bundle in rice. Korean Journal of Crop Science, 41(1): 53-61.
  • Liu, Y. and Coulman, B. E. (2015). Morphological and agronomic variation of Puccinellia nuttalliana populations from the Canadian Great Plains. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 95 (1): 67-76.
  • Meriç, M. K., Kurttaş, Y. S. K., Özçakal, E., Barlas, N. T., Cakici, H., Jarma, Y. A., Kabay, N. and Baba, A. (2021). Use of geothermal fluid for agricultural irrigation: Preliminary field tests prior to irrigation studies at Balçova–Narlıdere Geothermal Field (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Earth Science, 30 (9): 1186-1199.
  • Poyraz, G. (2016). Investigion of the pollutions parameters in soil and plant samples which is irrigated by geothermal water in Aydın Buharkent region (Master's thesis, Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences).
  • Tan, K. and Sorger, F. (1986). Even more new taxa from South and East Anatolia I. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 154: 111-128.
  • Tarasoff, C. S., Mallory-Smith, C. A. and Ball, D. A. (2007). Comparative plant responses of Puccinellia distans and Puccinellia nuttalliana to sodic versus normal soil types. Journal of Arid Environments, 70 (3): 403-417.
  • Tukey, J. W. (1949). Comparing individual means in the analysis of variance. Biometrics, 5 (2): 99-114.
  • Tuyor, J. B., de Jesus, A. C., Medrano, R. S., Garcia, J. R. D., Salinio, S. M. and Santos, L. S. (2005). Impact of geothermal well testing on exposed vegetation in the Northern Negros Geothermal Project, Philippines. Geothermics, 34 (2): 252-265.
  • Xia, Z., ChengLong, D., JingSong, R. and NengXiang, X. (2009). Relation analysis between yield and morphological traits in Pennisetum purpureum Schum. Acta Agrestia Sinica, 17 (5): 670-674.
  • Yamada, T., Jones, E. S., Cogan, N. O. I., Vecchies, A. C., Nomura, T., Hisano, H., Shimamoto, Y., Smith, K. F., Hayward, M. D. and Forster, J. W. (2004). QTL analysis of morphological, developmental, and winter hardiness-associated traits in perennial ryegrass. Crop Science, 44 (3): 925-935.
  • Yavaş, İ. and Ünay, A. (2017). The evaluation of alkali grass (Puccinellia ciliata Bor) populations in Aydin province of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 5 (8): 858-863.
  • Yavaş, İ., Çinar, V. M. and Ünay, A. (2020). Physiologic and seed yield responses of different alkali grass (Puccinellia ciliata) populations to salinity stress. European Journal of Science and Technology, 20: 10-15.
  • Zhang, Y., Liu, M., Qin, Y., Liu, W. and Wei, X. (2021). Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of Puccinellia distans. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 6 (3): 784-785.

Çorak Çimi (Puccinellia ciliata Bor) Genotiplerinin Jeotermal Su Uygulamasına Tepkisi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 566 – 573, 30.04.2024


Elektrik enerjisi üretimi için jeotermal kaynakların artan kullanımı, Türkiye’de jeotermal akışkanların çevredeki tarım alanları üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerini de beraberinde getirmiştir. Alkali çim su göllenmiş, aşırı alkali ve tuzlu olarak tanımlanan bu marjinal alanlarda yayılan halofit bitki türlerinden biridir. Bu çalışmayı, alkali çim genotiplerinin sulama suyu olarak kullanılan jeotermal ve mineral suya tepkisini test etmek için yürüttük. Jeotermal su, gözlenen özellikleri %14,01 (salkım uzunluğu) ve %64,21 (tohum verimi) oranında olumsuz etkiledi. Biyokütle için kardeş sayısı ve tohum verimi için ise salkım sayısı ve bitki boyu belirleyici karakterler olmuştur. Biplot grafiğine göre XII ve XI genotipleri tohum tipi olarak belirlenirken, IX ve VIII genotipleri biyokütle tipi olarak saptanmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Biplot, biyokütle, çorak çimi genotipleri, jeotermal su, tohum verimi


  • Akbulut, G. (2010). The thermal spring tourism in Turkey and problems. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 9 (1): 35-54.
  • Ali, S., Abbas, Z., Rizwan, M., Zaheer, I.E., Yavaş, İ., Ünay, A., Abdel-Daim, M.M., Bin-Jumah, M., Hasanuzzaman, M. and Kalderis, D. (2020). Application of floating aquatic plants in phytoremediation of heavy metals polluted water: A review. Sustainability, 12 (5): 1927.
  • Coşkun, Y., İsmail, T. A. S., Akçura, M., Ayhan, O., Tütenocaklı, T., and Yeter, T. (2020). The effects of different irrigation water salinity levels on seedling development of maize. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 7(4), 1139-1147.
  • Çınar, V. M. and Ünay, A. (2022). Biological and Agronomic Characterization of Improved Alkali Grass Genotypes (Puccinellia ciliata Bor) in the Aegean Region of Turkey. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 41 (28): 33-43.
  • De Mendiburu, F. and De Mendiburu, M. F. (2019) Package ‘agricolae’. R Package, Version, 1, 3. Available from:
  • Derin, P., Yetiş, A. D., Yeşilnacar, M. İ. and Yapicioğlu, P. (2020). Investigation of Potential Heavy Metal Pollution Caused by Geothermal Waters in GAP’s Largest Irrigation Area. Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 63 (1): 125-136.
  • Doğanay, H. and Soylu, H. (1999). The importance of Deliçermik Thermal spring from the point of view of tourism. Turkish Geographical Review, 34: 1-18.
  • Elyakoubi, A. (1992). Influence du substrat de culture et de la solution fertilisante sur la production du melon d’arrière saison et de primeur. Thèse de3eme Cycle. INAT. Tunisie.
  • Fisher, R. A. (1935). Design of Experiments. London: Oliver and Boyd.
  • Gilbert, A. A. and Fraser, L. H. (2016). Effects of Competition, Salinity and Disturbance on the Growth of Poa pratensis (Kentucky Bluegrass) and Puccinellia nuttalliana (Nuttall’s Alkaligrass). In: Khan, M., Boër, B., Ȫzturk, M., Clüsener-Godt, M., Gul, B., Breckle, SW. (eds) Sabkha Ecosystems. Tasks for Vegetation Science, pp. 349-367, vol 48. Springer, Cham.
  • Gray, A. J. and Scott, R. (1980). A genecological study of Puccinellia maritima Huds.(Parl.) I. Variation estimated from single‐plant samples from British populations. New Phytologist, 85 (1): 89-107.
  • Grime, J. (1979). Plant Strategies, vegetation processes, and ecosystem properties. John Wiley & Sons, London, UK.
  • Hacısalihoğlu, S., Kaynar, E. and Darat, V. D. (2023). Evaluation of Mustafakemalpaşa stream water quality in terms of environmental quality standards and usage purposes. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 10(4), 750-760.
  • Haddad, M., Mougou, A. and Boukhris, M. (2003). Growth and quality of tomato plants grown in sand and perlite by the use of geothermal water. Acta Horticulturae, 609: 447-452.
  • Haider, M. S., Ibrahim, M., Athar, H. R., Sarwar, G. and Tahir, M. A. (2013). Ability of Puccinellia ciliata to grow in a waterlogged saline environment. Agrochimica, 57 (3): 279-288.
  • Hasanuzzaman, M., Fujita, M., Islam, M. N., Ahamed, K. U. and Nahar, K. (2009). Performance of four irrigated rice varieties under different levels of salinity stress. International Journal of Integrative Biology, 6 (2): 85-90.
  • Hill, M. I. (1990). Population differentiation in Spartina in the Dee estuary–common garden and reciprocal transplant experiments. Spartina anglica–A Research Review from Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Research Publication, No: 2, pp. 15-19.
  • Hosseini, S., Shabani, L., Sabzalian, M. R. and Gharibi, S. (2023). Foliar spray of commercial seaweed and amino acid-derived biostimulants promoted phytoremediation potential and salinity stress tolerance in halophytic grass, Puccinellia distans. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 25 (4): 415-429.
  • Karatepe, V., Elveren, M. and Etem, O. (2023). Investigation of the effects of geothermal and mineral water on barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Eskişehir Technical University Journal of Science and Technology C- Life Sciences and Biotechnology, 12 (1): 19-29.
  • Kenkel, N. C., McIlraith, A. L., Burchill, C. A. and Jones, G. (1991). Competition and the response of three plant species to a salinity gradient. Canadian Journal of Botany, 69 (11): 2497-2502.
  • Khatun, S., Rizzo, C. A. and Flowers, T. J. (1995). Genotypic variation in the effect of salinity on fertility in rice. Plant and Soil, 173: 239-250.
  • Koç, C. (2007). Effects on environment and agriculture of geothermal wastewater and boron pollution in Great Menderes Basin. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 125: 377-388.
  • Lee, D. J., Zamora, O. B. and Chae, J. C. (1996). Effect of geothermal water on germination, seedling growth and development of vascular bundle in rice. Korean Journal of Crop Science, 41(1): 53-61.
  • Liu, Y. and Coulman, B. E. (2015). Morphological and agronomic variation of Puccinellia nuttalliana populations from the Canadian Great Plains. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 95 (1): 67-76.
  • Meriç, M. K., Kurttaş, Y. S. K., Özçakal, E., Barlas, N. T., Cakici, H., Jarma, Y. A., Kabay, N. and Baba, A. (2021). Use of geothermal fluid for agricultural irrigation: Preliminary field tests prior to irrigation studies at Balçova–Narlıdere Geothermal Field (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Earth Science, 30 (9): 1186-1199.
  • Poyraz, G. (2016). Investigion of the pollutions parameters in soil and plant samples which is irrigated by geothermal water in Aydın Buharkent region (Master's thesis, Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences).
  • Tan, K. and Sorger, F. (1986). Even more new taxa from South and East Anatolia I. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 154: 111-128.
  • Tarasoff, C. S., Mallory-Smith, C. A. and Ball, D. A. (2007). Comparative plant responses of Puccinellia distans and Puccinellia nuttalliana to sodic versus normal soil types. Journal of Arid Environments, 70 (3): 403-417.
  • Tukey, J. W. (1949). Comparing individual means in the analysis of variance. Biometrics, 5 (2): 99-114.
  • Tuyor, J. B., de Jesus, A. C., Medrano, R. S., Garcia, J. R. D., Salinio, S. M. and Santos, L. S. (2005). Impact of geothermal well testing on exposed vegetation in the Northern Negros Geothermal Project, Philippines. Geothermics, 34 (2): 252-265.
  • Xia, Z., ChengLong, D., JingSong, R. and NengXiang, X. (2009). Relation analysis between yield and morphological traits in Pennisetum purpureum Schum. Acta Agrestia Sinica, 17 (5): 670-674.
  • Yamada, T., Jones, E. S., Cogan, N. O. I., Vecchies, A. C., Nomura, T., Hisano, H., Shimamoto, Y., Smith, K. F., Hayward, M. D. and Forster, J. W. (2004). QTL analysis of morphological, developmental, and winter hardiness-associated traits in perennial ryegrass. Crop Science, 44 (3): 925-935.
  • Yavaş, İ. and Ünay, A. (2017). The evaluation of alkali grass (Puccinellia ciliata Bor) populations in Aydin province of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 5 (8): 858-863.
  • Yavaş, İ., Çinar, V. M. and Ünay, A. (2020). Physiologic and seed yield responses of different alkali grass (Puccinellia ciliata) populations to salinity stress. European Journal of Science and Technology, 20: 10-15.
  • Zhang, Y., Liu, M., Qin, Y., Liu, W. and Wei, X. (2021). Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of Puccinellia distans. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 6 (3): 784-785.

Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Tarla Bitkileri Yetiştirme ve Islahı (Diğer)
BölümAraştırma Makalesi



Erken Görünüm Tarihi30 Nisan 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi30 Nisan 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi1 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi25 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APAÇınar, V. M., & Ünay, A. (2024). Responses of Alkali Grass (Puccinellia ciliata Bor) Genotypes to Geothermal Water. Türk Tarım Ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(2), 566-573.

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