Investigation of Olive Production in Ten-Year Period in 1961-2021 Years

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 330 – 341, 30.04.2024


Despite its many nutritional characteristics, the number of countries producing olives is limited owing to the growing conditions. Because the olive is a drought-resistant plant, it is one of the fruits that are least affected by climate change. For this reason, in this study, the production areas and the changes in production among global leading olive producing countries were determined for 1961-2021 years. In addition, the Concentration Ratio (CR) and Herfindahl-Hirschman (HH) indices were used to determine the competitive situation in olive production in this study, while the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RXA) index was used in the competition in fruit production areas. According to research, while 32-33 countries produced olives in 1961-1980, the five leading countries were Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey, and Portugal/Tunisia. In this period, the HH index was over 1.800, and the share of the five countries was approximately 83.55%. During the 1981-2010 periods 32-38 countries produced olives: Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Tunisia were the leading countries, while Spain was the premier country. According to the HHI, the market is a monopolistic competition, but according to the concentration ratios, it shows the characteristics of an oligopolistic market. Countries with competitive positions in olive production are listed from strong to weak, such as Tunisia, Greece, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Turkey. While the number of countries producing olives has increased slightly in recent years, conspicuous matters worldwide have been climate change and technological developments in the last years. Considering these situations, countries that reduce costs in olive production and develop technologies that increase yield and quality from unit areas will be one step ahead of the competition. In addition, since this market is generally an oligopoly market, each prolific country will not be disadvantaged by closely following the activities of other countries.

Anahtar Kelimeler

competition status, olive, production amount

Etik Beyan

The authors wish to thank the FAOSTAT for data. These data were used in the graduate thesis of one of the authors of this article, Tuba Ateş

Proje Numarası

Projesiz çalışma


  • Abdallah SB, Elfkih S, Suárez-Rey EM, Parra-López C, Romero-Gámez M. 2021. Evaluation of the environmental sustainability in the olive growing systems in Tunisia. J Clean Prod 282 124526. Accesed date: 15.05.2023.
  • Akhuand A, Abbas S. 2023. Modeling determinants of competitiveness: a case of textile sector of Pakistan. J Text Inst 114 (1): 22-31.
  • Akın B. 2019. Drought analysis in Tuz Lake basin. UCBAD 2(1): 44-56.
  • Ballco P, Gracia A. 2020. Do market prices correspond with consumer demands? combining market valuation and consumer utility for extra virgin olive oil quality attributes in a traditional producing country. J Retail Consum Serv 53. Accesed date: 15.05.2023.
  • Bayav A, Şahin M. 2023. Global economic importance of quince: current situation, forecasting, and competitiveness analysis. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 65: 509-520.
  • Bouhafa K. 2022. Management of olive tree fertilization in Morocco. Open access peer-reviewed chapter. https://doi.org10.5772/intechopen.104644. Accesed date: 13.06.2023.
  • Çelik S, Cin P. 2021. Olive agriculture in Kilis. J Int Soc Res 14(79): 200-213.
  • Demir E, Önder K. 2023. Comparative analysis of the textile and apparel sector of the European Union candidate countries: 2010-2020 period. BİFD, 6(1): 64-86.
  • Deniz M, Ayaydın A. 2014. Olive farming in Çine district. UUSBD, 7(3): 111-144.
  • Doğanay H, Coşkun O. 2012. Agricultural geography. Updated 2nd edition. Pegem Academy Publishing House. Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • EUROSTAT 2023. Olives for table and oil use harvested production in EU. Accesed date: 14.05.2023.
  • FAOSTAT 2023. Animal products’ statistics. Statistics of food agricultural organization. Accesed adress: Accesed Date: 01.03.2023.
  • Farràs M, Almanza-Aguilera E, Hernáez Á, Agustí N, Julve J, Fitó M, Castañer O. 2021. Beneficial effects of olive oil and Mediterranean diet on cancer physio-pathology and incidence. In Seminars in Cancer Biology, 73: 178-195.
  • Fraga H, Moriondo M, Leolini L, Santos JA. 2020. Mediterranean olive orchards under climate change: a review of future impacts and adaptation strategies. Agronomy 11(1): 56. Accesed date: 17.06.2022.
  • Gianguzzi L, Bazan G. 2019. The olea europaea l. var. sylvestris (mill.) lehr. forests in the Mediterranean area. Plant Sociol 56(2): 3-34.
  • Hannachi H, Nasri N, Elfalleh W, Tlili N, Ferchichi A, Msallem M. 2013. Fatty acids, sterols, polyphenols, and chlorophylls of olive oils obtained from tunisian wild olive trees (Olea europaea L. var. sylvestris. Int J Food Prop 16(6): 1271-1283.
  • Iglesias A, Garrote L, Cancelliere A, Cubillo F, Wilhite D. 2009. Coping with drought risk in agriculture and water supply systems, drought management and policy development in the Mediterranean. Springer (Adv Nat Technol Hazards Res Eds. Iglesias A, Cancelliere A, Wilhite DA, Garrote L, Cubillo F) Volume 26, Springer Sci 320. Accesed date: 14.05.2023.
  • IOC 2023. World table and oil olive figures. International olive council. Accesed date: 14.05.2023.
  • Kaniewski D, Van Campo E, Boiy T, Terral JF, Khadari B, Besnard G. 2012. Primary domestication and early uses of the emblematic olive tree: palaeobotanical, historical and molecular evidence from the Middle East. Biol Rev 87(4): 885-899.
  • Kaplan M, Karaöz Arıhan S. 2012. A healing source of antiquity to the present: usage of olive and olive oil in folk medicine. DTCF 52(2): 1-15.
  • Krugman PR, Wells R. 2021. Economics, 6th Ed. London: Macmillan International, Higher Education. Larbi A, Baccar R, Boulal H. 2020. Response of olive tree to ammonium nitrate fertilization under saline conditions. J Plant Nutr 44(10): 1432-1445.
  • Özbaş H, Yıldırım O. 2022. Contrasting advantages announced in Turkey's foreign trade (2001-2019). Trd Sect Soc Eco Rev 57(3): 1547-1571.
  • Öztürk F, Yalçın M. 2014. Acceptance level and impact assessment of novelties and research outcomes at the olive enterprises in İzmir and Manisa provinces. 11th National Agricultural Economics Congress 3-5 September 2014, p. 520-530, Samsun.
  • Russo C, Cappelletti GM, Nicoletti GM, Di Noia, AE, Michalopoulos G. 2016. Comparison of European olive production systems. Sustainability 8(8): 825. Accesed date: 14.05.2023.
  • Savran MK, Demirbaş N. 2022. Evaluation of value added product development strategy from olive in Turkey with SWOT Analysis. BNEJSS 8(1): 36-42.
  • Schicchi R, Speciale C, Amato F, Bazan G, Di Noto G, Marino P, et al. 2021. The monumental olive trees as biocultural heritage of mediterranean landscapes: the case study of sicily. Sustainability 13(12): 6767. Accesed date: 13.06.2023.
  • Stepasyuk L, Titenko Z. 2020. Competitiveness of agricultural products of Ukraine in the foreign market. Mod Manage Rev15: 69-77.
  • Storniolo CE, Casillas R, Bulló M, Castañer O, Ros E, Sáez GT et al. 2017. A Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil or nuts improves endothelial markers involved in blood pressure control in hypertensive women. Eur J Nutr 56(1): 89-97.
  • Şahin S, Bilgin M. 2018. Olive tree (Olea europaea L.) leaf as a waste by‐product of table olive and olive oil industry: A review. J Sci Food Agric 98(4): 1271-1279.
  • Şahin S, Aydoğdu MH. 2021. Analysis of Turkey's recent olive and olive oil market. Eurasian Summit 1st International Applied Sciences Congress March 20-21, Proceedings Book p. 58-67, Batum, Georgia.
  • Taş MA, Nacar AS, Değirmenci V, Sakar E, Alsan PB. 2019. The impact of irrigation on the periodicity of Gemlik olive (olea aeoropea) in Southeastern Anatolia Region. Soil Water Journal special issue 140-145.
  • Todde G, Murgia L, Deligios PA, Hogan R, Carrelo I, Moreira M et al. 2019. Energy and environmental performances of hybrid photovoltaic irrigation systems in Mediterranean intensive and super-intensive olive orchards. Sci Total Envir 651: 2514-2523.
  • Torrecillas C, Martínez C. 2022. Patterns of specialization by country and sector in olive applications. Technology in Society, 70, 102003;
  • Türkeş M. 2012. Observed and projected climate change, drought and desertification in Turkey. Ankara Uni J Envir Sci 4(2): 1-32.
  • Uzundumlu AS, Karabacak T, Ali A. 2021. Apricot production forecast of the leading countries in the period of 2018-2025. EJFA 33(8): 682-690.
  • Uzundumlu AS, Kurtoglu S, Şerefoğlu Ş, Algur Z. 2022. The role of Turkey in the world hazelnut production and exporting. EJFA 34(2):117-127.
  • Uzundumlu AS, Gövez E, Kurtoğlu S. 2023. Competitive analysis of leading countries olive oil exports like turkey according to RCA and RXA indexes in the period 1961-202. International Conference on Research in Applied Sciences. March 9-10, 2023, Konya-Turkey.
  • Yılmaz CH. 2022. Evaluation of Fertility Status of Olive Garden Soils of Different Ages in Kahramanmaraş Province. 2nd International Congress of Engineering and Natural Sciences Studies (ICENSS-2022): 71-88, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Yusoff HHM, Ismail NW, Sidique SFA, Kamarulzaman NH. 2022. Competitive advantage between Malaysia and world halal producers of ruminant meat. AGRARIS: J Agribus Rural Dev Res 8(2): 198-214.

1961-2021 Yılları Arasındaki On Yıllık Dönemde Zeytin Üretiminin Araştırılması

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 330 – 341, 30.04.2024


Pek çok besinsel özelliğe sahip olmasına rağmen yetiştirme koşulları nedeniyle zeytin üreten ülke sayısı sınırlıdır. Zeytin kuraklığa dayanıklı bir bitki olduğundan iklim değişikliğinden en az etkilenen meyvelerden biridir. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada, dünyanın önde gelen zeytin üreticisi ülkelerinin 1961-2021 yılları arasındaki üretim alanları ve üretimdeki değişimler tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca bu çalışmada zeytin üretiminde rekabet durumunu belirlemek için Konsantrasyon Oranı (CR) ve Herfindahl-Hirschman (HH) endeksleri kullanılmış, meyve üretim alanlarındaki rekabette ise Açıklanmış Karşılaştırmalı Avantaj (RXA) endeksi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmalara göre 1961-1980 yıllarında 32-33 ülke zeytin üretirken, önde gelen beş ülke İtalya, İspanya, Yunanistan, Türkiye ve Portekiz/Tunus oldu. Bu dönemde HH endeksi 1.800’ün üzerinde olup, beş ülkenin payı ise %83,55 civarında gerçekleşti. 1981-2010 döneminde 32-38 ülke zeytin üretmiştir: İspanya, İtalya, Yunanistan, Türkiye ve Tunus önde gelirken, İspanya birinci sırada yer almıştır. HHI’ya göre piyasa tekelci bir rekabet yapısına sahip olmakla birlikte, yoğunlaşma oranlarına göre oligopolcü bir piyasanın özelliklerini göstermektedir. Tunus, Yunanistan, Fas, İspanya, Portekiz, İtalya ve Türkiye gibi zeytin üretiminde rekabetçi konuma sahip ülkeler güçlüden zayıfa doğru sıralanmıştır. Son yıllarda zeytin üreten ülke sayısı bir miktar artarken, son yıllarda dünya çapında dikkat çeken konular iklim değişikliği ve teknolojik gelişmeler oldu. Bu durumlar dikkate alındığında zeytin üretiminde maliyetleri düşüren, birim alandan verim ve kaliteyi artıran teknolojiler geliştiren ülkeler rekabette bir adım öne geçecektir. Ayrıca bu pazar genel olarak oligopol bir pazar olduğundan her üretken ülke diğer ülkelerin faaliyetlerini yakından takip ederek dezavantajlı duruma düşmeyecektir.

Anahtar Kelimeler

rekabet durumu, zeytin, üretim miktarı, üretim alanı

Proje Numarası

Projesiz çalışma


  • Abdallah SB, Elfkih S, Suárez-Rey EM, Parra-López C, Romero-Gámez M. 2021. Evaluation of the environmental sustainability in the olive growing systems in Tunisia. J Clean Prod 282 124526. Accesed date: 15.05.2023.
  • Akhuand A, Abbas S. 2023. Modeling determinants of competitiveness: a case of textile sector of Pakistan. J Text Inst 114 (1): 22-31.
  • Akın B. 2019. Drought analysis in Tuz Lake basin. UCBAD 2(1): 44-56.
  • Ballco P, Gracia A. 2020. Do market prices correspond with consumer demands? combining market valuation and consumer utility for extra virgin olive oil quality attributes in a traditional producing country. J Retail Consum Serv 53. Accesed date: 15.05.2023.
  • Bayav A, Şahin M. 2023. Global economic importance of quince: current situation, forecasting, and competitiveness analysis. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 65: 509-520.
  • Bouhafa K. 2022. Management of olive tree fertilization in Morocco. Open access peer-reviewed chapter. https://doi.org10.5772/intechopen.104644. Accesed date: 13.06.2023.
  • Çelik S, Cin P. 2021. Olive agriculture in Kilis. J Int Soc Res 14(79): 200-213.
  • Demir E, Önder K. 2023. Comparative analysis of the textile and apparel sector of the European Union candidate countries: 2010-2020 period. BİFD, 6(1): 64-86.
  • Deniz M, Ayaydın A. 2014. Olive farming in Çine district. UUSBD, 7(3): 111-144.
  • Doğanay H, Coşkun O. 2012. Agricultural geography. Updated 2nd edition. Pegem Academy Publishing House. Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • EUROSTAT 2023. Olives for table and oil use harvested production in EU. Accesed date: 14.05.2023.
  • FAOSTAT 2023. Animal products’ statistics. Statistics of food agricultural organization. Accesed adress: Accesed Date: 01.03.2023.
  • Farràs M, Almanza-Aguilera E, Hernáez Á, Agustí N, Julve J, Fitó M, Castañer O. 2021. Beneficial effects of olive oil and Mediterranean diet on cancer physio-pathology and incidence. In Seminars in Cancer Biology, 73: 178-195.
  • Fraga H, Moriondo M, Leolini L, Santos JA. 2020. Mediterranean olive orchards under climate change: a review of future impacts and adaptation strategies. Agronomy 11(1): 56. Accesed date: 17.06.2022.
  • Gianguzzi L, Bazan G. 2019. The olea europaea l. var. sylvestris (mill.) lehr. forests in the Mediterranean area. Plant Sociol 56(2): 3-34.
  • Hannachi H, Nasri N, Elfalleh W, Tlili N, Ferchichi A, Msallem M. 2013. Fatty acids, sterols, polyphenols, and chlorophylls of olive oils obtained from tunisian wild olive trees (Olea europaea L. var. sylvestris. Int J Food Prop 16(6): 1271-1283.
  • Iglesias A, Garrote L, Cancelliere A, Cubillo F, Wilhite D. 2009. Coping with drought risk in agriculture and water supply systems, drought management and policy development in the Mediterranean. Springer (Adv Nat Technol Hazards Res Eds. Iglesias A, Cancelliere A, Wilhite DA, Garrote L, Cubillo F) Volume 26, Springer Sci 320. Accesed date: 14.05.2023.
  • IOC 2023. World table and oil olive figures. International olive council. Accesed date: 14.05.2023.
  • Kaniewski D, Van Campo E, Boiy T, Terral JF, Khadari B, Besnard G. 2012. Primary domestication and early uses of the emblematic olive tree: palaeobotanical, historical and molecular evidence from the Middle East. Biol Rev 87(4): 885-899.
  • Kaplan M, Karaöz Arıhan S. 2012. A healing source of antiquity to the present: usage of olive and olive oil in folk medicine. DTCF 52(2): 1-15.
  • Krugman PR, Wells R. 2021. Economics, 6th Ed. London: Macmillan International, Higher Education. Larbi A, Baccar R, Boulal H. 2020. Response of olive tree to ammonium nitrate fertilization under saline conditions. J Plant Nutr 44(10): 1432-1445.
  • Özbaş H, Yıldırım O. 2022. Contrasting advantages announced in Turkey's foreign trade (2001-2019). Trd Sect Soc Eco Rev 57(3): 1547-1571.
  • Öztürk F, Yalçın M. 2014. Acceptance level and impact assessment of novelties and research outcomes at the olive enterprises in İzmir and Manisa provinces. 11th National Agricultural Economics Congress 3-5 September 2014, p. 520-530, Samsun.
  • Russo C, Cappelletti GM, Nicoletti GM, Di Noia, AE, Michalopoulos G. 2016. Comparison of European olive production systems. Sustainability 8(8): 825. Accesed date: 14.05.2023.
  • Savran MK, Demirbaş N. 2022. Evaluation of value added product development strategy from olive in Turkey with SWOT Analysis. BNEJSS 8(1): 36-42.
  • Schicchi R, Speciale C, Amato F, Bazan G, Di Noto G, Marino P, et al. 2021. The monumental olive trees as biocultural heritage of mediterranean landscapes: the case study of sicily. Sustainability 13(12): 6767. Accesed date: 13.06.2023.
  • Stepasyuk L, Titenko Z. 2020. Competitiveness of agricultural products of Ukraine in the foreign market. Mod Manage Rev15: 69-77.
  • Storniolo CE, Casillas R, Bulló M, Castañer O, Ros E, Sáez GT et al. 2017. A Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil or nuts improves endothelial markers involved in blood pressure control in hypertensive women. Eur J Nutr 56(1): 89-97.
  • Şahin S, Bilgin M. 2018. Olive tree (Olea europaea L.) leaf as a waste by‐product of table olive and olive oil industry: A review. J Sci Food Agric 98(4): 1271-1279.
  • Şahin S, Aydoğdu MH. 2021. Analysis of Turkey's recent olive and olive oil market. Eurasian Summit 1st International Applied Sciences Congress March 20-21, Proceedings Book p. 58-67, Batum, Georgia.
  • Taş MA, Nacar AS, Değirmenci V, Sakar E, Alsan PB. 2019. The impact of irrigation on the periodicity of Gemlik olive (olea aeoropea) in Southeastern Anatolia Region. Soil Water Journal special issue 140-145.
  • Todde G, Murgia L, Deligios PA, Hogan R, Carrelo I, Moreira M et al. 2019. Energy and environmental performances of hybrid photovoltaic irrigation systems in Mediterranean intensive and super-intensive olive orchards. Sci Total Envir 651: 2514-2523.
  • Torrecillas C, Martínez C. 2022. Patterns of specialization by country and sector in olive applications. Technology in Society, 70, 102003;
  • Türkeş M. 2012. Observed and projected climate change, drought and desertification in Turkey. Ankara Uni J Envir Sci 4(2): 1-32.
  • Uzundumlu AS, Karabacak T, Ali A. 2021. Apricot production forecast of the leading countries in the period of 2018-2025. EJFA 33(8): 682-690.
  • Uzundumlu AS, Kurtoglu S, Şerefoğlu Ş, Algur Z. 2022. The role of Turkey in the world hazelnut production and exporting. EJFA 34(2):117-127.
  • Uzundumlu AS, Gövez E, Kurtoğlu S. 2023. Competitive analysis of leading countries olive oil exports like turkey according to RCA and RXA indexes in the period 1961-202. International Conference on Research in Applied Sciences. March 9-10, 2023, Konya-Turkey.
  • Yılmaz CH. 2022. Evaluation of Fertility Status of Olive Garden Soils of Different Ages in Kahramanmaraş Province. 2nd International Congress of Engineering and Natural Sciences Studies (ICENSS-2022): 71-88, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Yusoff HHM, Ismail NW, Sidique SFA, Kamarulzaman NH. 2022. Competitive advantage between Malaysia and world halal producers of ruminant meat. AGRARIS: J Agribus Rural Dev Res 8(2): 198-214.

Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sürdürülebilir Tarımsal Kalkınma, Tarımsal Yönetimde Pazarlama
BölümAraştırma Makalesi

Ahmet Semih Uzundumlu ATATÜRK ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0001-9714-2053 Türkiye

Tuba Ateş Bir kuruma bağlı değildir 0000-0002-5866-004X Türkiye

Proje NumarasıProjesiz çalışma
Erken Görünüm Tarihi30 Nisan 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi30 Nisan 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi24 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi14 Şubat 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APAUzundumlu, A. S., & Ateş, T. (2024). Investigation of Olive Production in Ten-Year Period in 1961-2021 Years. Türk Tarım Ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(2), 330-341.

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