Investigation Of Consumers’ Attitudes Towards Seaweeds and Insects

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 311 – 320, 30.04.2024


The purpose of this research is to determine consumers’ preferences for the consumption of seaweeds and edible insects and the factors affecting this very phenomenon. Accordingly, face-to-face surveys were conducted with 132 participants in Antalya. The probit model was used to determine the factors affecting seaweed consumption preference. The reasons why consumers do not prefer edible insects, were determined the deploying the fuzzy paired comparison method. The findings show that the society was not inclined to consume insects as food. The reasons for not consuming insects, in order of importance, are disgust, health concerns, appearance, beliefs, taste perception, texture perception, ethical and moral values, perception of hardness and perception of fear. On the other hand, interest in consuming seaweed as food is much higher. In general, It has been found that women and young consumers who are prone to trying new foods are more likely to purchase seaweed. The results show that the recommendations of institutions such as the United Nations on this issue should be reviewed before implementation.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Alternative food, insect consumption, seaweed consumption, sensitivity to new foods

Proje Numarası



  • Aksoy A. ve El S. (2021). Geleceğin Protein Kaynağı: Yenilebilir Böcekler. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology. 9(5): 887-896. DOI:
  • Al-Thawadi S. (2018). Public perception of algal consumption as an alternative food in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 25(1): 1-12. DOI:
  • Anonymous. (2022). access link, Antalya'da kurulan böcek çiftliği 19 yıldır iç piyasanın canlı yem ihtiyacını karşılıyor ( Date of Access 12.02.2022
  • Anonymous. (2023). access link, Everyday Foods Are Full of Insect Bits ( Date of Access 10.03.2023
  • Anusha Siddiqui S., Bahmid N. A., Mahmud C. M., Boukid F., Lamri M. and Gagaoua M. (2023). Consumer acceptability of plant-, seaweed-, and insect-based foods as alternatives to meat: a critical compilation of a decade of research. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 63(23): 6630-6651. DOI:
  • Ardoin R. and Prinyawiwatkul W. (2021). Consumer perceptions of insect consumption: A review of western research since 2015. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 56(10): 4942-4958. DOI:
  • Birch D., Skallerud K. and Paul, N. (2019). Who eats seaweed? An Australian perspective. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 31(4): 329-351. DOI:
  • Blikra M. J., Altintzoglou T., Løvdal T., Rognså G., Skipnes D., Skåra T., Sivertsvik M. and Fernández, E. N. (2021). Seaweed products for the future: Using current tools to develop a sustainable food industry. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 118: 765-776. DOI:
  • Brownlee F., Andrew Hall A. and Paxman J. (2012). The potential health benefits of seaweed and seaweed extract. In: POMIN, Vitor H., (ed.) Seaweed : ecology, nutrient composition and medicinal uses. Marine Biology: Earth Sciences in the 21st. Century Hauppauge, New York, Nova Science Publishers, 119-136
  • Candoğan K ve Özdemir G. (2021). Sürdürülebilir et üretimi için yenilikçi yaklaşımlar. Gıda. 2021. 46(2): 408-427. DOI:
  • Castro Delgado M. and Chambers IV E., Carbonell‐Barrachina A., Noguera Artiaga L., Vidal Quintanar R. And Burgos Hernandez A. (2020). Consumer acceptability in the USA, Mexico, and Spain of chocolate chip cookies made with partial insect powder replacement. Journal of Food Science, 85(6): 1621-1628. DOI:
  • Castro M. and Chambers IV E. (2019). Consumer avoidance of insect containing foods: Primary emotions, perceptions and sensory characteristics driving consumers considerations. Foods, 8(8): 351-358. DOI:
  • Castro M. and Chambers IV E. (2019). Willingness to eat an insect based product and impact on brand equity: a global perspective. Journal of Sensory Studies, 34(2): 1-10. DOI:
  • Çınar G. and Keskin B. (2018). Determination of young consumers' nonalcoholic beverage consumption choices using fuzzy pairwise comparison method. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(1): 9-16.
  • Demirci M. and Yetim H. (2021). İnsan gıdası olarak böcek proteinleri tüketimi ve getirdiği sorunlar. Helal ve Etik Araştırmalar Dergisi. 3(2): 11-22. DOI:
  • Elder M. and Hayashi S. A. (2018). Regional perspective on biofuels in Asia. In Biofuels and Sustainability; Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg. Germany. pp. 223–246. DOI:
  • Erdogan B., Peksever D., Gorur A., Sumer O. ve Sedef. E. L. (2021). Sürdürülebilir protein kaynağı olarak yenilebilir böceklerin besleyici özellikleri ve tüketici kabulü. Gıda. 46(5): 1105-1116. DOI:
  • Faccio E. and Guiotto Nai Fovino L. (2019). Food Neophobia or Distrust of Novelties? Exploring consumers’ attitudes toward GMOs, insects and cultured meat. Applied Sciences, 9(20): 4440.
  • Gilland B. (2002). World population and food supply: can food production keep pace with population growth in the next half-century?. Food Policy, 27(1): 47-63. DOI:
  • Gunden C. and Thomas T. (2012). Assessing consumer attitudes towards fresh fruit and vegetable attributes. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10(2): 85-88.
  • Gujarati, D. ve Porter, D. (2018). Temel ekonometri (Translated By Ümit Şenesen ve Gülay Günlük Şenesen). Literatür Yayınları. 5. Baskı. 972s. İstanbul.
  • Hénault-Ethier L., Marquis D., Dussault M., Deschamps M. H. and Vandenberg G. (2020). Entomophagy knowledge, behaviours and motivations: the case of French Quebeckers. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 6(3): 245-259. DOI:
  • Kouřimská L. and Adámková A. (2016). Nutritional and sensory quality of edible insects. NFS Journal, 4: 22-26. DOI:
  • La Barbera F., Verneau F., Amato M. and Grunert K. (2018). Understanding westerners’ disgust for the eating of insects: The role of food neophobia and implicit associations. Food Quality and Preference, 64: 120-125. DOI:
  • Laureati M., Proserpio C., Jucker C. and Savoldelli S. (2016). New sustainable protein sources: consumers'willingness to adopt insects as feed and food. Italian Journal of Food Science, 28(4): 652-668. DOI
  • Losada-Lopez C., Dopico C. and Faina-Medin, J. A. (2021). Neophobia and seaweed consumption: Effects on consumer attitude and willingness to consume seaweed. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 24:100338. DOI:
  • Lucas S., Gouin S. and Lesueur M. (2019). Seaweed consumption and label preferences in France. Marine Resource Economics, 34(2), 143-162.
  • Muslu M. (2020). Sağlığın geliştirilmesi ve sürdürülebilir beslenme için alternatif bir kaynak: yenilebilir böcekler. Gıda. 45(5): 1009-1018. DOI:
  • Nongonierma A. B. and FitzGerald R. J. (2017). Unlocking the biological potential of proteins from edible insects through enzymatic hydrolysis: A review. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 43: 239-252. DOI:
  • Palmieri N. and Forleo M. B. (2020). The potential of edible seaweed within the western diet. A segmentation of Italian consumers. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 20: 100202. DOI:
  • Palmieri N., Nervo C. and Torri L. (2023). Consumers’ attitudes towards sustainable alternative protein sources: Comparing seaweed, insects and jellyfish in Italy. Food Quality and Preference, 104: 104735.
  • Payne C. L., Dobermann D., Forkes A., House J., Josephs J., McBride A. and Soares S. (2016). Insects as food and feed: European perspectives on recent research and future priorities. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 2(4): 269-276. DOI:
  • Penedo A. O., Bucher Della Torre S., Götze F., Brunner T. A. and Brück W. M. (2022). The consumption of insects in Switzerland: university-based perspectives of entomophagy. Foods, 11(18): 2771. DOI:
  • Pliner P. and Hobden, K. (1992). Development of a scale to measure the trait of food neophobia in humans. Appetite, 19, 105-120. DOI:
  • Ruby M. B., Rozin P. and Chan, C. D. (2015). Determinants of willingness to eat insects in the USA and India. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 1(3): 215-225. DOI:
  • Rumpold B. A. and Langen N. (2019). Potential of enhancing consumer acceptance of edible insects via information. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 5(1): 45-53. DOI:
  • Tanaka K. (1997). An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic for Practical Applications. Springer – Verlag, New York, 138 p
  • Tripathi A. D., Mishra R., Maurya. K. K., Singh R .B. and Wilson D.W. (2019). Estimates for world population and global food availability for global health. In The Role of Functional Food Security in Global Health; Elsevier: Amsterdam. The Netherlands. pp. 3–24. DOI:
  • Van Huis A. (2016). Edible insects are the future?. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 75(3): 294-305. DOI:
  • Wang H. H. (2022). The perspective of meat and meat-alternative consumption in China. Meat Science, 194: 108982. DOI:
  • Yazar A. ve Soyyigit S. (2020). Antalya’da Dinamik Balıkçılık Sektörü İçin Ekonomik Amaçlı Yatay İşbirliği Önerisi: Teknik Kapasitesi Arttırılmış Örgütsel Ağ. Uygulamalı Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(2): 1-12
  • Zhang X. and Davidson E. A. (2018). Improving nitrogen and water management in crop production on a national scale. In Proceedings of the AGU Fall Meeting. Washington. DC. USA. 10–14
  • Zugravu C., Tarcea M., Nedelescu M., Nuţă D., Guiné R. P. and Constantin, C. (2023). Knowledge: A factor for acceptance of insects as food. Sustainability, 15(6): 4820. DOI:

Tüketicilerin Yosun ve Böceklere Karşı Tutumlarının İncelenmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 311 – 320, 30.04.2024


Bu araştırmanın amacı tüketicilerin deniz yosunu ve yenilebilir böcek tüketimine yönelik tercihlerini ve bu duruma etki eden faktörleri belirlemektir. Buna göre Antalya’da 132 katılımcısıyla yüz yüze anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Deniz yosunu tüketim tercihini etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi amacıyla Probit modeli kullanılmıştır. Tüketicilerin yenilebilir böcekleri tercih etmeme nedenleri bulanık eşli karşılaştırma yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Bulgular toplumun böcekleri yiyecek olarak tüketmeye yatkın olmadığını gösteriyor. Böcek tüketmeme nedenleri önem sırasına göre tiksinti, sağlık kaygısı, görünüş, inanç, tat algısı, doku algısı, etik ve ahlaki değerler, sertlik algısı ve korku algısıdır. Öte yandan deniz yosununun yiyecek olarak tüketilmesine ilgi çok daha fazladır. Genel olarak yeni yiyecekleri denemeye yatkın olan kadın ve genç tüketicilerin deniz yosunu satın alma olasılıklarının daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, Birleşmiş Milletler gibi kurumların bu konudaki tavsiyelerinin uygulama öncesinde gözden geçirilmesi gerektiğini göstermektedir.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Alternative food, insect consumption, seaweed consumption, sensitivity to new foods

Etik Beyan

Araştırmada kullanılan anketin etik kurul onayı Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Araştırmaları Etik Kurulu tarafından verilmiştir.

Destekleyen Kurum

Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Proje Birimi

Proje Numarası



Yazarlar, maddi desteklerinden dolayı Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Proje Birimi'ne (Proje No: BAP-ZRF23023) teşekkür ederler.


  • Aksoy A. ve El S. (2021). Geleceğin Protein Kaynağı: Yenilebilir Böcekler. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology. 9(5): 887-896. DOI:
  • Al-Thawadi S. (2018). Public perception of algal consumption as an alternative food in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 25(1): 1-12. DOI:
  • Anonymous. (2022). access link, Antalya'da kurulan böcek çiftliği 19 yıldır iç piyasanın canlı yem ihtiyacını karşılıyor ( Date of Access 12.02.2022
  • Anonymous. (2023). access link, Everyday Foods Are Full of Insect Bits ( Date of Access 10.03.2023
  • Anusha Siddiqui S., Bahmid N. A., Mahmud C. M., Boukid F., Lamri M. and Gagaoua M. (2023). Consumer acceptability of plant-, seaweed-, and insect-based foods as alternatives to meat: a critical compilation of a decade of research. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 63(23): 6630-6651. DOI:
  • Ardoin R. and Prinyawiwatkul W. (2021). Consumer perceptions of insect consumption: A review of western research since 2015. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 56(10): 4942-4958. DOI:
  • Birch D., Skallerud K. and Paul, N. (2019). Who eats seaweed? An Australian perspective. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 31(4): 329-351. DOI:
  • Blikra M. J., Altintzoglou T., Løvdal T., Rognså G., Skipnes D., Skåra T., Sivertsvik M. and Fernández, E. N. (2021). Seaweed products for the future: Using current tools to develop a sustainable food industry. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 118: 765-776. DOI:
  • Brownlee F., Andrew Hall A. and Paxman J. (2012). The potential health benefits of seaweed and seaweed extract. In: POMIN, Vitor H., (ed.) Seaweed : ecology, nutrient composition and medicinal uses. Marine Biology: Earth Sciences in the 21st. Century Hauppauge, New York, Nova Science Publishers, 119-136
  • Candoğan K ve Özdemir G. (2021). Sürdürülebilir et üretimi için yenilikçi yaklaşımlar. Gıda. 2021. 46(2): 408-427. DOI:
  • Castro Delgado M. and Chambers IV E., Carbonell‐Barrachina A., Noguera Artiaga L., Vidal Quintanar R. And Burgos Hernandez A. (2020). Consumer acceptability in the USA, Mexico, and Spain of chocolate chip cookies made with partial insect powder replacement. Journal of Food Science, 85(6): 1621-1628. DOI:
  • Castro M. and Chambers IV E. (2019). Consumer avoidance of insect containing foods: Primary emotions, perceptions and sensory characteristics driving consumers considerations. Foods, 8(8): 351-358. DOI:
  • Castro M. and Chambers IV E. (2019). Willingness to eat an insect based product and impact on brand equity: a global perspective. Journal of Sensory Studies, 34(2): 1-10. DOI:
  • Çınar G. and Keskin B. (2018). Determination of young consumers' nonalcoholic beverage consumption choices using fuzzy pairwise comparison method. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(1): 9-16.
  • Demirci M. and Yetim H. (2021). İnsan gıdası olarak böcek proteinleri tüketimi ve getirdiği sorunlar. Helal ve Etik Araştırmalar Dergisi. 3(2): 11-22. DOI:
  • Elder M. and Hayashi S. A. (2018). Regional perspective on biofuels in Asia. In Biofuels and Sustainability; Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg. Germany. pp. 223–246. DOI:
  • Erdogan B., Peksever D., Gorur A., Sumer O. ve Sedef. E. L. (2021). Sürdürülebilir protein kaynağı olarak yenilebilir böceklerin besleyici özellikleri ve tüketici kabulü. Gıda. 46(5): 1105-1116. DOI:
  • Faccio E. and Guiotto Nai Fovino L. (2019). Food Neophobia or Distrust of Novelties? Exploring consumers’ attitudes toward GMOs, insects and cultured meat. Applied Sciences, 9(20): 4440.
  • Gilland B. (2002). World population and food supply: can food production keep pace with population growth in the next half-century?. Food Policy, 27(1): 47-63. DOI:
  • Gunden C. and Thomas T. (2012). Assessing consumer attitudes towards fresh fruit and vegetable attributes. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10(2): 85-88.
  • Gujarati, D. ve Porter, D. (2018). Temel ekonometri (Translated By Ümit Şenesen ve Gülay Günlük Şenesen). Literatür Yayınları. 5. Baskı. 972s. İstanbul.
  • Hénault-Ethier L., Marquis D., Dussault M., Deschamps M. H. and Vandenberg G. (2020). Entomophagy knowledge, behaviours and motivations: the case of French Quebeckers. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 6(3): 245-259. DOI:
  • Kouřimská L. and Adámková A. (2016). Nutritional and sensory quality of edible insects. NFS Journal, 4: 22-26. DOI:
  • La Barbera F., Verneau F., Amato M. and Grunert K. (2018). Understanding westerners’ disgust for the eating of insects: The role of food neophobia and implicit associations. Food Quality and Preference, 64: 120-125. DOI:
  • Laureati M., Proserpio C., Jucker C. and Savoldelli S. (2016). New sustainable protein sources: consumers'willingness to adopt insects as feed and food. Italian Journal of Food Science, 28(4): 652-668. DOI
  • Losada-Lopez C., Dopico C. and Faina-Medin, J. A. (2021). Neophobia and seaweed consumption: Effects on consumer attitude and willingness to consume seaweed. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 24:100338. DOI:
  • Lucas S., Gouin S. and Lesueur M. (2019). Seaweed consumption and label preferences in France. Marine Resource Economics, 34(2), 143-162.
  • Muslu M. (2020). Sağlığın geliştirilmesi ve sürdürülebilir beslenme için alternatif bir kaynak: yenilebilir böcekler. Gıda. 45(5): 1009-1018. DOI:
  • Nongonierma A. B. and FitzGerald R. J. (2017). Unlocking the biological potential of proteins from edible insects through enzymatic hydrolysis: A review. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 43: 239-252. DOI:
  • Palmieri N. and Forleo M. B. (2020). The potential of edible seaweed within the western diet. A segmentation of Italian consumers. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 20: 100202. DOI:
  • Palmieri N., Nervo C. and Torri L. (2023). Consumers’ attitudes towards sustainable alternative protein sources: Comparing seaweed, insects and jellyfish in Italy. Food Quality and Preference, 104: 104735.
  • Payne C. L., Dobermann D., Forkes A., House J., Josephs J., McBride A. and Soares S. (2016). Insects as food and feed: European perspectives on recent research and future priorities. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 2(4): 269-276. DOI:
  • Penedo A. O., Bucher Della Torre S., Götze F., Brunner T. A. and Brück W. M. (2022). The consumption of insects in Switzerland: university-based perspectives of entomophagy. Foods, 11(18): 2771. DOI:
  • Pliner P. and Hobden, K. (1992). Development of a scale to measure the trait of food neophobia in humans. Appetite, 19, 105-120. DOI:
  • Ruby M. B., Rozin P. and Chan, C. D. (2015). Determinants of willingness to eat insects in the USA and India. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 1(3): 215-225. DOI:
  • Rumpold B. A. and Langen N. (2019). Potential of enhancing consumer acceptance of edible insects via information. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 5(1): 45-53. DOI:
  • Tanaka K. (1997). An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic for Practical Applications. Springer – Verlag, New York, 138 p
  • Tripathi A. D., Mishra R., Maurya. K. K., Singh R .B. and Wilson D.W. (2019). Estimates for world population and global food availability for global health. In The Role of Functional Food Security in Global Health; Elsevier: Amsterdam. The Netherlands. pp. 3–24. DOI:
  • Van Huis A. (2016). Edible insects are the future?. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 75(3): 294-305. DOI:
  • Wang H. H. (2022). The perspective of meat and meat-alternative consumption in China. Meat Science, 194: 108982. DOI:
  • Yazar A. ve Soyyigit S. (2020). Antalya’da Dinamik Balıkçılık Sektörü İçin Ekonomik Amaçlı Yatay İşbirliği Önerisi: Teknik Kapasitesi Arttırılmış Örgütsel Ağ. Uygulamalı Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(2): 1-12
  • Zhang X. and Davidson E. A. (2018). Improving nitrogen and water management in crop production on a national scale. In Proceedings of the AGU Fall Meeting. Washington. DC. USA. 10–14
  • Zugravu C., Tarcea M., Nedelescu M., Nuţă D., Guiné R. P. and Constantin, C. (2023). Knowledge: A factor for acceptance of insects as food. Sustainability, 15(6): 4820. DOI:

Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Tarımsal Yönetimde Pazarlama, Tarım Ekonomisi (Diğer)
BölümAraştırma Makalesi


Gökhan Çınar Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü 0000-0002-2559-7929 Türkiye

Proje NumarasıBAP-ZRF23023
Erken Görünüm Tarihi30 Nisan 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi30 Nisan 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi21 Ekim 2023
Kabul Tarihi1 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APAÖzcan, H. N., & Çınar, G. (2024). Investigation Of Consumers’ Attitudes Towards Seaweeds and Insects. Türk Tarım Ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(2), 311-320.

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