Application of Fuzzy AHP for Assessment of Transitional Barriers to Electronic Bill of Lading

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 89 – 104, 01.06.2024


Advances in technology have converted the traditional paper-based bill of lading into an electronic bill of lading (eBL) format in recent years. In this regard, different eBL systems have been introduced and are increasingly being employed in the maritime transportation industry. In line with this, some major container shipping lines have started to declare their eBL services to their customers recently. However, it has been observed that there have not been come across any Türkiye origin container shipping lines to utilize eBL systems. Therefore, considering container shipping lines of Türkiye, this paper sought to disclose the barriers to the transition of eBL systems in Türkiye. The barriers have been revealed through literature review and confirmed by industrial experts. Following that Fuzzy-AHP method was performed to prioritize their importance quantitatively. It was revealed that the legal barrier among the main barriers appeared as the most important barrier.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Digitalization, Container shipping, Electronic bill of lading, Transitional barriers, Fuzzy AHP


  • Arıman, M. M., & Erol, S. (2023). Denizyolu Taşımacılığında Elektronik Konşimento Kavramı: Türkiye Açısından Mevzuat Analizi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi, 108-128.
  • Alphaliner. (2022). Top 100 List. (accessed 28 February 2022).
  • Balcı, G. (2021). Digitalization in Container Shipping Services: Critical Resources for Competitive Advantage. Journal of ETA Maritime Science, 9(1), 3-12. 10.4274/jems.2021.47364.
  • Beşikçi, E. B., Kececi, T., Arslan, O., & Turan, O. (2016). An application of fuzzy-AHP to ship operational energy efficiency measures. Ocean Engineering, 121: 392-402.
  • Chang, C. H., Xu, J., Dong, J., & Yang, Z. (2019a). Selection of effective risk mitigation strategies in container shipping operations. Maritime Business Review. 4(4): 413-431.
  • Chang, C-H, Wenming, S, Wei, Z, Changki, P and Kontovas, C, A. (2019b). Evaluating cybersecurity risks in the maritime industry: a literature review. In: Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) Conference. (International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), 29 October 2019 – 01 November 2019, Tokyo).
  • Chang, D. Y. (1996). Applications of the extent analysis method on fuzzy AHP. European journal of operational research, 95(3): 649-655.
  • Civelek, M. E., & Özalp, A. (2018). Blockchain technology and final challenge for paperless foreign trade. Eurasian Academy of Sciences Eurasian Business & Economics Journal, 15:1-8. 10.17740/eas.econ.2018.V15-01.
  • Civelek, M. E., Uca, N., Çemberci, M. (2015). eUCP and electronic commerce investments: E-signature and paperless foreign trade. Eurasian Academy of Sciences, Eurasian Business & Economics Journal, 3:60-70. 10.17740/eas.econ.2015‐V3‐05.
  • CMA-CGM. (2019). Use Paperless bills of lading. (accessed 21 February 2021).
  • Çakir, E. (2019). İş yeri tehlikeleri ve mesleki riskler: Ticaret gemilerinde meydana gelen iş kazaları üzerine bir inceleme. Dokuz Eylül University, Social Science Institute, Phd Thesis.
  • Davies, M. A. (1994). A multicriteria decision model application for managing group decisions. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 45(1):47-58.
  • Digital Container Shipping Association. (2020). eBill of Lading. (accessed 01 December 2021).
  • Doan, T. M. A. (2018). Switching paper to electronic bills of lading: legal perspective and reform options for Vietnam.
  • Dubovec, M. (2005). The problems and possibilities for using electronic bills of lading as collateral. Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law. 23(2): 437-466.
  • Ergin, A. (2021). A fuzzy AHP approach to evaluating differences between ocean container carriers and their customers. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics. 13(3-4):402-421.
  • Global Trade Review. (2020). DCSA standardizes electronic bill of lading. (01 December 2021).
  • Global Trade Review. (2021a). IG P&I approves TradeLens electronic bill of lading systems for its members. (accessed 01 December 2021).
  • Global Trade Review. (2021b). Singapore amends law to give eBLs and other electronic trade instruments legal footing. (01 December 2021).
  • Gunasekaran, A., Subramanian, N., & Papadopoulos, T. (2017). Information technology for competitive advantage within logistics and supply chains: A review. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 99:14-33.
  • Ha, M., Yang, Z., & Seo, Y. (2021). Port Performance Measurement from a Multi-stakeholder Perspective. International Encyclopedia of Transportation. 4: 396-406.
  • Ho, C. C. (2011). Optimal evaluation of infectious medical waste disposal companies using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Waste management, 31(7), 1553-1559.
  • Hsieh, T. Y., Lu, S. T., Tzeng, G. H. (2004). Fuzzy MCDM approach for planning and design tenders selection in public office buildings. International journal of project management, 22(7): 573-584.
  • İstemi, Z. (2020). Devredilebilir Elektronik Kayıtlar Hakkında UNCITRAL Model Kanunu. Çankaya Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi. 5(1):1171-1797.
  • Kamal, B. (2019). Deniz Taşımacılığında Risk Sermayesi. Kent Akademisi.12(3):618-633.
  • Kamal, B. (2021a). Elektronik Konşimentoya Geçişin Önündeki Engellerin Değerlendirilmesi, International Congress on Scientific Advances, 22-25 December, 2021.
  • Kamal, B., Kara, G., & Okşaş, O. (2020). An Application Of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process To Overcapacity Absorbing Methods In Container Shipping. International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 162(4): 331-344. 2020.a4.617.
  • Kamal, B., Kutay, Ş. (2021). Assessment of causal mechanism of ship bunkering oil pollution. Ocean & Coastal Management. 215:105939.
  • Kamal, B. (2021b). The Use of Fuzzy-Bayes Approach on the Causal Factors of Empty Container Repositioning. Marine Technology Society Journal. 55(5): 20-38.
  • Kapnissis, G., Leligou, E. E., & Vaggelas, G. (2020). Blockchain Challenges in Maritime Industry: An Empirical Investigation of the Willingness and the Main Drivers of Adoption by the Hellenic Shipping Industry. Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(12), 779-790.
  • Kara, H. (2019). Deniz Ticaretinde Elektronik Konişmento ve Siber Güvenlik. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi. (37):75-106. ISSN: 1309-6826.
  • Lenka, S., Parida, V., & Wincent, J. (2017). Digitalization capabilities as enablers of value co‐creation in servitizing firms. Psychology & marketing, 34(1): 92-100.
  • Ma, W. J. M. (2000). Lading without bills: How good is the BOLERO Bill of Lading in Australia? Bond Law Review. 12(2):206-229.
  • Manaadiar, H. (2020). Coronavirus COVID 19 and Bill of Lading. (accessed 18 November 2021).
  • Marsh. M. (2016). Switching From Paper To Electronic Bills Of Lading Has This Led To An Increase Of Documentary Fraud? (accessed 12 November 2021).
  • Mei, Z., Dinwoodie, J. (2005). Electronic shipping documentation in China's international supply chains. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 10(3):198-205. 10.1108/13598540510606250.
  • Meral, Y. (2020). Uluslararası ticaret ve elektronik konişmentonun (BOLERO) rolü. Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 8(1):171-178.
  • Ossadnik, W., Schinke, S., & Kaspar, R. H. (2016). Group aggregation techniques for analytic hierarchy process and analytic network process: a comparative analysis. Group Decision and Negotiation. 25(2):421-457.
  • Park, K. S., Seo, Y. J., Kim, A., & Ha, M. H. (2018). Ship acquisition of shipping companies by sale & purchase activities for sustainable growth: Exploratory fuzzy-AHP application. Sustainability. 10(6): 1763.
  • Petronilho, F., Fonseca, H., & Zúquete, A. (2022). The state of the art of the electronic bill of lading. F1000Research, 11, 991.
  • Philip, K., Gary, A. (2012). Principles Of Marketing. Pearson Prentice Hall: USA. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-216712-3. ISBN-10: 0-13-216712-3.
  • Porter, M.E. (1985). Technology and Competitive Advantage. Journal of Business Strategy. 5(3):60-78.
  • Ren, J. (2023). Stumbling into the digital era: How can electronic Bills of Lading achieve functional and legal equivalence to paper Bills of Lading? (Doctoral dissertation, University of Southampton).
  • Satir, T. (2014). Ballast water treatment systems: design, regulations, and selection under the choice varying priorities. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21(18):10686-10695.
  • Seo, Y. J., Ha, M. H., Yang, Z., & Bhattacharya, S. (2018). The ship management firm selection: the case of South Korea. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics. 34(3):256-265.
  • Todd, P. (2019). Electronic bills of lading, blockchains and smart contracts. International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 27(4): 339-371.
  • Turk P&I. (2021). Elektronik Konşimento: Yeni bir dönem mi başlıyor? (accessed 13 November 2021).
  • Wunderlich S., Saive D. (2020). The Electronic Bill of Lading. In: Prieto J., Das A., Ferretti S., Pinto A., Corchado J. (eds) Blockchain and Applications. BLOCKCHAIN 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1010. Springer, Cham.
  • Yıldız, R. Ö., Baştuğ, S. (2018). Blok Zincir Teknolojisi Kapsamında Elektronik Konşimento. In Karakuş, A., İyem, C. (eds). IV. International Caucasus-Central Asia Foreign Trade and Logistics Congress Proceeding Book, pp(41-52). Adnan Menderes University. September, 7-8. Didim/AYDIN.
  • Zadeh, L.A. (1965). Fuzzy sets. Information and Control. 8(3):338-353.
  • ZIM. (2017). ZIM's Groundbreaking Blockchain-Based Bill of Lading. (20 February 2020).
  • Ziakas, V. (2018). Challenges regarding the electronic bill of lading (Ebol). International Journal of Commerce and Finance. 4(2): 40-45. Corpus ID: 169258268.

Elektronik Konşimentoya Geçiş Engellerinin Değerlendirilmesinde Bulanık AHP Uygulaması

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 89 – 104, 01.06.2024


Teknolojideki gelişmeler, son yıllarda geleneksel kâğıt tabanlı konşimentoyu elektronik konşimento (eBL) formatına dönüştürmüştür. Bu bağlamda, deniz taşımacılığı endüstrisinde farklı eBL sistemleri tanıtılmış ve giderek daha fazla kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda bazı büyük denizyolu konteyner hatları son dönemde müşterilerine eBL hizmetlerini deklare etmeye başlamışlardır. Ancak, eBL sistemlerini kullanan herhangi bir Türkiye menşeili denizyolu konteyner taşıma hattına rastlanmadığı gözlemlenmiştir. Bu nedenle, Türkiye’deki denizyolu konteyner nakliye hatlarını göz önüne alarak, bu çalışma Türkiye’de eBL sistemlerine geçiş engellerini açıklamaya çalışmaktadır. Engeller, literatür taraması yoluyla ortaya çıkarılmış ve endüstri uzmanları tarafından onaylanmıştır. Daha sonra önemlerini nicel olarak önceliklendirmek için Fuzzy-AHP yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Ana engeller arasında yasal engelin en önemli bariyer olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Dijitalleşme, Konteyner taşımacılığı, Elektronik konşimento, Geçiş engelleri, Bulanık AHP


  • Arıman, M. M., & Erol, S. (2023). Denizyolu Taşımacılığında Elektronik Konşimento Kavramı: Türkiye Açısından Mevzuat Analizi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi, 108-128.
  • Alphaliner. (2022). Top 100 List. (accessed 28 February 2022).
  • Balcı, G. (2021). Digitalization in Container Shipping Services: Critical Resources for Competitive Advantage. Journal of ETA Maritime Science, 9(1), 3-12. 10.4274/jems.2021.47364.
  • Beşikçi, E. B., Kececi, T., Arslan, O., & Turan, O. (2016). An application of fuzzy-AHP to ship operational energy efficiency measures. Ocean Engineering, 121: 392-402.
  • Chang, C. H., Xu, J., Dong, J., & Yang, Z. (2019a). Selection of effective risk mitigation strategies in container shipping operations. Maritime Business Review. 4(4): 413-431.
  • Chang, C-H, Wenming, S, Wei, Z, Changki, P and Kontovas, C, A. (2019b). Evaluating cybersecurity risks in the maritime industry: a literature review. In: Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) Conference. (International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), 29 October 2019 – 01 November 2019, Tokyo).
  • Chang, D. Y. (1996). Applications of the extent analysis method on fuzzy AHP. European journal of operational research, 95(3): 649-655.
  • Civelek, M. E., & Özalp, A. (2018). Blockchain technology and final challenge for paperless foreign trade. Eurasian Academy of Sciences Eurasian Business & Economics Journal, 15:1-8. 10.17740/eas.econ.2018.V15-01.
  • Civelek, M. E., Uca, N., Çemberci, M. (2015). eUCP and electronic commerce investments: E-signature and paperless foreign trade. Eurasian Academy of Sciences, Eurasian Business & Economics Journal, 3:60-70. 10.17740/eas.econ.2015‐V3‐05.
  • CMA-CGM. (2019). Use Paperless bills of lading. (accessed 21 February 2021).
  • Çakir, E. (2019). İş yeri tehlikeleri ve mesleki riskler: Ticaret gemilerinde meydana gelen iş kazaları üzerine bir inceleme. Dokuz Eylül University, Social Science Institute, Phd Thesis.
  • Davies, M. A. (1994). A multicriteria decision model application for managing group decisions. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 45(1):47-58.
  • Digital Container Shipping Association. (2020). eBill of Lading. (accessed 01 December 2021).
  • Doan, T. M. A. (2018). Switching paper to electronic bills of lading: legal perspective and reform options for Vietnam.
  • Dubovec, M. (2005). The problems and possibilities for using electronic bills of lading as collateral. Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law. 23(2): 437-466.
  • Ergin, A. (2021). A fuzzy AHP approach to evaluating differences between ocean container carriers and their customers. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics. 13(3-4):402-421.
  • Global Trade Review. (2020). DCSA standardizes electronic bill of lading. (01 December 2021).
  • Global Trade Review. (2021a). IG P&I approves TradeLens electronic bill of lading systems for its members. (accessed 01 December 2021).
  • Global Trade Review. (2021b). Singapore amends law to give eBLs and other electronic trade instruments legal footing. (01 December 2021).
  • Gunasekaran, A., Subramanian, N., & Papadopoulos, T. (2017). Information technology for competitive advantage within logistics and supply chains: A review. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 99:14-33.
  • Ha, M., Yang, Z., & Seo, Y. (2021). Port Performance Measurement from a Multi-stakeholder Perspective. International Encyclopedia of Transportation. 4: 396-406.
  • Ho, C. C. (2011). Optimal evaluation of infectious medical waste disposal companies using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Waste management, 31(7), 1553-1559.
  • Hsieh, T. Y., Lu, S. T., Tzeng, G. H. (2004). Fuzzy MCDM approach for planning and design tenders selection in public office buildings. International journal of project management, 22(7): 573-584.
  • İstemi, Z. (2020). Devredilebilir Elektronik Kayıtlar Hakkında UNCITRAL Model Kanunu. Çankaya Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi. 5(1):1171-1797.
  • Kamal, B. (2019). Deniz Taşımacılığında Risk Sermayesi. Kent Akademisi.12(3):618-633.
  • Kamal, B. (2021a). Elektronik Konşimentoya Geçişin Önündeki Engellerin Değerlendirilmesi, International Congress on Scientific Advances, 22-25 December, 2021.
  • Kamal, B., Kara, G., & Okşaş, O. (2020). An Application Of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process To Overcapacity Absorbing Methods In Container Shipping. International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 162(4): 331-344. 2020.a4.617.
  • Kamal, B., Kutay, Ş. (2021). Assessment of causal mechanism of ship bunkering oil pollution. Ocean & Coastal Management. 215:105939.
  • Kamal, B. (2021b). The Use of Fuzzy-Bayes Approach on the Causal Factors of Empty Container Repositioning. Marine Technology Society Journal. 55(5): 20-38.
  • Kapnissis, G., Leligou, E. E., & Vaggelas, G. (2020). Blockchain Challenges in Maritime Industry: An Empirical Investigation of the Willingness and the Main Drivers of Adoption by the Hellenic Shipping Industry. Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(12), 779-790.
  • Kara, H. (2019). Deniz Ticaretinde Elektronik Konişmento ve Siber Güvenlik. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi. (37):75-106. ISSN: 1309-6826.
  • Lenka, S., Parida, V., & Wincent, J. (2017). Digitalization capabilities as enablers of value co‐creation in servitizing firms. Psychology & marketing, 34(1): 92-100.
  • Ma, W. J. M. (2000). Lading without bills: How good is the BOLERO Bill of Lading in Australia? Bond Law Review. 12(2):206-229.
  • Manaadiar, H. (2020). Coronavirus COVID 19 and Bill of Lading. (accessed 18 November 2021).
  • Marsh. M. (2016). Switching From Paper To Electronic Bills Of Lading Has This Led To An Increase Of Documentary Fraud? (accessed 12 November 2021).
  • Mei, Z., Dinwoodie, J. (2005). Electronic shipping documentation in China's international supply chains. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 10(3):198-205. 10.1108/13598540510606250.
  • Meral, Y. (2020). Uluslararası ticaret ve elektronik konişmentonun (BOLERO) rolü. Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 8(1):171-178.
  • Ossadnik, W., Schinke, S., & Kaspar, R. H. (2016). Group aggregation techniques for analytic hierarchy process and analytic network process: a comparative analysis. Group Decision and Negotiation. 25(2):421-457.
  • Park, K. S., Seo, Y. J., Kim, A., & Ha, M. H. (2018). Ship acquisition of shipping companies by sale & purchase activities for sustainable growth: Exploratory fuzzy-AHP application. Sustainability. 10(6): 1763.
  • Petronilho, F., Fonseca, H., & Zúquete, A. (2022). The state of the art of the electronic bill of lading. F1000Research, 11, 991.
  • Philip, K., Gary, A. (2012). Principles Of Marketing. Pearson Prentice Hall: USA. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-216712-3. ISBN-10: 0-13-216712-3.
  • Porter, M.E. (1985). Technology and Competitive Advantage. Journal of Business Strategy. 5(3):60-78.
  • Ren, J. (2023). Stumbling into the digital era: How can electronic Bills of Lading achieve functional and legal equivalence to paper Bills of Lading? (Doctoral dissertation, University of Southampton).
  • Satir, T. (2014). Ballast water treatment systems: design, regulations, and selection under the choice varying priorities. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21(18):10686-10695.
  • Seo, Y. J., Ha, M. H., Yang, Z., & Bhattacharya, S. (2018). The ship management firm selection: the case of South Korea. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics. 34(3):256-265.
  • Todd, P. (2019). Electronic bills of lading, blockchains and smart contracts. International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 27(4): 339-371.
  • Turk P&I. (2021). Elektronik Konşimento: Yeni bir dönem mi başlıyor? (accessed 13 November 2021).
  • Wunderlich S., Saive D. (2020). The Electronic Bill of Lading. In: Prieto J., Das A., Ferretti S., Pinto A., Corchado J. (eds) Blockchain and Applications. BLOCKCHAIN 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1010. Springer, Cham.
  • Yıldız, R. Ö., Baştuğ, S. (2018). Blok Zincir Teknolojisi Kapsamında Elektronik Konşimento. In Karakuş, A., İyem, C. (eds). IV. International Caucasus-Central Asia Foreign Trade and Logistics Congress Proceeding Book, pp(41-52). Adnan Menderes University. September, 7-8. Didim/AYDIN.
  • Zadeh, L.A. (1965). Fuzzy sets. Information and Control. 8(3):338-353.
  • ZIM. (2017). ZIM's Groundbreaking Blockchain-Based Bill of Lading. (20 February 2020).
  • Ziakas, V. (2018). Challenges regarding the electronic bill of lading (Ebol). International Journal of Commerce and Finance. 4(2): 40-45. Corpus ID: 169258268.

Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Deniz Ulaştırma Mühendisliği
BölümAraştırma Makalesi



Erken Görünüm Tarihi6 Mart 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi1 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi13 Ekim 2023
Kabul Tarihi19 Şubat 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APAKamal, B., & Bayazit, O. (2024). Application of Fuzzy AHP for Assessment of Transitional Barriers to Electronic Bill of Lading. Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences, 10(2), 89-104.

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