Professional competence of future costume specialists based on the research of international experience

Professional competence of future costume specialists based on the research of international experience [Text] : monograph / M. Shanguzhinova ; T. K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts ; Faculty of Theatre Art ; [Scientific adviser V. Lublina]… – Almaty : Lantar Trade LLP, 2020. – 282 p. . – Bibliogr.: p. 169-198 . – 500 cop. – 978-601-265-373-1 (h. c.) : 5 tg.

Subject heading:

Professional training of students in the clothing industry. Monographs


The monograph reveals the current aspects of the Formation professional competence of future costume specialists based on the research of international experience


Shanguzhinova, M.


Қазақстан Республикасының Ұлттық академиялық кітапханасы (Астана қ.)

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