Formation of the professional competence of students-future teachers of Vocational Training in the system of Higher education in Kazakhstan

Formation of the professional competence of students-future teachers of Vocational Training in the system of Higher education in Kazakhstan [Text] : monograph / M. Zhanguzhinova ; Rezekne Academy of Technologies ; Faculty of Education, Languages and Design ; [Scientific adviser V. Lublina ; Latvian language corrector: V. Ansone]… – Rezekne : Rezekne Academy of Technologies, 2018. – 265 p. – Text in English, Latvian . – Bibliogr.: p. 137-158 . – [n. c.] – 978-9984-44-219-8 (h. c.) : 5 tg.

Subject heading:

Academic teaching methods. Monographs


The monograph reveals the regularities and dynamics of the process of formation of professional competence of students – future teachers of professional training in the process of professional training


Zhanguzhinova, M.


Қазақстан Республикасының Ұлттық академиялық кітапханасы (Астана қ.)

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