Namkhainyambuu, Ts[erendashijn], Bounty from the Sheep. Autobiography of a Herdsman, translated by Mary Rossabi, introduction by Morris Rossabi (Cambridge U.K., The White Horse Press, for The Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit, University of Cambridge, 2000)

Aubin Françoise. Namkhainyambuu, Ts[erendashijn], Bounty from the Sheep. Autobiography of a Herdsman, translated by Mary Rossabi, introduction by Morris Rossabi (Cambridge U.K., The White Horse Press, for The Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit, University of Cambridge, 2000). In: Études mongoles et sibériennes, cahier 32, 2001. L’épopée orale turque d’Asie centrale – Contes épiques nanaïs. pp. 177-179.

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