[en] | ISIRTA plays, A-C

ISIRTA plays, A-C

I’m Sorry, I’ll Read That Again
A – C plays
Running time30 minutes
Country of originUnited Kingdom
Home stationBBC Home Service
StarringTim Brooke-Taylor
John Cleese
Graeme Garden
David Hatch
Jo Kendall
Bill Oddie

Plays, with titles beginning with ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ on the radio comedy programme “I’m Sorry, I’ll Read That Again

A plays

Ali Baba and the 38 Thieves


Structure of the episode

Alice in Wonderland


  • Narrators ― Graeme Garden, John Cleese, Tim Brooke-Taylor, and David Hatch
  • Alice ― Jo Kendall
  • The Little White Looney…er, Rabbit ― David Hatch
  • The Red Queen (Lady Constance de Coverlet) ― Tim Brooke-Taylor
  • The Cheshire Cat ― John Cleese
  • The Caterpillar ― Bill Oddie
  • Burrow Surveyor ― Graeme Garden
  • Sir Sam Peckinpah, Barrister ― John Cleese
  • Bailiff ― Bill Oddie
  • Old Father William ― Graeme Garden
  • Old Father William’s Companion ― John Cleese
  • Flamingo Mallet ― Bill Oddie
  • Lewis Carroll ― Tim Brooke-Taylor
  • Brian Rix ― Graeme Garden
  • Alice in Sunderland Presenter ― Tim Brooke-Taylor
  • Sleepy and Happy ― Bill Oddie and John Cleese

Structure of the episode

  • Cold Open: The Royal Family ― John Cleese, Jo Kendall, Graeme Garden, Tim Brooke-Taylor, David Hatch, Bill Oddie
  • Vox Pop: Insulting Royal Personages ― John Cleese
  • Skit: Radio Prune: Wedding of the Year Show
  • Skit: It’s a Cock Up ― Graeme Garden, with Tim Brooke-Taylor
  • Skit: Russell Harty Plus ― Tim Brooke-Taylor, with Jo Kendall
  • Prune Play: Alice In Wonderland ― The Cast

All Hands on Venus


Structure of the episode

  • Skit: Club El Carroway

(new Signature Tune: Tango)

  • Skit: Wales Travelogue, Documentary
  • Skit: Operating Theatre
  • Song: “I’m Gonna Live”
  • Play: “All Hands on Venus” (future)

Angus Prune Story

Angus Sotherby’s Detective Agency


Structure of the episode

Audible Road Signs


Structure of the episode

B plays

Beau Legs


Structure of the episode

Billy Bunter of Greyfriars School


  • Narrator ― David Hatch
  • Billy Bunter ― Bill Oddie
  • Mr. Squelch ― Graeme Garden
  • Lady Bunter (Lady Constance de Coverlet) ― Tim Brooke-Taylor
  • Mary ― Jo Kendall
  • Harry Wharton ― Tim Brooke-Taylor
  • Bob Cherry ― Graeme Garden
  • Hurree Jamset Ram Singh ― Graeme Garden
  • Constable ― Bill Oddie
  • Warton’s Pet Chicken ― Tim Brooke-Taylor
  • Catapult ― Graeme Garden
  • Creaking Door ― Bill Oddie
  • Trembling Building ― Jo Kendall
  • Hot Cross Buns ― Graeme Garden
  • Puff Pastry ― Tim Brooke-Taylor
  • Soft Drink ― Tim Brooke-Taylor
  • Cordial Drink ― Graeme Garden
  • Striking Clock ― Tim Brooke-Taylor

Structure of the episode

  • Cold Open: The Stars at Night, with Patrick Bore ― Graeme Garden
  • Skit: The Wireless Doctor ― Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden, Jo Kendall, David Hatch, and Bill Oddie
  • Skit: 9 O’Clock Honours List ― David Hatch
  • Skit: News in Welsh / Minority Programmes ― Graeme Garden, David Hatch, and Jo Kendall
  • Skit: Message from the Director-General / Musical Football Results ― David Hatch and Graeme Garden
  • Song:Nigel Carter-Smith’s Society Band” ― Bill Oddie
  • Prune Play: Billy Bunter of Greyfriars School ― Bill Oddie, Graeme Garden, Tim Brooke-Taylor, Jo Kendall, and David Hatch

Boadicea – The British Army


Structure of the episode

Britain for the British (Ireland)


Structure of the episode

Bunny and Claude


(cast in order of appearance)

Main characters are listed in bold letters

  • Claude — Tim Brooke-Taylor
  • Bunny — Jo Kendall
  • W. C. Moss — Bill Oddie
  • Old Chap — Graeme Garden
  • Police Sergeant — Graeme Garden
  • Police Constable Masher — John Cleese
  • Buck (Bunny’s brother) — David Hatch
  • Blanche (Buck’s Wife) — Tim Brooke-Taylor

Structure of the episode

  • Skit: David Hatch Show (Dave’s Diary) – The Cast
  • Song: “Magical Mystery Four: I Am the Milkman” – Bill Oddie and the Cast
  • Skit: Libel Suit – Tim Brooke-Taylor, John Cleese, and Jo Kendall
  • Play: Bunny and Claude – The Cast

Butler Dunnit


Structure of the episode

C plays


aka “Knights of the Round Table”


Main characters are listed in bold letters

Narrated by David Hatch

  • King Arthur — John Cleese
  • Queen Guinevere — Tim Brooke-Taylor
  • Sir Prancelot — Tim Brooke-Taylor
  • Sir Loin of Worcester — Bill Oddie
  • Lady Fiona — Jo Kendall
  • Black Knight — David Hatch
  • Merlin — Bill Oddie
  • Servant — Tim Brooke-Taylor
  • Jester — Bill Oddie
  • Herald — Tim Brooke-Taylor

extra sounds

  • Seal — courtesy of Bill Oddie
  • Groaning table — courtesy of Tim Brooke-Taylor

Structure of the episode

Canterbury Tables


  • Narrator (Geoffrey Chaucer) ― David Hatch
  • The Miller ― Graeme Garden
  • Mary, the Miller’s Daughter ― Jo Kendall
  • The Prince ― Bill Oddie
  • Granny Prune (Lady Constance de Coverlet) ― Tim Brooke-Taylor
  • Dr. Jake Summoned ― John Cleese
  • PC Rachel Prejudice ― John Cleese
  • Complaining Villager ― Tim Brooke-Taylor
  • Bus Conductor Washed in Salt ― John Cleese
  • Bus Conductor Washed in Fairy Puff ― John Cleese
  • Mice in the Grain Cellar/The Word “Eke” ― John Cleese
  • Groaning Wind ― John Cleese

Structure of the episode

  • Radio Prune Goes Commercial
  • Skit: The Fairy Puff Man Commercial
  • Skit: Home This Afternoon A-Go-Go
  • Skit: Commercial Break
  • Skit: The News
  • Song: “Sunday Evening” ― Bill Oddie and the Cast, featuring Tim Brooke-Taylor (as Lady Constance de Coverlet) and John Cleese
  • Prune Play: The Canterbury Tales

Champion, the Wonder Mouse


Structure of the episode

Catermole Sharp and Dr. Gaskit


Structure of the episode

  • Skit: Audible Road Signs
  • Skit: Astronaut (Quiz show)
  • Skit: Grocery shopping for Warlock (Black Magic)
  • Busker song: “Knitting”
  • Play:”Catermole Sharp and Dr. Gaskit” (Sherlock Holmes)

Champion the Wonder Mouse


Structure of the episode

  • Skit: Good Evening: (Change of Signature Tune)
  • Skit: The Coming of Spring
  • Skit: John and Mary sketch (Production of Humpty Dumpty)
  • Play: “Champion the Wonder Mouse”

(please note: information about this episode is incomplete, due to a breakdown in radio transmission)

A Christmas Carrot


Structure of the episode

Circus Life


Structure of the episode

Cleopatra and Caesar


Structure of the episode

The Colditz Story


  • Narrator — David Hatch
  • Herr General Streich, the Commandant — John Cleese
  • Captain Hetheringham Fotheringham Knockingham Rockingham Fortescue Liberty-Bodice Phipps — Tim Brooke-Taylor
  • Major Jump — Graeme Garden
  • Cockney Soldier — Bill Oddie
  • Other Cockney Soldiers — members of the cast.
  • Lady Constance de Coverlet — Tim Brooke-Taylor

Structure of the episode

  • Intro: “Ministerial Broadcast” – Tim Brooke-Taylor
  • Title credits
  • Skit: Horrifying “Childhood Memories” – John Cleese
  • Skit: Rebel “Radio Terrapin”, including “Three programmes sharing a microphone”.
  • Song : “Bring Back Brian Clough” – Bill Oddie
  • Skit : “The Colditz Story”, featuring John Cleese as the “Camp” Commandant of Colditz Prison. Colditz is filled with Cockney prisoners who he fears are always trying to escape. The prisoners are all named Nobby or Chalky. Cleese takes great delight in the German SS roll call which features such notables as Herr Brush, Herr Net, Herr Restorer, and Herr Cut. The prisoners escape via a tunnel that emerges in the bath of Lady Constance de Coverlet. Later they are caught by the Commandant playing cricket in a church. Bill Oddie explains by reciting a monologue about “The Cricket Bag” that parodies The Deck of Cards as performed by Max Bygraves. The Commandant listens and then has them all shot.

The Curse of the Flying Wombat (13-part serial)

The Curse of the Workington Shillelagh


Structure of the episode

Source: en.wikipedia.org