[en] | List of Latin phrases (C)

This page is one of a series listing English translations of notable Latin phrases, such as veni, vidi, vici and et cetera. Some of the phrases are themselves translations of Greek phrases, as ancient Greek rhetoric and literature started centuries before the beginning of Latin literature in ancient Rome.[1]

This list covers the letter C. See List of Latin phrases for the main list.
cacatum non est pictumThat what’s shat, is not painted.From Gottfried August Bürger‘s Prinzessin Europa (line 60); popularised by Heinrich Heine‘s Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen (XI, 44); also the title of Joseph Haydn‘s canon for four voices, Hob. XXVIIb:16; Ludwig van Beethoven set the text by Bürger as a three-voice canon, WoO 224. Contemporary critics applied this epithet to both of Turner’s Regulus (“Gather ye rosebuds while ye may”, 1909, by John William Waterhouse
combinatio novanew combinationIt is frequently abbreviated comb. nov.. It is used in the life sciences literature when a new name is introduced, e.g. Klebsiella granulomatis comb. nov..comedamus et bibamus, cras enim moriemurlet us eat and drink, for tomorrow we dieLatin translation of no. 72 of John Chrysostom‘s 88 Greek homilies on the Gospel of John,[13] citing Isaiah 22:13communibus annisin common yearsOne year with another; on an average. “Common” here does not mean “ordinary”, but “common to every situation”communibus locisin common placesA term frequently used among philosophical and other writers, implying some medium, or mean relation between several places; one place with another; on a medium. “Common” here does not mean “ordinary”, but “common to every situation”communis opiniocommon opinionprevailing doctrine, generally accepted view (in an academic field), scientific consensus; originally communis opinio doctorum, “common opinion of the doctors”compos mentisin control of the mindDescribes someone of sound mind. Sometimes used ironically. Also a legal principle, non compos mentis (not in control of one’s faculties), used to describe an insane person.concilio et laboreby wisdom and effortMotto of the city of Manchester.concordia cum veritatein harmony with truthMotto of the University of Waterlooconcordia saluswell-being through harmonyMotto of Montreal. It is also the Bank of Montreal coat of arms and motto.concordia parvae res crescuntsmall things grow in harmonyMotto of Merchant Taylors’ School, Northwoodcondemnant quod non intelleguntThey condemn what they do not understand or
They condemn because they do not understandThe quod here is ambiguous: it may be the relative pronoun or a conjunction.condicio sine qua noncondition without which notA required, indispensable condition. Commonly mistakenly rendered with conditio (“seasoning” or “preserving”) in place of condicio (“arrangement” or “condition”).conditur in petrait is founded on the rockMotto of Peterhouse Boys’ School and Peterhouse Girls’ Schoolconfer (cf.)compareThe abbreviation cf. is used in text to suggest a comparison with something else (cf. citation signal).Congregatio Sanctissimi Redemptoris C.Ss.RCongregation of the Most Holy RedeemerRedemptoristsconiunctis viribuswith connected strengthOr “with united powers”. Sometimes rendered conjunctis viribus. Motto of Queen Mary, University of London.consensuwith consentconsuetudo pro lege servaturCustom serves for law.Where there are no specific laws, the matter should be decided by custom;[14] established customs have the force of laws.[15] Also consuetudo est altera lex (custom is another law) and consuetudo vincit communem legem (custom overrules the common law); see also: Consuetudinary.consummatum estIt is completed.The last words of Jesus on the cross in the Latin translation of John 19:30.contemptus mundi/saeculiscorn for the world/timesDespising the secular world. The monk or philosopher‘s rejection of a mundane life and worldly values.contra bonos moresagainst good moralsOffensive to the conscience and to a sense of justice.contra legemagainst lawEspecially in civil law jurisdictions, said of an understanding of a statute that directly contradicts its wording and thus is valid neither by interpretation nor by analogy.contra proferentemagainst the proferrorIn contract law, the doctrine of contractual interpretation which provides that an ambiguous term will be construed against the party that imposed its inclusion in the contract – or, more accurately, against the interests of the party who imposed it.contra spem speroI hope against hopeTitle of a poem by Lesya Ukrainka; it derives from an expression found in Paul’s Letter to the Romans 4:18 (Greek: παρ’ ἐλπίδα ἐπ’ ἐλπίδι, Latin: contra spem in spe[m]) with reference to Abraham the Patriarch who maintained faith in becoming the father of many nations despite being childless and well-advanced in years.contra vim mortis non crescit herba (or salvia) in hortisNo herb (or sage) grows in the gardens against the power of deaththere is no medicine against death; from various medieval medicinal textscontradictio in terminiscontradiction in termsSomething that would embody a contradiction with the very definition of one of its terms; for example, payment for a gift, or a circle with corners. The fallacy of proposing such a thing.contra principia negantem non est disputandumthere can be no debate with those who deny the foundationsDebate is fruitless when you don’t agree on common rules, facts, presuppositions.cor ad cor loquiturheart speaks to heartFrom Augustine‘s Confessions, referring to a prescribed method of prayer: having a “heart to heart” with God. Commonly used in reference to a later quote by Cardinal John Henry Newman. A motto of Newman Clubs.cor aut morsHeart or Death(Your choice is between) The Heart (Moral Values, Duty, Loyalty) or Death (to no longer matter, no longer to be respected as person of integrity.)cor meum tibi offero domine prompte et sinceremy heart I offer to you Lord promptly and sincerelyJohn Calvin‘s personal motto, also adopted by Calvin Collegecor unumone heartA popular school motto and often used as a name for religious and other organisations such as the Pontifical Council Cor Unum.coram Deoin the presence of GodA phrase from Christian theology which summarizes the idea of Christians living in the presence of, under the authority of, and to the honor and glory of God; see also coram Deo.coram episcopoin the presence of the bishopRefers to the celebration of Mass in the Roman Catholic Church where the bishop is present but does not preside over the service.[16]coram nobis, coram vobisin our presence, in your presenceTwo kinds of writs of error, calling for the decision to be reviewed by the same court that made it. Coram nobis is short for quae coram nobis resident (let them, i.e. the matters on the court record, remain before us), and was the form historically used for the Court of King’s Bench; the “us” means the King, who was theoretically the head of that court. Coram vobis is the analogous version (“let the matters remain before you”) for the Court of Common Pleas, where the King did not sit, even notionally.coram populoin the presence of the peopleThus, openly.coram publicoin view of the publicCorpus ChristiBody of ChristThe name of a feast in the Roman Catholic Church commemorating the Eucharist. It is also the name of a city in Texas, Corpus Christi, Texas, the name of Colleges at Oxford and Cambridge universities, and a controversial play.corpus delictibody of the offenceThe fact that a crime has been committed, a necessary factor in convicting someone of having committed that crime; if there was no crime, there can not have been a criminal.Corpus Iuris CanoniciBody of Canon LawThe official compilation of canon law in the Roman Catholic Church (cf. Codex Iuris Canonici).Corpus Iuris CivilisBody of Civil LawThe body of Roman or civil law.corpus vileworthless bodyA person or thing fit only to be the object of an experiment, as in the phrase ‘Fiat experimentum in corpore vili.’corrigendathings to be correctedcorruptio optimi pessimathe corruption of the best is the worstcorruptissima re publica plurimae legesWhen the republic is at its most corrupt the laws are most numerousTacituscorvus oculum corvi non eruita raven does not pick out an eye of another ravencorruptus in extremiscorrupt to the extremeMotto of the fictional Mayor‘s office in The Simpsonscras amet qui nunquam amavit; quique amavit, cras ametMay he who has never loved before, love tomorrow; And may he who has loved, love tomorrow as wellThe refrain from the ‘Pervigilium Veneris’, a poem which describes a three-day holiday in the cult of Venus, located somewhere in Sicily, involving the whole town in religious festivities joined with a deep sense of nature and Venus as the “procreatrix”, the life-giving force behind the natural world.cras es nosterTomorrow, be oursAs “The Future is Ours”, motto of San Jacinto College, Texascreatio ex nihilocreation out of nothingA concept about creation, often used in a theological or philosophical context. Also known as the ‘First Cause’ argument in philosophy of religion. Contrasted with creatio ex materia.Credo in Unum DeumI Believe in One GodThe first words of the Nicene Creed and the Apostles’ Creed.credo quia absurdum estI believe it because it is absurdA very common misquote of Tertullian‘s et mortuus est Dei Filius prorsus credibile quia ineptum est (and the Son of God is dead: in short, it is credible because it is unfitting), meaning that it is so absurd to say that God’s son has died that it would have to be a matter of belief, rather than reason. The misquoted phrase, however, is commonly used to mock the dogmatic beliefs of the religious (see fideism). This phrase is commonly shortened to credo quia absurdum, and is also sometimes rendered credo quia impossibile est (I believe it because it is impossible) or, as Darwin used it in his autobiography, credo quia incredibile.credo ut intelligamI believe so that I may understandA motto of St Anselm, used as the motto of St. Anselm Hall, Manchestercrescamus in Illo per omniaMay we grow in Him through all thingsMotto of Cheverus High School.crescat scientia vita excolaturlet knowledge grow, let life be enrichedMotto of the University of Chicago. Often rendered in English as “Let knowledge grow from more to more, And so be human life enriched,” so as to achieve an iambic meter.crescente luceLight ever increasingMotto of James Cook University. Crescite et multiplicaminiIncrease and multiplyMotto of Maryland until 1874.crescit cum commercio civitasCivilization prospers with commerceMotto of Claremont McKenna College.crescit eundoit grows as it goesFrom LucretiusDe rerum natura book VI, where it refers in context to the motion of a thunderbolt across the sky, which acquires power and momentum as it goes. This metaphor was adapted as the state motto of New Mexico (adopted in 1887 as the territory’s motto, and kept in 1912 when New Mexico received statehood) and is seen on the seal. Also the motto of Rocky Mount, Virginia and Omega Delta Phi.cruci dum spiro fidowhile I live, I trust in the cross, Whilst I trust in the Cross I have lifeMotto of the Sisters of Loreto (IBVM) and its associated schools.cucullus non facit monachumThe hood does not make the monkWilliam Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, act 1, scene 5, 53–54[17]cui bonoGood for whom?“Who benefits?” An adage in criminal investigation which suggests that considering who would benefit from an unwelcome event is likely to reveal who is responsible for that event (cf. cui prodest). Also the motto of the Crime Syndicate of America, a fictional supervillain group. The opposite is cui malo (Bad for whom?).cui prodestfor whom it advancesShort for cui prodest scelus is fecit (for whom the crime advances, he has done it) in Seneca‘s Medea. Thus, the murderer is often the one who gains by the murder (cf. cui bono).cuique suumto each his owncuius est solum, eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferosWhose the land is, all the way to the sky and to the underworld is his.First coined by Accursius of Bologna in the 13th century. A Roman legal principle of property law that is no longer observed in most situations today. Less literally, “For whosoever owns the soil, it is theirs up to the sky and down to the depths.”cuius regio, eius religiowhose region, his religionThe privilege of a ruler to choose the religion of his subjects. A regional prince’s ability to choose his people’s religion was established at the Peace of Augsburg in 1555.cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.Anyone can err, but only the fool persists in his faultCicero, Philippica XII, 5.culpafaultAlso “blame” or “guilt“. In law, an act of neglect. In general, guilt, sin, or a fault. See also mea culpa.cum gladiis et fustibuswith swords and clubsFrom the Bible. Occurs in Matthew 26:47 and Luke 22:52.cum gladio et salewith sword and saltMotto of a well-paid soldier. See salary.cum grano saliswith a grain of saltNot to be taken too seriously or as the literal truth.cum hoc ergo propter hocwith this, therefore on account of thisFallacy of assuming that correlation implies causation.cum laudewith praiseThe standard formula for academic Latin honors in the United States. Greater honors include magna cum laude and summa cum laude.cum mortuis in lingua mortuawith the dead in a dead languageMovement from Pictures at an Exhibition by Modest Mussorgskycum privilegio ad imprimendum solumwith the exclusive right to printCopyright notice used in 16th-century England, used for comic effect in The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare[18] where Lucentio is urged by his servant Biondello to “seize your privilege to declare her [Bianca] yours alone”.cuncti adsint meritaeque expectent praemia palmaelet all come who by merit deserve the most rewardMotto of University College London.cupio dissolvidesire to be dissolvedFrom the Bible, locution indicating a will to death (“I want to die”).cur Deus HomoWhy the God-ManThe question attributed to Anselm in his work of by this name, wherein he reflects on why the Christ of Christianity must be both fully Divine and fully Human. Often translated “why did God become Man?”cura personaliscare for the whole personMotto of Georgetown University School of Medicine and University of Scrantoncura te ipsumtake care of your own selfExhortation to physicians, or experts in general, to deal with their own problems before addressing those of otherscurriculum vitaecourse of lifeAn overview of a person’s life and qualifications, similar to a résumécustodi civitatem, Domineguard the city, O LordMotto of the City of Westminstercustos morumkeeper of moralsA censorcygnis insignisdistinguished by its swansMotto of Western Australiacygnus inter anatesswan among ducks


  1. ^ Peter A. Mackridge; Robert Browning; Donald William Lucas; et al. “Greek literature”. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 5 August 2024.
  2. ^ “Turner Inspired: In the Light of Claude, National Gallery, WC2 – review” by Brian Sewell, Evening Standard, 15 March 2012
  3. ^ cacoēthes. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
  4. ^ κακοήθης. Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert; A Greek–English Lexicon at the Perseus Project
  5. ^ “Epistula XI”. Epistularum Q. Horatii Flacci Liber Primus. The Society for Ancient Languages. Archived from the original on 2013-06-26. Retrieved 2013-05-29.
  6. ^ Adeleye, Gabriel (1999). Sienkewicz, Thomas J. (ed.). World Dictionary of Foreign Expressions. Bolchazy-Carducci. p. 55. ISBN 0865164231.
  7. ^ Saint Augustine. Liber Quartusdecimus. Opera Omnia of St. Augustine. Rome: Città Nuova. Archived from the original on 2010-12-13. Retrieved 2013-07-12.
  8. ^ Tacitus, Histories, 1.49
  9. ^ “Caritas Christi Urget Nos Definition”.
  10. ^ Caritas in Veritate, in English
  11. ^ “Simon Who? The Story Behind a Playground Favorite Simon Says”. 23 January 2017.
  12. ^ “De rosis nascentibus” Archived 2007-08-11 at the Wayback Machine, Bibliotheca Augustina
  13. ^ John Chrysostom’s 88 Homilies on the Gospel of John, “Homily 72, 4.19”, Chrysostomus Latinus in Iohannem Online (CLIO)
  14. ^ Jon R. Stone, More Latin for the Illiterati, Routledge, 1999, p. 53.
  15. ^ Giles Jacob, A Law Grammar, W. Clarke & Sons, 1817, p. 3.
  16. ^ New Liturgical Movement, First Mass Celebrated Coram Episcopo in Wisconsin, published 6 July 2018, accessed 25 November 2022
  17. ^ Twelfth Night 1.5/53–54, Folger Shakespeare Library
  18. ^ The Taming of the Shrew 4.4/94, Folger Shakespeare Library

Further reading

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