Asymmetric, Pluralistic or Distinctive? Secularism in India and Malaysia within Comparative Perspective

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 11 – 20, 09.08.2024


Bu makale, Hindistan ve Malezya’da laikliğin karmaşık ve nüanslı doğasını ele alarak, sabit ve evrensel bir tanımın sorgulanmasını amaçlamaktadır. Makale, söz konusu ülkelerin, çeşitli dini görünümlerine rağmen, laik yönetimlere farklı yaklaşımlar benimsediğini inceler. Hindistan’da laiklik, dini meselelerde tarafsızlık ilkesi olarak görülmekte olup, Anayasa’nın dini özgürlük ve eşitlik için getirdiği hükümlerde yansıtılmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, makale, Hindistan’daki laikliğin içerdiği zorluklar ve çelişkileri Shah Bano davası örneğiyle ele almakta dini medeni hukuk ile laik prensipler arasındaki gerilimleri ortaya koymaktadır. Öte yandan, Malezya’nın laikliğe yaklaşımı belirgin bir şekilde farklıdır, İslam’ın üstün din ilan edilmesi ve devlet yasaları ile kurumlarını etkilemesiyle belirgindir. Buna rağmen Malezya’nın anayasası laiktir ve makale, Malezya’nın İslami ve laik yönetim arasında nasıl gezindiğini, hukuki yorumlar ve çift hukuk sistemiyle göstermektedir. Genel olarak, makale, laikliğin yeniden değerlendirilmesini savunmakta, küresel olarak çeşitli laik uygulamaları dikkate alan ve bunları dini özgürlük, eşitlik ve hoşgörü prensipleri temelinde değerlendiren bir çerçeve önermektedir.

Anahtar Kelimeler

laiklik, Hindistan, Malezya, devlet, din


  • Adil, M. A. M. (2017). The Federal Constitution: Is Malaysia a Secular State?. Islam and Civilisational Renewal, 8:3
  • Ahmad, S. R. (2017). The Minority Status of Aligarh Muslim Univeristy. ILI Law Review, 1: 109- 125. Retrieved from (19.02.2024)
  • Almeida, R. (2015). Secularism and ‘Gazetted’ Holidays in India. In M. Rectenwald, R. Almeida and G. Levine (eds.), Global Secularisms in a Post-Secular Age (pp.155-170). Boston-Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Asad, T. (2003). Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity. California: Stanford University Press.
  • Bakashmar, M. (2017). Religion and politics in Malaysia: A case for “Semi-Secularism”?. International Journal of Islamic Thoughts, 5(2), 1-15. Retrieved from (19.02.2024)
  • Berger, P. (ed.) (1999). The Desecularization of the World: The Resurgence of Religion in World Politics. Grand Rapids, Mich: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.
  • Berger, P. (2008). Secularization Falsified. First Things. Retrieved from rization-falsified (19.02.2024)
  • Berger, P. (2014). The Many Altars of Modernity: Towards a Paradigm for Religion in a Pluralist Age. Boston/Berlin: 4de Gruyter Press.
  • Bhargava, R. (2008). Political Secularism. In John S. Dryzek, Bonnie Honig, and Anne Phillips (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory (pp.636-55). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Bhargava, R. (2010). The ‘Secular Ideal’ before Secularism: A Preliminary Sketch. In Linell E. Cady and Elizabeth Shakman Hurd (eds.), Comparative Secularisms in a Global Age (pp. 159-180). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Blitz, D. (2021). Indira Gandhi used ‘secularism’ for hiding her faults. Retrieved from
  • Cady, L. E. and E. S. Hurd (eds.) (2010). Comparative Secularisms in a Global Age. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Casanova, J. (1994). Public Religions in the Modern World. University of Chicago Press.
  • Elenjimittam, A. (1951). Philosophy and Action of the R.S.S for the Hind Swaraj. Laxmi Publications.
  • Fatangare, G. (2020). Socialism and Secularism: Controversy over the Preamble of the Constitution. Indian Law Portal. Retrieved from (14.03.2024)
  • Fernando, J. M. (2006). The Position of Islam in the Constitution of Malaysia. Journal of Southeast Asia Studies, 37(2), 249- 265.
  • Jacobsohn, G. J. (2003). The Wheel of Law: India’s Secularism in Comparative Constitutional Context. Princeton University Press.
  • Habermas, J. (2008). Notes on Post-Secular Society. New Perspectives Quarterly, 25, 17-29.
  • Hoffstaedter, G. (2013). Secular state, religious lives: Islam and the state in Malaysia. Asian Ethnicity, 14(4), 475-489.
  • Holyoake, G. J. (1871). The Principles of Secularism. London: Austin & Co.
  • Hurd, E. S. (2007). Theorizing Religious Resurgence. International Politics, 44, 647-665. Indian Constitution. Retrieved from (19.02.2024)
  • Madan, T. N. (1997). Modern Myths, Locked Minds: Secularism and Fundamentalism in India. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
  • Madan, T. N. (2011). Sociological Traditions: Methods and Perspectives in the Sociology of India. Delhi: Sage Publications. Malaysian Constitution. Retrieved from p:// malaysia/malays-e.htm (19.02.2024) Malaysian profile of population. Retrieved from hics_profile.html) (19.02.2024)
  • Moustafa, T. (2013). Judging in God’s Name, State Power, Secularism, and the Politics of Islamic Law in Malaysia. Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, 3, 1- 16.
  • Shad, S. F. Is Malaysia an Islamic State? (2003). In A. Razak, A. Baginda and P. Schier (eds.), Is Malaysia an Islamic State?: Secularism and Theocracy, a Study of the Malaysian Constitution (pp.13–75). Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Strategic Research Centre & Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation. Shah Bano case. Retrieved from 07-22.2150472804/file (19.02.2024)
  • Stepan, A. (2010). Multiple Secularisms of Modern Democratic and Non-Democratic Regimes. American Political Science Association Meeting. Washington D.C.
  • Stilt, K. (2015). Contextualizing constitutional Islam: The Malayan Experience. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 13(2), 407-433.
  • Rectenwald, M., R. Almeida, and G. Levine (2015). Global Secularisms in a Post-Secular Age. Boston-Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Rosdi, M. S. M. and N. H. M. Shafie (2016). Declaration Of Malaysia As An Islamic State In The Era Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s Governance: Implications Towards Political Economics In Islamic Ways. International Journal of Management and Economics Invention, 2(3).
  • Roychowdhury, A. (2017). Secularism: Why Nehru dropped and Indira inserted the S-word in the Constitution. The Indian Express, Retrieved from
  • Thakur, P. (2023). Row over 'secular' and 'socialist': How and why were the words added to the Preamble. India Today. Retrieved from 2023-09-20
  • Wohlrab-Sahr, M. and M. Burchardt (2012). Multiple Secularities: Toward a Cultural Sociology of Secular Modernities. Comparative Sociology, 11(6), 875-909.

Asymmetric, Pluralistic or Distinctive? Secularism in India and Malaysia within Comparative Perspective

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 11 – 20, 09.08.2024


This article explores the nuanced and complex nature of secularism in India and Malaysia, challenging the notion of a fixed, universal definition. It examines how these countries, despite their diverse religious landscapes, have adopted distinct approaches to secular governance. In India, secularism is seen as a principle of impartiality in religious matters, reflected in the Constitution’s provisions for religious freedom and equality. However, the article also delves into the challenges and contradictions within Indian secularism, such as the Shah Bano case, which revealed tensions between religious personal laws and secular principles. On the other hand, Malaysia’s approach to secularism is markedly different, with Islam being declared the supreme religion and influencing state laws and institutions. Despite this, Malaysia’s constitution is secular, and the article discusses how the country navigates between Islamic and secular governance, as seen in legal interpretations and the dual legal system. Overall, the article argues for a reevaluation of secularism, proposing a framework that considers the diversity of secular practices globally and evaluates them based on principles of religious freedom, equality, and tolerance.

Anahtar Kelimeler

secularism, India, Malaysia, state, religion


  • Adil, M. A. M. (2017). The Federal Constitution: Is Malaysia a Secular State?. Islam and Civilisational Renewal, 8:3
  • Ahmad, S. R. (2017). The Minority Status of Aligarh Muslim Univeristy. ILI Law Review, 1: 109- 125. Retrieved from (19.02.2024)
  • Almeida, R. (2015). Secularism and ‘Gazetted’ Holidays in India. In M. Rectenwald, R. Almeida and G. Levine (eds.), Global Secularisms in a Post-Secular Age (pp.155-170). Boston-Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Asad, T. (2003). Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity. California: Stanford University Press.
  • Bakashmar, M. (2017). Religion and politics in Malaysia: A case for “Semi-Secularism”?. International Journal of Islamic Thoughts, 5(2), 1-15. Retrieved from (19.02.2024)
  • Berger, P. (ed.) (1999). The Desecularization of the World: The Resurgence of Religion in World Politics. Grand Rapids, Mich: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.
  • Berger, P. (2008). Secularization Falsified. First Things. Retrieved from rization-falsified (19.02.2024)
  • Berger, P. (2014). The Many Altars of Modernity: Towards a Paradigm for Religion in a Pluralist Age. Boston/Berlin: 4de Gruyter Press.
  • Bhargava, R. (2008). Political Secularism. In John S. Dryzek, Bonnie Honig, and Anne Phillips (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory (pp.636-55). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Bhargava, R. (2010). The ‘Secular Ideal’ before Secularism: A Preliminary Sketch. In Linell E. Cady and Elizabeth Shakman Hurd (eds.), Comparative Secularisms in a Global Age (pp. 159-180). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Blitz, D. (2021). Indira Gandhi used ‘secularism’ for hiding her faults. Retrieved from
  • Cady, L. E. and E. S. Hurd (eds.) (2010). Comparative Secularisms in a Global Age. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Casanova, J. (1994). Public Religions in the Modern World. University of Chicago Press.
  • Elenjimittam, A. (1951). Philosophy and Action of the R.S.S for the Hind Swaraj. Laxmi Publications.
  • Fatangare, G. (2020). Socialism and Secularism: Controversy over the Preamble of the Constitution. Indian Law Portal. Retrieved from (14.03.2024)
  • Fernando, J. M. (2006). The Position of Islam in the Constitution of Malaysia. Journal of Southeast Asia Studies, 37(2), 249- 265.
  • Jacobsohn, G. J. (2003). The Wheel of Law: India’s Secularism in Comparative Constitutional Context. Princeton University Press.
  • Habermas, J. (2008). Notes on Post-Secular Society. New Perspectives Quarterly, 25, 17-29.
  • Hoffstaedter, G. (2013). Secular state, religious lives: Islam and the state in Malaysia. Asian Ethnicity, 14(4), 475-489.
  • Holyoake, G. J. (1871). The Principles of Secularism. London: Austin & Co.
  • Hurd, E. S. (2007). Theorizing Religious Resurgence. International Politics, 44, 647-665. Indian Constitution. Retrieved from (19.02.2024)
  • Madan, T. N. (1997). Modern Myths, Locked Minds: Secularism and Fundamentalism in India. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
  • Madan, T. N. (2011). Sociological Traditions: Methods and Perspectives in the Sociology of India. Delhi: Sage Publications. Malaysian Constitution. Retrieved from p:// malaysia/malays-e.htm (19.02.2024) Malaysian profile of population. Retrieved from hics_profile.html) (19.02.2024)
  • Moustafa, T. (2013). Judging in God’s Name, State Power, Secularism, and the Politics of Islamic Law in Malaysia. Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, 3, 1- 16.
  • Shad, S. F. Is Malaysia an Islamic State? (2003). In A. Razak, A. Baginda and P. Schier (eds.), Is Malaysia an Islamic State?: Secularism and Theocracy, a Study of the Malaysian Constitution (pp.13–75). Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Strategic Research Centre & Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation. Shah Bano case. Retrieved from 07-22.2150472804/file (19.02.2024)
  • Stepan, A. (2010). Multiple Secularisms of Modern Democratic and Non-Democratic Regimes. American Political Science Association Meeting. Washington D.C.
  • Stilt, K. (2015). Contextualizing constitutional Islam: The Malayan Experience. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 13(2), 407-433.
  • Rectenwald, M., R. Almeida, and G. Levine (2015). Global Secularisms in a Post-Secular Age. Boston-Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Rosdi, M. S. M. and N. H. M. Shafie (2016). Declaration Of Malaysia As An Islamic State In The Era Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s Governance: Implications Towards Political Economics In Islamic Ways. International Journal of Management and Economics Invention, 2(3).
  • Roychowdhury, A. (2017). Secularism: Why Nehru dropped and Indira inserted the S-word in the Constitution. The Indian Express, Retrieved from
  • Thakur, P. (2023). Row over 'secular' and 'socialist': How and why were the words added to the Preamble. India Today. Retrieved from 2023-09-20
  • Wohlrab-Sahr, M. and M. Burchardt (2012). Multiple Secularities: Toward a Cultural Sociology of Secular Modernities. Comparative Sociology, 11(6), 875-909.

Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Politika ve Yönetim (Diğer)
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Erken Görünüm Tarihi27 Nisan 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi9 Ağustos 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi14 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi24 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APAYıldız, T. (2024). Asymmetric, Pluralistic or Distinctive? Secularism in India and Malaysia within Comparative Perspective. İzmir Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(1), 11-20.

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