Ayşe Pul. H. 1151-1154 tarihli şer’iyye siciline göre 18. yy’da Isparta’nın sosyo-ekonomik ve idari yapısına dair bir araştırma. Yüksek lisans tezi (1994)

Tez KünyeDurumu
H. 1151-1154 tarihli şer’iyye siciline göre 18. yy’da Isparta’nın sosyo-ekonomik ve idari yapısına dair bir araştırma /
Yer Bilgisi: Ankara Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Konu:Tarih = History
Dizin:18. yüzyıl = 18. century ; Isparta = Isparta ; Sosyoekonomik yapı = Socio-economic structure ; İdari yapı = Administrative structure ; Şeriye sicilleri = Court registers
Yüksek Lisans
268 s.
Summary At the present study, we tried to investigate the socio economic and the adminisrative structures of İsparta in the second half of 18 th century according to Kadi Registers of H.1151-H.1154. İsparta, one of the cities of Pisidia, which had been built on the ruins of Baris has an importance since it is a Diocese Although it was not important place in ancient times, it had began to gain importance beginning from the Middle Ages. İsparta dominated by Hamidogullari for 80 years was sold to Ottomans in the time of Murat I ‘ in 1381. In the Ottoman Period, İsparta was an important center of textile industry. Karpets, Kilims and camlets hamed as bogas were the primary export products of İsparta. The bazaar of Hamid was one of the important one in Southwest Anatolia. As the number of bazaars were steady in İsparta, after 16th century the number of bazaars in adocent regions begin to rise. İsparta has experienced very bad conditions because of rebellions accured 16th century The rebellions accured in 16 th century continued up to 18 th century. İsparta administrative district (kaza) Which belonged to one of the district (sancak) of the Anatolia Province was belonged to the onya Province in 19 th century. At the turn of 20 th century, it was one of the district (sancak) of Konya Province called as Hamid-âbâd.Belonging to the rapid rise in the rate of population, the number of villages and neiberhoods subjected to İsparta had risen.

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