Badem Genotiplerinde Soğuğa Tolerans Genlerinin (PDCBF1 ve PDCBF2) Gen İfade Profillerinin Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 53 Sayı: Özel Sayı 1, 140 – 146, 16.07.2024


In the cultivation of almond (Prunus dulcis), which is one of the temperate climate fruit species, late spring frosts are the leading stress conditions that limit production and determine the growing ecology of the species. Not only genetic variation is low in cultivars belonging to the species, but also differences in tolerance are observed. Genetic mechanism differences between individuals play a role on the basis of this. In this study, gene expression of CBF genes (PdCBF1, PdCBF2), which is thought to be a key regulator of cold tolerance, was determined by Real-Time PCR in 16 almond genotypes, including local and commercial almond varieties of wild almond species (Amygdalus arabica, A.orientalis) that differ in flowering time. As a result of the analysis, the highest gene expression increases in both PdCBF1 and PdCBF2 genes was detected in Bertina cultivar (99.63-fold and 78.62-fold, respectively) while the highest gene expression decrease was detected in Ferraduel cultivar (-59.30-fold and -77.70-fold, respectively). On the other hand, a decrease in gene expression was observed in Gülcan 2, Ferraduel, and Primorski cultivars in terms of both genes, and it is thought that these genotypes may be cold tolerant.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Prunus dulcis, almond, cold tolerance, gene expression, real-time PCR


  • Gilmour, S.J., Fowler, S.G., Thomashow, M.F. 2004. Arabidopsis transcriptional activators CBF1, CBF2 and CBF3 have matching functional activities. Plant Molecular Biology 54:767-781.
  • Vogel, J.T., Zarka, D.G., Van, Buskirk, H.A., Fowler, S.G., Thomashow, M.F. 2005. Roles of the CBF2 and ZAT12 transcription factors in configuring the low temperature transcriptome of Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 41:195-211.
  • Park, S., Lee, C.M., Doherty, C.J., Gilmour, S.J, Kim, Y. vd. 2015. Regulation of the Arabidopsis CBF regulon by a complex low temperature regulatory network. Plant Journal 82(2):193-207.
  • Shi, Y., Ding, Y., Yang, S. 2015. Cold Signal Transduction and Its Interplay with Phythormones During Cold Acclimation. Plant Cell Physiology 56(1):7-15.
  • Owens, C.L., Thomashow, M.F., Hancock, J.F., Iezzoni, A.F. 2002. CBF1 Orthologs in Sour Cherry and Strawberry and the Heterologous Expression of CBF1 in Strawberry. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 127:489-494.
  • Mizoi, J., Shinozaki, K., Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K. 2012. AP2/ERF family transcription factors in plant abiotic stress responses. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1819:86-96.
  • Gilmour, S.J., Zarka, D.G., Stockinger, E.J. Salazar, M.P., Houghton, J.M., Thomashow, M.F. 1998. Low temperature regulation of the Arabidopsis CBF family of AP2 transcriptional activators as an early step in cold-induced COR gene expression. The Plant Journal 16(4):433-442.
  • Thomashow, M.F. 2001. So, what’s new in the field of plant cold acclimation? Lots! Plant Physiology 125:89-93.
  • Medina, J., Bargues, M., Terol, J., Perez-Alonso, M., Salinas, J. 1999. The Arabidopsis CBF gene family is composed of three genes encoding AP2 domain-containing proteins whose expression is regulated by low temperature but not by abscisic acid or dehydration. Plant Physiology 119:463-470.
  • Hoagland, D.R., Arnon, D.I. 1950. The after-culture method for growing plants without soil. California Agricultural Experimental Station Circular 347:1-32.
  • Özdemir, B., Okay, Y., Sarıkamış, G., Özmen, Y., Kibar, U. 2021. Crosstalk between flowering and cold tolerance genes in almonds (Amygdalus spp.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 45(4):484-494.
  • Barros, P.M., Gonçalves N., Nelson J.M., Saibo N.J.M., Oliveira M.M. 2012-a. Functional characterization of two almond C-repeat binding factors involved in cold response. Tree Physiology 32:1113-1128.
  • Barros, P.M., Gonçalves N, Nelson J.M., Saibo N.J.M., Oliveira M.M. 2012-b. Cold acclimation and floral development in almond bud break: insights into the regulatory pathways. Journal of Experimental Botany 63(12):4585-4596.
  • Livak, K.J., Schmittgen, T.D. 2001. Analysis of Relative Gene Expression Data Using Real Time Quantitative PCR and the 2−ΔΔCT Method. Methods 25(4):402-8.
  • Hwarari, D., Guan, Y., Ahmad, B., Movahedi, A., Min, T., Hao, Z., Yang, L. 2022. ICE-CBF-COR signaling cascade and its regulation in plants responding to cold stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(3):1549.
  • Song, Y., Zhang, X., Li, M., Yang, H., Fu, D., Lv, J., Yang, S. 2021. The direct targets of CBFs: in cold stress response and beyond. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 63(11):1874-1887.
  • Zhuang, W., Gao, Z., Wang, L., Zhong, W., Ni, Z., Zhang, Z. 2013. Comparative proteomic and transcriptomic approaches to address the active role of GA4 in Japanese apricot flower bud dormancy release. Journal of Experimental Botany 64:4953-4966.
  • Benedict, C., Skinner, J.S., Meng, R., Chang, Y., Bhalerao, R., Huner, N.P., Finn, C.E., Chen, T.H., Hurry, V. 2006. The CBF1-dependent low temperature signaling pathway, regulon and increase in freeze tolerance are conserved in Populus spp. Plant and Cell Environment 29:1259-1272.
  • El Kayal, W., Navarro, M., Marque, G., Keller, G., Marque, C., Teulieres, C. 2006. Expression profile of CBF-like transcriptional factor genes from Eucalyptus in response to cold. J. Exp. Bot. 57:2455-2469.
  • Welling, A., Palva, E.T. 2008. Involvement of CBF transcription factors in winter hardiness in birch. Plant Physiol. 147:1199-1211.
  • Navarro, M., Marque, G., Ayax, C., Keller, G., Borges, J.P., Marque, C., Teulieres, C. 2009. Complementary regulation of four Eucalyptus CBF genes under various cold conditions. J. Exp. Bot. 60:2713-2724.
  • Wisniewski, M., Norelli, J., Bassett, C., Artlip, T., Macarisin, D. 2011. Ectopic expression of a novel peach (Prunus persica) CBF transcription factor in apple (Malus × domestica) results in short-day induced dormancy and increased cold hardiness. Planta 233:971-983.
  • Guo, C., Zhang, J.Q., Peng, T., Bao, M.Z., Zhang, J.W. 2014. Structural and expression analyses of three PmCBFs from Prunus mume. Biologia Plantarum 58:247-255. Peng, T., Guo, C., Yang, J., Xu, M., Zuo, J., Bao, M. and Zhang, J. 2016. Overexpression of a Mei (Prunus mume) CBF gene confers tolerance to freezing and oxidative stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 126, 373-385.
  • Alisoltani, A., Shiran, B., Fallahi, H., Ebrahimie, E. 2015. Gene regulatory network in almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.) in response to frost stress. Tree Genetics and Genomes 11(5):1-15.
  • Liang, L., Zhang, B., Yin, X., Xu, C., Sun, C., Chen, K., 2013. Differential Expression of the CBF Gene Family During Postharvest Cold Storage and Subsequent Shelf-Life of Peach Fruit. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 31:1358-1367.
  • Jiao, Y., Shen, Z., Yan, J. 2017. Transcriptome analysis of peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) stigma in response to low-temperature stress with digital gene expression profiling. Journal Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 26(2):141-148.

Badem Genotiplerinde Soğuğa Tolerans Genlerinin (PDCBF1 ve PDCBF2) Gen İfade Profillerinin Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 53 Sayı: Özel Sayı 1, 140 – 146, 16.07.2024


Ilıman iklim meyve türlerinden olan badem (Prunus dulcis) yetiştiriciliğinde ilkbahar geç donları üretimi kısıtlayan ve türün yetiştirilme ekolojisini belirleyen stres koşullarının başında gelmektedir. Bitkilerde soğuğa tolerans konusundaki seleksiyonlar çoğunlukla fenolojik gözlemlere dayandırılmaktadır. Türe ait çeşitlerde genetik varyasyon düşük olmakla birlikte toleransta da farklılıklar görülmekte, bunun temelinde ise bireyler arası genetik mekanizma farklılığı rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, çiçeklenme süresi bakımından farklılık gösteren yabani badem türleri (Amygdalus arabica, A.orientalis), yerel ve ticari badem çeşitleri de dahil olmak üzere 16 badem genotipinde, soğuğa toleransta anahtar düzenleyici olduğu düşünülen CBF genlerinin (PdCBF1, PdCBF2) real-time PCR ile gen ifade analizleri gerçekleştirilmiş ve soğuğa toleranslılıkla ilgili genotipler arası karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda, hem PdCBF1 hem de PdCBF2 geninde en fazla gen ifade artışı Bertina çeşidinde (sırası ile 99.63 kat ve 78.62 kat) olurken, en fazla gen ifade azalışı ise Ferraduel çeşidinde (sırası ile -59.30 ve -77.70 kat) tespit edilmiştir. Diğer yandan, Gülcan 2, Ferraduel ve Primorski çeşitlerinde ise her iki gen bakımından da gen ifade azalışı gözlemlenmiş olup, bu genotiplerin soğuğa toleranslı olabilecekleri düşünülmektedir. Çalışma bulgularının bademde soğuğa tolerans ile ilgili yapılacak gen düzeyindeki diğer çalışmalara yardımcı olacağı düşünülmektedir.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Prunus dulcis, badem, soğuğa tolerans, gen ifadesi, real-time PCR


  • Gilmour, S.J., Fowler, S.G., Thomashow, M.F. 2004. Arabidopsis transcriptional activators CBF1, CBF2 and CBF3 have matching functional activities. Plant Molecular Biology 54:767-781.
  • Vogel, J.T., Zarka, D.G., Van, Buskirk, H.A., Fowler, S.G., Thomashow, M.F. 2005. Roles of the CBF2 and ZAT12 transcription factors in configuring the low temperature transcriptome of Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 41:195-211.
  • Park, S., Lee, C.M., Doherty, C.J., Gilmour, S.J, Kim, Y. vd. 2015. Regulation of the Arabidopsis CBF regulon by a complex low temperature regulatory network. Plant Journal 82(2):193-207.
  • Shi, Y., Ding, Y., Yang, S. 2015. Cold Signal Transduction and Its Interplay with Phythormones During Cold Acclimation. Plant Cell Physiology 56(1):7-15.
  • Owens, C.L., Thomashow, M.F., Hancock, J.F., Iezzoni, A.F. 2002. CBF1 Orthologs in Sour Cherry and Strawberry and the Heterologous Expression of CBF1 in Strawberry. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 127:489-494.
  • Mizoi, J., Shinozaki, K., Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K. 2012. AP2/ERF family transcription factors in plant abiotic stress responses. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1819:86-96.
  • Gilmour, S.J., Zarka, D.G., Stockinger, E.J. Salazar, M.P., Houghton, J.M., Thomashow, M.F. 1998. Low temperature regulation of the Arabidopsis CBF family of AP2 transcriptional activators as an early step in cold-induced COR gene expression. The Plant Journal 16(4):433-442.
  • Thomashow, M.F. 2001. So, what’s new in the field of plant cold acclimation? Lots! Plant Physiology 125:89-93.
  • Medina, J., Bargues, M., Terol, J., Perez-Alonso, M., Salinas, J. 1999. The Arabidopsis CBF gene family is composed of three genes encoding AP2 domain-containing proteins whose expression is regulated by low temperature but not by abscisic acid or dehydration. Plant Physiology 119:463-470.
  • Hoagland, D.R., Arnon, D.I. 1950. The after-culture method for growing plants without soil. California Agricultural Experimental Station Circular 347:1-32.
  • Özdemir, B., Okay, Y., Sarıkamış, G., Özmen, Y., Kibar, U. 2021. Crosstalk between flowering and cold tolerance genes in almonds (Amygdalus spp.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 45(4):484-494.
  • Barros, P.M., Gonçalves N., Nelson J.M., Saibo N.J.M., Oliveira M.M. 2012-a. Functional characterization of two almond C-repeat binding factors involved in cold response. Tree Physiology 32:1113-1128.
  • Barros, P.M., Gonçalves N, Nelson J.M., Saibo N.J.M., Oliveira M.M. 2012-b. Cold acclimation and floral development in almond bud break: insights into the regulatory pathways. Journal of Experimental Botany 63(12):4585-4596.
  • Livak, K.J., Schmittgen, T.D. 2001. Analysis of Relative Gene Expression Data Using Real Time Quantitative PCR and the 2−ΔΔCT Method. Methods 25(4):402-8.
  • Hwarari, D., Guan, Y., Ahmad, B., Movahedi, A., Min, T., Hao, Z., Yang, L. 2022. ICE-CBF-COR signaling cascade and its regulation in plants responding to cold stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(3):1549.
  • Song, Y., Zhang, X., Li, M., Yang, H., Fu, D., Lv, J., Yang, S. 2021. The direct targets of CBFs: in cold stress response and beyond. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 63(11):1874-1887.
  • Zhuang, W., Gao, Z., Wang, L., Zhong, W., Ni, Z., Zhang, Z. 2013. Comparative proteomic and transcriptomic approaches to address the active role of GA4 in Japanese apricot flower bud dormancy release. Journal of Experimental Botany 64:4953-4966.
  • Benedict, C., Skinner, J.S., Meng, R., Chang, Y., Bhalerao, R., Huner, N.P., Finn, C.E., Chen, T.H., Hurry, V. 2006. The CBF1-dependent low temperature signaling pathway, regulon and increase in freeze tolerance are conserved in Populus spp. Plant and Cell Environment 29:1259-1272.
  • El Kayal, W., Navarro, M., Marque, G., Keller, G., Marque, C., Teulieres, C. 2006. Expression profile of CBF-like transcriptional factor genes from Eucalyptus in response to cold. J. Exp. Bot. 57:2455-2469.
  • Welling, A., Palva, E.T. 2008. Involvement of CBF transcription factors in winter hardiness in birch. Plant Physiol. 147:1199-1211.
  • Navarro, M., Marque, G., Ayax, C., Keller, G., Borges, J.P., Marque, C., Teulieres, C. 2009. Complementary regulation of four Eucalyptus CBF genes under various cold conditions. J. Exp. Bot. 60:2713-2724.
  • Wisniewski, M., Norelli, J., Bassett, C., Artlip, T., Macarisin, D. 2011. Ectopic expression of a novel peach (Prunus persica) CBF transcription factor in apple (Malus × domestica) results in short-day induced dormancy and increased cold hardiness. Planta 233:971-983.
  • Guo, C., Zhang, J.Q., Peng, T., Bao, M.Z., Zhang, J.W. 2014. Structural and expression analyses of three PmCBFs from Prunus mume. Biologia Plantarum 58:247-255. Peng, T., Guo, C., Yang, J., Xu, M., Zuo, J., Bao, M. and Zhang, J. 2016. Overexpression of a Mei (Prunus mume) CBF gene confers tolerance to freezing and oxidative stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 126, 373-385.
  • Alisoltani, A., Shiran, B., Fallahi, H., Ebrahimie, E. 2015. Gene regulatory network in almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.) in response to frost stress. Tree Genetics and Genomes 11(5):1-15.
  • Liang, L., Zhang, B., Yin, X., Xu, C., Sun, C., Chen, K., 2013. Differential Expression of the CBF Gene Family During Postharvest Cold Storage and Subsequent Shelf-Life of Peach Fruit. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 31:1358-1367.
  • Jiao, Y., Shen, Z., Yan, J. 2017. Transcriptome analysis of peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) stigma in response to low-temperature stress with digital gene expression profiling. Journal Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 26(2):141-148.

Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Bahçe Bitkileri Yetiştirme ve Islahı (Diğer)


Başak Özdemir T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı 0000-0001-5303-3154 Türkiye

Canan Yüksel Özmen ANKARA ÜNİVERSİTESİ, BİYOTEKNOLOJİ ENSTİTÜSÜ 0000-0002-4421-1358 Türkiye


Yayımlanma Tarihi16 Temmuz 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi16 Ağustos 2023
Kabul Tarihi30 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 53 Sayı: Özel Sayı 1

Kaynak Göster

APAOkay, Y., Özdemir, B., Yüksel Özmen, C., Ergül, A. (2024). Badem Genotiplerinde Soğuğa Tolerans Genlerinin (PDCBF1 ve PDCBF2) Gen İfade Profillerinin Belirlenmesi. Bahçe, 53(Özel Sayı 1), 140-146.
AMAOkay Y, Özdemir B, Yüksel Özmen C, Ergül A. Badem Genotiplerinde Soğuğa Tolerans Genlerinin (PDCBF1 ve PDCBF2) Gen İfade Profillerinin Belirlenmesi. Bahçe. Temmuz 2024;53(Özel Sayı 1):140-146. doi:10.53471/bahce.1481983
ChicagoOkay, Yeşim, Başak Özdemir, Canan Yüksel Özmen, ve Ali Ergül. “Badem Genotiplerinde Soğuğa Tolerans Genlerinin (PDCBF1 Ve PDCBF2) Gen İfade Profillerinin Belirlenmesi”. Bahçe 53, sy. Özel Sayı 1 (Temmuz 2024): 140-46.
EndNoteOkay Y, Özdemir B, Yüksel Özmen C, Ergül A (01 Temmuz 2024) Badem Genotiplerinde Soğuğa Tolerans Genlerinin (PDCBF1 ve PDCBF2) Gen İfade Profillerinin Belirlenmesi. Bahçe 53 Özel Sayı 1 140–146.
IEEEY. Okay, B. Özdemir, C. Yüksel Özmen, ve A. Ergül, “Badem Genotiplerinde Soğuğa Tolerans Genlerinin (PDCBF1 ve PDCBF2) Gen İfade Profillerinin Belirlenmesi”, Bahçe, c. 53, sy. Özel Sayı 1, ss. 140–146, 2024, doi: 10.53471/bahce.1481983.
ISNADOkay, Yeşim vd. “Badem Genotiplerinde Soğuğa Tolerans Genlerinin (PDCBF1 Ve PDCBF2) Gen İfade Profillerinin Belirlenmesi”. Bahçe 53/Özel Sayı 1 (Temmuz 2024), 140-146.
JAMAOkay Y, Özdemir B, Yüksel Özmen C, Ergül A. Badem Genotiplerinde Soğuğa Tolerans Genlerinin (PDCBF1 ve PDCBF2) Gen İfade Profillerinin Belirlenmesi. Bahçe. 2024;53:140–146.
MLAOkay, Yeşim vd. “Badem Genotiplerinde Soğuğa Tolerans Genlerinin (PDCBF1 Ve PDCBF2) Gen İfade Profillerinin Belirlenmesi”. Bahçe, c. 53, sy. Özel Sayı 1, 2024, ss. 140-6, doi:10.53471/bahce.1481983.
VancouverOkay Y, Özdemir B, Yüksel Özmen C, Ergül A. Badem Genotiplerinde Soğuğa Tolerans Genlerinin (PDCBF1 ve PDCBF2) Gen İfade Profillerinin Belirlenmesi. Bahçe. 2024;53(Özel Sayı 1):140-6.

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