Buckley R. P., The Book of the Islamic Market Inspector. Nihāyat al-rutba fī ṭalab al-ḥisba (The Utmost Authority in the Pursuit of Hisba), by ‘Abd al-Raḥmān b. Nașr al-Shayzarī. Oxford, University Press, 1999.

Chalmeta Pedro. Buckley R. P., The Book of the Islamic Market Inspector. Nihāyat al-rutba fī ṭalab al-ḥisba (The Utmost Authority in the Pursuit of Hisba), by ‘Abd al-Raḥmān b. Nașr al-Shayzarī. Oxford, University Press, 1999.  . In: Bulletin critique des annales islamologiques, n°20, 2004. p. 51.

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