Yıl 1998, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 387 – 404, 01.12.1998


Bu çalışmada temel olarak l 959’un birinci çeyreği ile 1992’nin ikinci çeyreği arasındaki dönemde ABD’de, maliye politikasının konjonktür üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Çalışmada geçen altı durgunluk (1960:Q2-62 :Ql, 1969:Q4-70:Q4,1973:Q4-75:Ql, 1980: Ql-80:Q3 ,1981:Q3-82 :Q4 ,1990:Q2-91:Ql) ile beş canlanma dönemlerinde (1961 :Ql-69:Q4,I970:Q4-73:Q4, 1975:Ql-80:Ql , 1980: Q3-8I: Q3, I982 :Q4-90:Q2, 1991:Ql-?) para ve maliye politikalarının nisbi önemleri bulunmaya çalışılmıştır. çalışmada NBER’ın zirve ve dip tarihleri esas alınmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Denk bütçe, Maliye Politikası, ABD


  • Andcrscn, T.M., ve Stcinar Holden., Husiness cydcs and Fiscal Policy in an Open Economy, Working paper No. 1998-5, Department of Economics, University of Aarhus.
  • Bayaoumi, T. ve P.M. Masson, "Fiscal Flows in thc Unitcd Statcs and Canada: Lcssons for Monctary Union in Eurnpc", European Econornic Review.
  • Carlson, Kctih M., "Federal Fiscal Policy Since thc Employmcnt Act of 1946",Fcdernl Reservıe Bank of St . .Louis,C.69,S.10,December 1987.
  • Day, Richard H., "Balanced Budgcts: Economic Nirvana or Fiscal Chaos?", Coııııtcmpoıraıry Economic Policy, C: 14, S. 1074-3529, /pril 199(ı.
  • Friedman, Milton, "A Monctary and Fiscal Framcwork for Economic Stability", Thıe Amedcan Economic Review, C:38, S. 3, June, 1948.
  • Gali, J., "Govcrnmcnt Size and Macrocconomic Stability", Emropean Econmnic Review, C: 38.
  • Greene, Williarn H., Econometric Analysis (New York: Macmillan Puplishing Company: ABD), 1993.
  • Gujarati, Damadar N., Hasic Econometrics, (Ncw York: McGraw­Hill, ine: Türkiye, 1995.
  • Holloway, Thomas M. and Wakefield, Joscph C., "Sources of Changc in thc Federal Govcrnmcnt Dcficit, 1970–86", Survey of Current Uusincss, May 1985.
  • Kennedy, Peter, A Guide to Econometrics, (Cambridge: The MIT Press: ABD), 1994.
  • Moorc, G.H.; Cullity, J.P. and Tauhman, B.W., "New Signals of Recession and Recovery",Business Economics,C.30, S.4,October 1995. Romer, Christina D. and Romer, David H., "Credit Channel or Credit Actions? An Interpratetion of the Postwar Transmission Mechanizm" Changing Capital Market: Implications For Monetary Policy, içinde, (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City: ABD), 1993.

Yıl 1998, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 387 – 404, 01.12.1998



  • Andcrscn, T.M., ve Stcinar Holden., Husiness cydcs and Fiscal Policy in an Open Economy, Working paper No. 1998-5, Department of Economics, University of Aarhus.
  • Bayaoumi, T. ve P.M. Masson, "Fiscal Flows in thc Unitcd Statcs and Canada: Lcssons for Monctary Union in Eurnpc", European Econornic Review.
  • Carlson, Kctih M., "Federal Fiscal Policy Since thc Employmcnt Act of 1946",Fcdernl Reservıe Bank of St . .Louis,C.69,S.10,December 1987.
  • Day, Richard H., "Balanced Budgcts: Economic Nirvana or Fiscal Chaos?", Coııııtcmpoıraıry Economic Policy, C: 14, S. 1074-3529, /pril 199(ı.
  • Friedman, Milton, "A Monctary and Fiscal Framcwork for Economic Stability", Thıe Amedcan Economic Review, C:38, S. 3, June, 1948.
  • Gali, J., "Govcrnmcnt Size and Macrocconomic Stability", Emropean Econmnic Review, C: 38.
  • Greene, Williarn H., Econometric Analysis (New York: Macmillan Puplishing Company: ABD), 1993.
  • Gujarati, Damadar N., Hasic Econometrics, (Ncw York: McGraw­Hill, ine: Türkiye, 1995.
  • Holloway, Thomas M. and Wakefield, Joscph C., "Sources of Changc in thc Federal Govcrnmcnt Dcficit, 1970–86", Survey of Current Uusincss, May 1985.
  • Kennedy, Peter, A Guide to Econometrics, (Cambridge: The MIT Press: ABD), 1994.
  • Moorc, G.H.; Cullity, J.P. and Tauhman, B.W., "New Signals of Recession and Recovery",Business Economics,C.30, S.4,October 1995. Romer, Christina D. and Romer, David H., "Credit Channel or Credit Actions? An Interpratetion of the Postwar Transmission Mechanizm" Changing Capital Market: Implications For Monetary Policy, içinde, (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City: ABD), 1993.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ekonomi
BölümAraştırma Makalesi



Yayımlanma Tarihi1 Aralık 1998
Gönderilme Tarihi31 Ocak 1998
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1998 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APAÖZER, M., & KESKİN, A. (1998). DENK BÜTÇE SAVI ALTINDA MALİYE POLİTİKASI VE KONJONKTÜR. Anadolu Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(1), 387-404.

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