Determination of the Effects of Some Post-Harvest Treatments on the Quality of Banana Fruits During Storage and After Ripening

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 43 – 51, 18.07.2024


Çalışmada, ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ muz çeşidinin meyvelerinde hasat sonrası yapılan farklı uygulamaların, yeşil olum dönemindeki muz meyvelerinin depolanması ve olgunlaştırılması sonrasında raf ömrüne etkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Muz meyvelerine 1) Modifiye atmosfer paketleme (MAP), 2) 1-metilsiklopropen (1-MCP) + MAP, 3) MAP + Etilen absorbantı (EA) olmak üzere üç farklı uygulama yapılmış olup sadece makro açıklıklı PE ambalaj kullanılanlar kontrol olarak kabul edilmiştir. Muz meyveleri 13°C ve %90 oransal nemde 30 gün boyunca muhafaza edilmiştir. 10’ar gün aralıklarla alınan örneklerde kalite analizleri yapılmıştır. Muz meyveleri 30 günlük depolama sonrasında 3 numara olgunluk seviyesine kadar olgunlaştırılmasına ilaveten 4 günlük raf ömrü sonrası kalite değişimleri belirlenmiştir. Uygulamalar, özellikle depolamanın son döneminde kontrole göre meyvelerin renk değişimini, kabuk ve meyve etindeki yumuşamayı, suda çözünür kuru madde (SÇKM), etilen salgı miktarı ve solunum hızındaki artışları belirgin şekilde sınırlandırmıştır. 1-MCP + MAP uygulanan yeşil muzlarda, depolama süresince en iyi sonucu vermesine rağmen olgunlaşma sorunu yaşanmıştır. MAP + EA uygulaması, muz meyvelerinin renklenmesini, meyve eti yumuşamasını ve SÇKM miktarındaki artışlarını raf ömrünce geciktirmiştir. MAP + EA uygulaması hem yeşil olumdaki muz meyvelerinin depolanması hem de olgunlaştırma sonrasındaki dayanımları açısından en başarılı sonuçları vermiştir.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Muz, MAP, 1-MCP, etilen absorbantı, olgunlaştırma


  • Altuğ Onoğur T, Elmacı Y, 2011Sensory Evaluation in Foods (2nd Edition). Sidas Media Publications, 148 pp. Izmir, Turkey.
  • Boonyaritthongchai P, Kanlayanarat S, 2010. Effect of 1-MCP treatment on the post harvest quality of banana fruit (cv. KluaiKai). Acta Horticulturae 877: 359.
  • Canan İ, 2012. The Effects of Different Post-harvest Treatments on Shelf Life, Fruit Quality and Physiology in the Preservation of Bananas Grown in Anamur Region. Cukurova University, Institute of Science and Technology, PhD Thesis, 151p, Adana.
  • Canan İ, Pınar H, Gulsen O, Yılmaz C, Agar T, 2009. Effect of 1-MCP, MAP, KMNO4 and combinations on shelf life and eating quality of anamur banana (Musa sp. Dwarf Cavendish). 6.International Post Harvest Symposium, Abstract Books, 222pp.
  • Chauhan OP, Raju PS, Dasgupta DK, Bawa AS, 2006. Instrumental textural changes in banana (Var. Pachbale) during Ripening under active and passive modified atmosphere. International Journal of Food Properties, 9 (2): 237–253.
  • Esturk O, Ayhan Z, Gokkurt T, 2014. Production and application of active packaging film with ethylene adsorber to increase the shelf life of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica). Packaging and Technology and Science 27:179-191.
  • Harris DR, Seberry, JA, Wills RBH, Spohr LJ, 2000. Effect of fruit maturity on efficiency of 1-methylcyclopropene to delay the ripening of bananas. Postharvest Biology and Technology 20 (3): 303-308.
  • Jiang W, Zhang M, He J, Zhou L, 2004. Regulation of 1-MCP treated banana fruit quality by exogenous ethylene and temperature. Food Science and Technology International 10 (1): 15-20.
  • Jiang Y, Joyce DC, Macnish AJ, 1999. Extension of the shelf life of banana fruit by 1-methylcyclopropene in combination with polyethylen bags. Postharvest Biology and Technology 16 (2): 187-193.
  • Kader AA, 2002. Postharvast technology of horticultural crops: An overwiew, 34-48, Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops, Kader, AA. (Ed.), University of California 3. Edition, Oakland, 535pp.
  • Kader AA, Sommer NF. Arpaia ML, 2002a. Postharvest handling systems: Tropical fruits. 385-399, Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops, Kader A. (Ed.), University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources, Publication 3311, Oakland, California, 535pp.
  • Kader AA, Sommer NF. Arpaia ML, 2002b. Modified atmospheres during transport and storage, 135-144, Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops, Kader, A. (Ed.), University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources, Publication 3311, Oakland, California, 535pp.
  • Karaçalı İ, 2016. Conservation and Marketing of Horticultural Products, Ege University Faculty of Agriculture Publications No: 494, Izmir, 486pp.
  • Kerbel E, 2016. Banana and plantain, 224-229, The Commercial Storage of Fruits, Vegetables, and Florist and Nursery Stocks, Agricultural Handbook Number 66, Washington DC.
  • Kozak B, 2003. Banana Cultivation. Burcu Ofset, Ankara, 497pp.
  • Kudachikar VB, Kulkarni SG, Vasantha MS, Aravinda Prasad B, Aradhya SM, 2011. Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on quality and shelf life of ‘Robusta’ banana (Musa sp.) stored at low temperature. Journal of Food Science and Technolog 48:319–324.
  • Laribi AI, Palou L, Taberner V, Pérez-Gago MB, 2012. Modified atmosphere packaging to extend cold storage of pomegranate cv. “Mollar de Elche”.
  • Li X, Li W, Jiang Y, Ding Y, Yun J, Tang, Y, Zhang P, 2011. Effect of nano-ZnO-coated active packaging on quality of fresh-cut “Fuji” apple. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 46:1947–1955.
  • Li X, Xiong T, Zhu Q, Zhou Y, Lei Q, Lu H, Chen W, Li X, Zhu X, 2023. Combination of 1- MCP and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) maintains banana fruit quality under high temperature storage by improving antioxidant system and cell wall structure. Postharvest Biology and Technology 198:112-265.
  • Lohani S, Trivedi PK, Nath P, 2004. Changes in activities of cell wall hydrolases during ethylene-induced ripening in banana effect of 1-MCP, ABA and IAA. Postharvest Biology and Technology 31 (2): 119-126.
  • Lougheed EC, Murr DP, Toivonen PMA, 1987. Ethylene and nonethylene volatiles, 255–276. Postharvest Physiology of Vegetables, Weichmann, J. (Ed.), Marcel Dekker, New York.
  • Martínez-Romero D, Guillén F, Castillo S, Zapata PJ, Valero D, Serrano M, 2009. Effect of ethylene concentration on quality parameters of fresh tomatoes stored using a carbon-heat hybrid ethylene scrubber. Postharvest Biology and Technology 51 (2): 206-211.
  • McGuire RG, 1992. Reporting of objective color measurements. HortScience 27 (12): 1254-1255.
  • Nguyen TBT, Ketsa S, Doorn WGV, 2003. Relationship between browning and the activities of polyphenol oxidase and phenylalanine ammonia lyase in banana peel during low temperature storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology 30: 187-193.
  • Paydaş S, Gübbük H, Kaşka N, 1987. Effect of potassium permanganate on banana preservation. Derim 9 (1): 28-34.
  • Peacock BC, 1972. Effect of light on ınitiation of fruit ripening. Nature New Biology 235:62–63.
  • Pelayo C, Vilas-Boas VBE, Muhammed B, Kader AA, 2003. Variability in Responses of Partially Ripe Bananas to 1-methylcyclopropene. Postharvest Biology and Technology 28 (1): 75-85.
  • Prabha TN, Bhagyalakshmi N, 1998. Carbohydrate metabolism in ripening banana fruit. Phytochemistry 48 (6): 915-919.
  • Rodov V, Vinokur Y, Horev B, Goldman G, Fishman S, 2009. Microperforated Active Modified-Atmosphere Packaging (MAMA Packaging) –A paradoxical Approach to Extend Life of Fresh Produce. 10. International Controlled&Modified Atmosphere Research Conference, Abstract Books, 28p.
  • Sabır FK, Ağar IT, 2010. Effects of modified atmosphere packaging on postharvast quality and storage of mature green and pink tomatoes. Acta Horticulturae 876:201-207.
  • Sandhya M, 2010. Modified atmosphere packaging of fresh produce: Current status and future needs. LWT-Food Science and Technology 43 (3): 381–392.
  • Scott K, Wills R, 1974. Reduction of brown heart in pears by absorption of ethylene from the storage atmosphere. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 14:266–268.
  • Sisler EC, Serek M, 1997. Inhibitors of ethylene responses in plant at the receptor level : Recent developments. Physiologia Plantarum 100 (3): 577-582.
  • Şen F, Türk EF, 2008. The use of 1-MCP in horticultural crops. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture 45 (3): 221-228.
  • Thompson AK, Burden OJ, 1995. Harvesting and fruit care. 403–433, Banana and Plantains, Gowen, S. (Ed.), Chapmen and Hall, London.
  • Turner DW, 2001. Bananas and plantains, 45-77, Postharvest Physiology And Storage of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits. Mitra SK. (Ed.), CABI Publishing, UK.
  • TÜİK (2022) Turkish Statistical Institute, Crop Production Statistics, Accessed 12 May, 2023. Ünal MÜ, Karaşahin Z, Şener A, 2016. Effect of some postharvest treatments on physical and biochemical properties of Anamur bananas (Musa Acuminata Colla (Aaa Group)) during shelilfe period. Gıda 41 (2): 69-76. Watada AE, 1986. Effects of ethylene on the quality of fruits and vegetables. Food Technology 40:82–85.
  • Watkins CB, 2006. The use of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on fruits and vegetables, Biotechnolology Advances 24 (4): 89-409.
  • Zhu X, Shen L, Fu D, Si Z, Wu B, Chen W, Li X, 2015. Effects of the combination treatment of 1-MCP and ethylene on the ripening of harvested banana fruit, Postharvest Biology and Technology 107:23–32.

Determination of the Effects of Some Post-Harvest Treatments on the Quality of Banana Fruits During Storage and After Ripening

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 43 – 51, 18.07.2024


In this study, it was aimed to impact the effect of different post-harvest treatments on the shelf life of banana fruits of ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ banana cultivar after storage and ripening. 1) Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), 2) 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) + MAP, 3) Three different treatments (MAP + ethylene absorbent (EA)) were applied and only those using macro-aperture PE packaging were considered as control. Banana fruits were stored at 13°C and 90% RH for 30 days. Quality analyses were performed on samples taken at 10-day intervals. After 30 days of storage, the banana fruits were ripened to the ripeness level of No.3 and quality changes were determined after 4 days of shelf life. The treatments significantly limited the color change, softening of the peel and flesh, increased total soluble solids (TSS), ethylene secretion and respiration rate, especially in the last period of storage compared to the control. Green bananas treated with 1-MCP + MAP showed the best results during storage, but ripening problems were experienced. MAP + EA treatment delayed the coloration of banana fruits, softening of the flesh and increases in the TSS content during shelf life. MAP + EA treatment gave the best results both in terms of storage of banana fruits at green maturity and their resistance after ripening.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Banana, MAP, 1-MCP, ethylene absorbent, ripening


  • Altuğ Onoğur T, Elmacı Y, 2011Sensory Evaluation in Foods (2nd Edition). Sidas Media Publications, 148 pp. Izmir, Turkey.
  • Boonyaritthongchai P, Kanlayanarat S, 2010. Effect of 1-MCP treatment on the post harvest quality of banana fruit (cv. KluaiKai). Acta Horticulturae 877: 359.
  • Canan İ, 2012. The Effects of Different Post-harvest Treatments on Shelf Life, Fruit Quality and Physiology in the Preservation of Bananas Grown in Anamur Region. Cukurova University, Institute of Science and Technology, PhD Thesis, 151p, Adana.
  • Canan İ, Pınar H, Gulsen O, Yılmaz C, Agar T, 2009. Effect of 1-MCP, MAP, KMNO4 and combinations on shelf life and eating quality of anamur banana (Musa sp. Dwarf Cavendish). 6.International Post Harvest Symposium, Abstract Books, 222pp.
  • Chauhan OP, Raju PS, Dasgupta DK, Bawa AS, 2006. Instrumental textural changes in banana (Var. Pachbale) during Ripening under active and passive modified atmosphere. International Journal of Food Properties, 9 (2): 237–253.
  • Esturk O, Ayhan Z, Gokkurt T, 2014. Production and application of active packaging film with ethylene adsorber to increase the shelf life of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica). Packaging and Technology and Science 27:179-191.
  • Harris DR, Seberry, JA, Wills RBH, Spohr LJ, 2000. Effect of fruit maturity on efficiency of 1-methylcyclopropene to delay the ripening of bananas. Postharvest Biology and Technology 20 (3): 303-308.
  • Jiang W, Zhang M, He J, Zhou L, 2004. Regulation of 1-MCP treated banana fruit quality by exogenous ethylene and temperature. Food Science and Technology International 10 (1): 15-20.
  • Jiang Y, Joyce DC, Macnish AJ, 1999. Extension of the shelf life of banana fruit by 1-methylcyclopropene in combination with polyethylen bags. Postharvest Biology and Technology 16 (2): 187-193.
  • Kader AA, 2002. Postharvast technology of horticultural crops: An overwiew, 34-48, Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops, Kader, AA. (Ed.), University of California 3. Edition, Oakland, 535pp.
  • Kader AA, Sommer NF. Arpaia ML, 2002a. Postharvest handling systems: Tropical fruits. 385-399, Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops, Kader A. (Ed.), University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources, Publication 3311, Oakland, California, 535pp.
  • Kader AA, Sommer NF. Arpaia ML, 2002b. Modified atmospheres during transport and storage, 135-144, Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops, Kader, A. (Ed.), University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources, Publication 3311, Oakland, California, 535pp.
  • Karaçalı İ, 2016. Conservation and Marketing of Horticultural Products, Ege University Faculty of Agriculture Publications No: 494, Izmir, 486pp.
  • Kerbel E, 2016. Banana and plantain, 224-229, The Commercial Storage of Fruits, Vegetables, and Florist and Nursery Stocks, Agricultural Handbook Number 66, Washington DC.
  • Kozak B, 2003. Banana Cultivation. Burcu Ofset, Ankara, 497pp.
  • Kudachikar VB, Kulkarni SG, Vasantha MS, Aravinda Prasad B, Aradhya SM, 2011. Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on quality and shelf life of ‘Robusta’ banana (Musa sp.) stored at low temperature. Journal of Food Science and Technolog 48:319–324.
  • Laribi AI, Palou L, Taberner V, Pérez-Gago MB, 2012. Modified atmosphere packaging to extend cold storage of pomegranate cv. “Mollar de Elche”.
  • Li X, Li W, Jiang Y, Ding Y, Yun J, Tang, Y, Zhang P, 2011. Effect of nano-ZnO-coated active packaging on quality of fresh-cut “Fuji” apple. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 46:1947–1955.
  • Li X, Xiong T, Zhu Q, Zhou Y, Lei Q, Lu H, Chen W, Li X, Zhu X, 2023. Combination of 1- MCP and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) maintains banana fruit quality under high temperature storage by improving antioxidant system and cell wall structure. Postharvest Biology and Technology 198:112-265.
  • Lohani S, Trivedi PK, Nath P, 2004. Changes in activities of cell wall hydrolases during ethylene-induced ripening in banana effect of 1-MCP, ABA and IAA. Postharvest Biology and Technology 31 (2): 119-126.
  • Lougheed EC, Murr DP, Toivonen PMA, 1987. Ethylene and nonethylene volatiles, 255–276. Postharvest Physiology of Vegetables, Weichmann, J. (Ed.), Marcel Dekker, New York.
  • Martínez-Romero D, Guillén F, Castillo S, Zapata PJ, Valero D, Serrano M, 2009. Effect of ethylene concentration on quality parameters of fresh tomatoes stored using a carbon-heat hybrid ethylene scrubber. Postharvest Biology and Technology 51 (2): 206-211.
  • McGuire RG, 1992. Reporting of objective color measurements. HortScience 27 (12): 1254-1255.
  • Nguyen TBT, Ketsa S, Doorn WGV, 2003. Relationship between browning and the activities of polyphenol oxidase and phenylalanine ammonia lyase in banana peel during low temperature storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology 30: 187-193.
  • Paydaş S, Gübbük H, Kaşka N, 1987. Effect of potassium permanganate on banana preservation. Derim 9 (1): 28-34.
  • Peacock BC, 1972. Effect of light on ınitiation of fruit ripening. Nature New Biology 235:62–63.
  • Pelayo C, Vilas-Boas VBE, Muhammed B, Kader AA, 2003. Variability in Responses of Partially Ripe Bananas to 1-methylcyclopropene. Postharvest Biology and Technology 28 (1): 75-85.
  • Prabha TN, Bhagyalakshmi N, 1998. Carbohydrate metabolism in ripening banana fruit. Phytochemistry 48 (6): 915-919.
  • Rodov V, Vinokur Y, Horev B, Goldman G, Fishman S, 2009. Microperforated Active Modified-Atmosphere Packaging (MAMA Packaging) –A paradoxical Approach to Extend Life of Fresh Produce. 10. International Controlled&Modified Atmosphere Research Conference, Abstract Books, 28p.
  • Sabır FK, Ağar IT, 2010. Effects of modified atmosphere packaging on postharvast quality and storage of mature green and pink tomatoes. Acta Horticulturae 876:201-207.
  • Sandhya M, 2010. Modified atmosphere packaging of fresh produce: Current status and future needs. LWT-Food Science and Technology 43 (3): 381–392.
  • Scott K, Wills R, 1974. Reduction of brown heart in pears by absorption of ethylene from the storage atmosphere. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 14:266–268.
  • Sisler EC, Serek M, 1997. Inhibitors of ethylene responses in plant at the receptor level : Recent developments. Physiologia Plantarum 100 (3): 577-582.
  • Şen F, Türk EF, 2008. The use of 1-MCP in horticultural crops. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture 45 (3): 221-228.
  • Thompson AK, Burden OJ, 1995. Harvesting and fruit care. 403–433, Banana and Plantains, Gowen, S. (Ed.), Chapmen and Hall, London.
  • Turner DW, 2001. Bananas and plantains, 45-77, Postharvest Physiology And Storage of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits. Mitra SK. (Ed.), CABI Publishing, UK.
  • TÜİK (2022) Turkish Statistical Institute, Crop Production Statistics, Accessed 12 May, 2023. Ünal MÜ, Karaşahin Z, Şener A, 2016. Effect of some postharvest treatments on physical and biochemical properties of Anamur bananas (Musa Acuminata Colla (Aaa Group)) during shelilfe period. Gıda 41 (2): 69-76. Watada AE, 1986. Effects of ethylene on the quality of fruits and vegetables. Food Technology 40:82–85.
  • Watkins CB, 2006. The use of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on fruits and vegetables, Biotechnolology Advances 24 (4): 89-409.
  • Zhu X, Shen L, Fu D, Si Z, Wu B, Chen W, Li X, 2015. Effects of the combination treatment of 1-MCP and ethylene on the ripening of harvested banana fruit, Postharvest Biology and Technology 107:23–32.

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