English for Humanities

English for Humanities [Text] / E. A. Sardarova B. G. Abzhekenova … – Kyzylorda : Aqmeşıt Baspa üiı, 2023. – 75 p., ill., tabl.; – Текст на английском языке . – Bibliogr.: 74 p. . – [n. c.] – ISBN 978-601-81036-7-4

Subject heading:

English language learning


The textbook "English for Humanity", which is presented in the educational process is aimed at improving the knowledge of students of non-linguistic specialties in their field of English, studying in the areas of history, archeology, journalism and philology


Sardarova, E. A.


Қорқыт Ата атындағы Қызылорда мемлекеттік университеті

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