Giuli Alasania. The relations between pre-islamic Turks and Georgians from the 3rd to the 9th century (2014)

Title:The relations between pre-islamic Turks and Georgians from the third to the ninth century: a history of Byzantine-Persian politics in the Caucasus
Author:Giuli Alasania=გიული ალასანია
Editor:Foreword: Gocha Djaparidze
Place:Lewiston, NY
Publisher:The Edwin Mellen Press
Pages:LXVIII, 352
ISBN:9780773400580, 0773400583
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Giuli Alasania. The relations between pre-islamic Turks and Georgians from the third to the ninth century: a history of Byzantine-Persian politics in the Caucasus. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2014, LXVIII+352 p. ISBN 9780773400580

Born out of the gap existing in the Georgian historiography, this work brings a new point of view on the history of the pre-Islamic Turks and their influence and relationships with the Georgians over many centuries of cultural, political, and social interaction.

Table of Contents

Commendatory Foreword by G. Djaparidze, Review
Author’s Preface
Review of Historiography and Sources
Chapter I: The Bun-Turks According to Georgian Written Sources
Chapter II: The Georogians and the Pre-Islamic Turks in the Early Middle Ages
Part 1. The Georgians and the Early Unions of the Turkic Tribes in the Caucasus
Part 2. Relations between Wakhtang Gorgasali and the Huns: the Date of His Death
Part 3. Abolition of the Royal Power in Kartli; Relationships Between the Georgians and the Turks during the 6th century
Part 4. Georgian Relationship with the Khazars in the first half of the 7th-8th centuries
Chapter III: Georgia, the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius and his Turkic Allies
Chapter IV: On the Personality of the Creator of the Abkhaz Kingdom
Chapter V: Regarding the Date of Establishment of Amirate of Tbilisi
Chapter VI: The Struggle of the Georgians for Independence and the Role of the Khazars in the History of Georgia in the second half of the 9th Century (The origins of the “Kingdom of Georgians”)
Chapter VII: The Qipchaqs in Georgia
Chapter VIII: Links of the Orbeli dynasty to the Turkish world: a myth or reality?

Keywords: ქართველები და ისლამამდელი თურქები, Gürcüler ve İslâm öncesi Türkler