Hasan Basri Danışman. Korea 1952: Situation negative! An account of service with Turkish brigade (2002)

Korea 1952 Situation Negative H. Basri Danışman Denizler Kitabevi
Along with soldiers of many nationalities, I had the privilege of serving with the forces of the free world in Korea from September 1952 to September 1953. During this period I had the honour to serve alongside the Turkish Brigate.

It was therefore with perticular interest that I read this book. I can commend it as a factular account of the life and conditions encountered during the Korean War. Here is a story of the human element of war – the welding of men into a professional fighting machine, their trials and tribulations in and out of battle.

Men not tactics or strategy, are the theme will come a time in every battle when the issue passes to the soldiers. Victory or defeat is in their hands and will depend at the crucial stage on their courage, discipline and determination to win. Men are the decisive weapon.

Although this book tells the story of men – Turks whose reputation on the battlefield is to be envied – it is also the story of all soldiers irrespective of nationality As such it has universal appeal.

Mr Danışman is o be congratulated on his straightforward accout of soldiers on the battlefield.

Major General
Chief, Military Planning Office

Yazar:Hasan Basri Danışman
Yayın Tarihi:01.01.2002
Sayfa Sayısı:141
Yayıncı:Denizler Kitabevi
Boyut:20 x 26 cm