Hayrunnisa Alan. Osmanlı-Timurlu münasebetleri. Yüksek lisans tezi (1992)

Tez KünyeDurumu
Osmanlı-Timurlu münasebetleri /
Yer Bilgisi: Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Konu:Tarih = History
Dizin:Osmanlı tarihi = Ottoman history ; Osmanlı tarihi = Ottoman history ; Osmanlı-Timurlu ilişkileri = Ottoman-Timurlu relations
Yüksek Lisans
VI+98 s.
SUMMARY The Ottoman Empire and the Timurides Stata have very important place in the political and the culturel Turkish history. With the Timurides that was developed in Central Asia. The Ottomans was developed at the Western borders of Anatolia have disputed at the Ankara Battlefield for the first time. At this battlefield Timur has overcamed Bayezid I, and it affected the Ottomans very deeply. After the death of Timur in 1405, his state has come in to a choas. And this choas was overcomed with the efforts of Shahrukh but she couldn’t have the same powerness as the time of Timur any more, struggles with the Karakoyunlu’s Akkoyunlu’s, Safevi’s and Nongol’s weakend the state, mareover the domestic problems were more effective than those. While the Timurides were interested in their internal problems the Ottomans were coquering in Westen Lands. During this period Ottomans tried to establish the political union of Anatolia when a chance appeared. All these have prevented the sincerely neighbourhood relationship of the both sides, but the relations were not ceased at all. After having disputed in Ankara, to get in touch with each other was continued in the political region untill the region of the Murad II, Ottomans have accepted the Timurides sovereignty. İn other words, during the regin of Shahrukh ( + 1447) the Ottomans were hesitant to The Timurides. After the reign of Shahrukhs the Timurides were weakened, on the ather hand the Ottomans were getting developed and growign up. 90At the time of Mehmed II the Conqueror, and Bayezid II, the political relations were not more than declearing the good wishes. Scientific relations between the Ottomans and the Timurides were nore effective than the political ones. Many scholars and the sufis have gone to the scientific center’s in Central Asia, which were faunded by Timurides, as Herat and Semerkand, after they improved their knowladge and gained the status of enlightened scholar and came back to Anatolia. As a result of getting weakened of Timurid Dynasty many Central Asian scholars and artisans have come to Ottoman Country. They have an important effect on Turkish culture with books, students and all of their cultural activities. 91

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