Hovhannes Katchaznouni. Dashnagtzoutiun has nothing to do anymore (2007)

Title:Dashnagtzoutiun has nothing to do anymore. 3rd edition (report submitted to the 1923 party convention)
Author:Hovhannes Katchaznouni
Translator:Translated by Lale Akalın
Editor:Introduction by Mehmet Perinçek
Series:Kaynak yayınları: 450, The falsification of ‘Armenian genocide’ in Armanian documents-1
Publisher:Kaynak yayınları
ISBN:9753434537, 9789753434539
File:PDF, MB
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Hovhannes Katchaznouni. Dashnagtzoutiun has nothing to do anymore. 3rd edition (report submitted to the 1923 party convention). Translated by Lale Akalın; Introduction by Mehmet Perinçek; Series: Kaynak yayınları v. 450, The falsification of ‘Armenian genocide’ in Armanian documents-1. İstanbul: Kaynak yayınları, 2007, 127 p. ISBN 9753434537, ISBN 9789753434539