How literate are prospective English teachers in language assessment? A Case Just Before Entering the Teaching Profession

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 44 – 70, 16.07.2024



  • Al-Bahlani, S. M. (2019). Assessment literacy: A study of EFL teachers’ assessment knowledge, perspectives, and classroom behaviors [Published doctoral dissertation, The University of Arizona]. UA Campus Repository, University Libraries
  • Alderson, J. C. (2005). Editorial. Language Testing, 22(3), 257–260.
  • Ashraf, H., & Zolfaghari, S. (2018). EFL Teachers’ Assessment Literacy and Their Reflective Teaching. International Journal of Instruction. 11(1), 425-436. 10.12973/iji.2018.11129a.
  • Berger, A. (2023). A difficulty-informed approach to developing language assessment literacy for classroom purposes. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 46, 289 – 307.
  • Beziat, T. L. R. & Coleman, B. K. (2015). Classroom assessment literacy: Evaluating pre-service teachers. The Researcher, 27(1), 25-30.
  • Boylu, E. (2021). Turkish as a foreign language teachers’ attitudes towards assessment and evaluation. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies. 9, 72-85. 10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.9n.1p.72.
  • Brown, H. D., & Abeywickrama, P. (2010). Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices. Pearson Education
  • Coombe, C. A., Vafadar, H., & Mohebbi, H. (2020). Language assessment literacy: What do we need to learn, unlearn, and relearn? Language Testing in Asia, 10.
  • Coombs, A., DeLuca, C., LaPointe-McEwan, D., & Chalas, A. (2018). Changing approaches to classroom assessment: An empirical study across teacher career stages. Teaching and Teacher Education, 71, 134–144.
  • Coutinho M. V. C., Thomas J, Alsuwaidi A. S. M., & Couchman J. J. (2021). Dunning-Kruger effect: intuitive errors predict overconfidence on the cognitive reflection test. Front. Psychol, 12,.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. (2018). Designing and conducting mixed methods research (3rd ed.). Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Davies, A. (2008). Textbook trends in teaching language testing. Lang. Test. 25, 327–347.
  • Davison, C. (2019). “Using assessment to enhance learning in English language education,” in Second Handbook of English Language Teaching. ed. X. Gao (Cem, Switzerland: Springer International), 433–454.
  • Djoub, Z. (2017). Assessment literacy: Beyond teacher practice. In R. Al-Mahrooqi, C. Coombe, F. Al-Maamari & V. Thakur (Eds.), Revisiting EFL assessment (pp. 9-27). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  • Fitriyah, I., Masitoh, F., & Widiati, U. (2022). Classroom-based language assessment literacy and professional development need between novice and experienced EFL teachers. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics.
  • Freund, P. A., and Kasten, N. (2012). How smart do you think you are? A meta-analysis on the validity of self-estimates of cognitive ability. Psychological Bulletin, 138, 296–321.
  • Fulcher, G. (2012). Assessment literacy for the language classroom. Language Assessment Quarterly, 9(2), 113-132, https://doi.org10.1080/15434303.2011.642041
  • Gan, L., & Lam, R. (2020). Understanding university English instructors’ assessment training needs in the Chinese context. Language Testing in Asia, 10, 1-18.
  • Giraldo, F. (2018). Language assessment literacy: Implications for language teachers. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 20(1), 179-195.
  • Giraldo, F., & Murcia, D. (2019). Language assessment literacy and the professional development of pre-service language teachers. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 21(2), 10.14483/22487085.14514
  • Graham, P. (2005). Classroom-based assessment: Changing knowledge and practice through preservice teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education 21(6),607-621.
  • Gurmesa, D. B., Birbirs, D. T., Hussein, J. W., & Tsegaye, A. G. (2022). Ethiopian secondary school EFL teachers’ classroom assessment conceptions and practices from an activity theory perspective. East African Journal of Education Studies.
  • Gürsoy, G. (2017). Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Okuryazarlığı: Kavramsal Bir Analiz . Amasya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 6 (1), 281-316.
  • Hatipoğlu, Ç. (2015). English language testing and evaluation (ELTE) training in Turkey: expectations and needs of pre-service English language teachers. ELT Research Journal, 4(2), 111-128
  • Hatipoğlu, Ç., & Erçetin, G. (2016). Türkiye’de yabancı dilde ölçme ve değerlendirme eğitiminin geçmişi ve bugünü [Past and present of education in foreign language testing and assessment in Turkey]. In S. Akcan, & Y. Bayyurt (Eds.) 3. Ulusal Yabancı Dil Eğitimi Kurultayı: Türkiye’de Yabancı Dil Eğitimi Üzerine Görüş ve Düşünceler [The 3rd National Foreign Language Education Conference: Views and Opinions on Foreign Language Education in Turkey] (pp. 72-89). Boğaziçi University.
  • Heitink, M.C., van der Kleij, F., Veldkamp, B. P., Schildkamp, K. & Kippers, W. B. (2016). A systematic review of prerequisites for implementing assessment for learning in classroom practice. Educational Research Review, 17, 50-62.
  • Hofer, G., Mraulak, V., Grinschgl, S., & Neubauer, A. (2022). Less-intelligent and unaware? Accuracy and Dunning–Kruger effects for self-estimates of different aspects of intelligence. Journal of Intelligence, 10
  • Jawhar, S. S., Subahi, A. M. (2020). The impact of specialty, sex, qualification, and experience on teachers’ assessment literacy at Saudi higher education. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 19(5), 200-216,
  • Koh, K.H. (2011). Improving teachers’ assessment literacy through professional development, Teaching Education, 22(3), 255-276,
  • Kömür, Ş. (2018). Pre-service English teachers’ assessment awareness: level of readiness or classroom readiness. Journal of Language Teaching and Learning.
  • Kruger, J. & Dunning, D. (1999). Unskilled and unaware of it: How difficulties in recognizing one's own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(6), 1121-1134.
  • Latif, M. W. (2017). Tertiary level EFL practitioners’ understanding of the dynamics of assessment literacy: An exploratory study. In C. Coombe, P. Davidson, A. Gebril, D. Boraie, & S. Hidri (Eds.), Language assessment in the Middle East and North Africa: Theory, practice and future trends, (pp. 71–87) TESOL Arabia.
  • Latif, M. W. (2021). Exploring tertiary the EFL practitioners’ knowledge base component of assessment literacy: implications for teacher professional development. Language Testing in Asia, 11(1), 1-22.
  • Lee J., & Butler Y. G. (2020). Reconceptualizing language assessment literacy: Where are language learners? TESOL Quarterly, 54(4), 1098–1111.
  • Levi, T., & Inbar-Lourie, O. (2020). Assessment literacy or language assessment literacy: Learning from the teachers. Language Assessment Quarterly, 17(2), 168-182.
  • McCrudden, M. T., & Rapp, D. N. (2023). Inquiry worldviews, approaches to research, and mixed methods in educational psychology. In Handbook of Educational Psychology (pp. 48-70). Taylor and Francis.
  • McMillan, J. H. (2003). Classroom Assessment – Principles & Practice for Effective Instruction. Alyn & Bacon.
  • El-Freihat, S. M. (2021). EFL language assessment literacy among Jordanian EFL secondary school teachers. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences. 16(6), 3266-3277.
  • Mohebbi, H., & Coombe, C. (2020). Research Questions in Language Education and Applied Linguistics: A Reference Guide. Springer.
  • Morrison, A., & Sepulveda-Escobar, P. (2022). Chilean English as a foreign language teacher educators’ conceptions and practices of online assessment. RELC Journal.
  • Ölmezer-Öztürk, E., & Aydın, B. (2019). Voices of EFL teachers as assessors: Their opinions and needs regarding language assessment . Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 7(1), 373-390.
  • Öz, S., & Atay, D. (2017). Turkish EFL instructors’ in-class language assessment literacy: perceptions and practices. ELT Research Journal, 6(1), 25-44.
  • Popham, W. J. (2006). Needed: A dose of assessment literacy. Educational Leadership, 63, 84-85.
  • Quilter, S., & Gallini, J. (2000). Teachers’ assessment literacy and attitudes. The Teacher Educator, 36, 115-131,
  • Quileste, R., & Moreno, L. A. (2020). The pedagogical content knowledge of the school of education pre-service teachers in test construction. JPAIR Institutional Research. DOI:
  • Rahman, M. M. (2018). Teachers' perceptions and practices of classroom assessment in secondary school science classes in Bangladesh. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR).
  • Sanchez, C., & Dunning, D. (2018). Overconfidence among beginners: Is a little learning a dangerous thing? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114(1), 10–28.
  • Sayyadi, A. (2022). In-Service university-level EFL instructors’ language assessment literacy and training needs. Profile: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development.
  • Sevimel-Şahin, A., & Subaşı, G. (2019). An overview of language assessment literacy research within English Language Education Context. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 12(4), 1340-1364,
  • Shim, K. N. (2009). An Investigation into Teachers’ Perceptions of Classroom-Based Assessment of English as a Foreign Language in Korean Primary Education. Doctoral Thesis. University of Exeter.
  • Stiggins, R. J. (1995). Professional Development: The Key to a Total Quality Assessment Environment. NASSP Bulletin, 79(573), 11-19.
  • Taylor, L. (2013). Communicating the theory, practice and principles of language testing to test stakeholders: Some reflections. Language Testing, 30(3), 403-412. https://doi. org/10.1177/0265532213480338.
  • Triastuti, A. (2020). assessing English pre-service teachers’ knowledge base of teaching: linking knowledge and self-portrayal. TEFLIN Journal – A publication on the teaching and learning of English.
  • Xu, Y., & Brown, G. (2016). Teacher assessment literacy in practice: A reconceptualization. Teaching and Teacher Education, 58,149-162,
  • Vogt, K., & Tsagari, D. (2014). Assessment literacy of foreign language teachers: Findings of a European study. Language Assessment Quarterly, 11, 374 – 402.
  • Vogt, K., Tsagari, D., Csépes, I., Green, A., & Sifakis, N. (2020). Linking Learners’ Perspectives on Language Assessment Practices to Teachers’ Assessment Literacy Enhancement (TALE): Insights from Four European Countries. Language Assessment Quarterly, 17(4), 410–433.
  • Vogt, K., Tsagari, D., & Spanoudis, G. (2020). What do teachers think they want? A comparative study of in-service language teachers’ beliefs on LAL training needs. Language Assessment Quarterly, 17, 1-24,
  • Watmani, R., Asadollahfam, H., & Behin, B. (2020). Demystifying language assessment literacy among high school teachers of English as a foreign language in Iran: Implications for teacher education reforms. Tabaran Institute of Higher Education. International Journal of Language Testing, 10(2), 129-144.
  • Wu, X., Zhang, J.L., &Liu, Q. (2021). Using assessment for learning: Multi-case studies of three Chinese university English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers engaging students in learning and assessment. Front. Psychol, 12,
  • Yan, X., Zhang, C., & Fan, J. J. (2018). Assessment knowledge is important, but…: How contextual and experiential factors mediate assessment practice and training needs of language teachers. System, 74, 158–168.
  • Yan, X., & Fan, J. (2020). “Am I qualified to be a language tester?”: Understanding the development of language assessment literacy across three stakeholder groups. Language Testing, 38, 219 – 246.
  • Yeşilçınar, S., & Kartal, G. (2020). EFL teachers’ assessment literacy of young learners: Findings from a small-scale study . Journal of Theoretical Educational Science , 13 (3) , 548-563.
  • Zulaiha, S., Mulyono, H., & Ambarsari, L. (2020). An Investigation into EFL Teachers’ Assessment Literacy: Indonesian Teachers’ Perceptions and Classroom Practice. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 9, 189-201.

How literate are prospective English teachers in language assessment? A Case Just Before Entering the Teaching Profession

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 44 – 70, 16.07.2024


Assessment is an essential component of all learning and teaching endeavors. It is only possible to consider education by considering assessment and evaluation. Training prospective teachers in assessment is of primary importance in teacher education. This study employs case study methodology to uncover (a) how literate prospective English teachers in language assessment based on scenarios that include some instances of assessment applications, (b) how they perceive their knowledge of language assessment, and (c) how they apply their knowledge when developing language tests. The participants are the fourth-year prospective English teachers who took the course Testing and Evaluation in ELT. The data for the study were collected through open-ended questionnaires and scenarios designed to see how successfully the participant transferred their knowledge into practice. The results reveal that assessment courses fail to achieve their objectives in the practical sense. Additionally, the inability to obtain high levels of language assessment literacy might result from cognitive errors that individuals have developed throughout their education.

Anahtar Kelimeler

English language teaching, language assessment literacy, language assessment, prospective English teachers


  • Al-Bahlani, S. M. (2019). Assessment literacy: A study of EFL teachers’ assessment knowledge, perspectives, and classroom behaviors [Published doctoral dissertation, The University of Arizona]. UA Campus Repository, University Libraries
  • Alderson, J. C. (2005). Editorial. Language Testing, 22(3), 257–260.
  • Ashraf, H., & Zolfaghari, S. (2018). EFL Teachers’ Assessment Literacy and Their Reflective Teaching. International Journal of Instruction. 11(1), 425-436. 10.12973/iji.2018.11129a.
  • Berger, A. (2023). A difficulty-informed approach to developing language assessment literacy for classroom purposes. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 46, 289 – 307.
  • Beziat, T. L. R. & Coleman, B. K. (2015). Classroom assessment literacy: Evaluating pre-service teachers. The Researcher, 27(1), 25-30.
  • Boylu, E. (2021). Turkish as a foreign language teachers’ attitudes towards assessment and evaluation. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies. 9, 72-85. 10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.9n.1p.72.
  • Brown, H. D., & Abeywickrama, P. (2010). Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices. Pearson Education
  • Coombe, C. A., Vafadar, H., & Mohebbi, H. (2020). Language assessment literacy: What do we need to learn, unlearn, and relearn? Language Testing in Asia, 10.
  • Coombs, A., DeLuca, C., LaPointe-McEwan, D., & Chalas, A. (2018). Changing approaches to classroom assessment: An empirical study across teacher career stages. Teaching and Teacher Education, 71, 134–144.
  • Coutinho M. V. C., Thomas J, Alsuwaidi A. S. M., & Couchman J. J. (2021). Dunning-Kruger effect: intuitive errors predict overconfidence on the cognitive reflection test. Front. Psychol, 12,.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. (2018). Designing and conducting mixed methods research (3rd ed.). Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Davies, A. (2008). Textbook trends in teaching language testing. Lang. Test. 25, 327–347.
  • Davison, C. (2019). “Using assessment to enhance learning in English language education,” in Second Handbook of English Language Teaching. ed. X. Gao (Cem, Switzerland: Springer International), 433–454.
  • Djoub, Z. (2017). Assessment literacy: Beyond teacher practice. In R. Al-Mahrooqi, C. Coombe, F. Al-Maamari & V. Thakur (Eds.), Revisiting EFL assessment (pp. 9-27). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  • Fitriyah, I., Masitoh, F., & Widiati, U. (2022). Classroom-based language assessment literacy and professional development need between novice and experienced EFL teachers. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics.
  • Freund, P. A., and Kasten, N. (2012). How smart do you think you are? A meta-analysis on the validity of self-estimates of cognitive ability. Psychological Bulletin, 138, 296–321.
  • Fulcher, G. (2012). Assessment literacy for the language classroom. Language Assessment Quarterly, 9(2), 113-132, https://doi.org10.1080/15434303.2011.642041
  • Gan, L., & Lam, R. (2020). Understanding university English instructors’ assessment training needs in the Chinese context. Language Testing in Asia, 10, 1-18.
  • Giraldo, F. (2018). Language assessment literacy: Implications for language teachers. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 20(1), 179-195.
  • Giraldo, F., & Murcia, D. (2019). Language assessment literacy and the professional development of pre-service language teachers. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 21(2), 10.14483/22487085.14514
  • Graham, P. (2005). Classroom-based assessment: Changing knowledge and practice through preservice teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education 21(6),607-621.
  • Gurmesa, D. B., Birbirs, D. T., Hussein, J. W., & Tsegaye, A. G. (2022). Ethiopian secondary school EFL teachers’ classroom assessment conceptions and practices from an activity theory perspective. East African Journal of Education Studies.
  • Gürsoy, G. (2017). Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Okuryazarlığı: Kavramsal Bir Analiz . Amasya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 6 (1), 281-316.
  • Hatipoğlu, Ç. (2015). English language testing and evaluation (ELTE) training in Turkey: expectations and needs of pre-service English language teachers. ELT Research Journal, 4(2), 111-128
  • Hatipoğlu, Ç., & Erçetin, G. (2016). Türkiye’de yabancı dilde ölçme ve değerlendirme eğitiminin geçmişi ve bugünü [Past and present of education in foreign language testing and assessment in Turkey]. In S. Akcan, & Y. Bayyurt (Eds.) 3. Ulusal Yabancı Dil Eğitimi Kurultayı: Türkiye’de Yabancı Dil Eğitimi Üzerine Görüş ve Düşünceler [The 3rd National Foreign Language Education Conference: Views and Opinions on Foreign Language Education in Turkey] (pp. 72-89). Boğaziçi University.
  • Heitink, M.C., van der Kleij, F., Veldkamp, B. P., Schildkamp, K. & Kippers, W. B. (2016). A systematic review of prerequisites for implementing assessment for learning in classroom practice. Educational Research Review, 17, 50-62.
  • Hofer, G., Mraulak, V., Grinschgl, S., & Neubauer, A. (2022). Less-intelligent and unaware? Accuracy and Dunning–Kruger effects for self-estimates of different aspects of intelligence. Journal of Intelligence, 10
  • Jawhar, S. S., Subahi, A. M. (2020). The impact of specialty, sex, qualification, and experience on teachers’ assessment literacy at Saudi higher education. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 19(5), 200-216,
  • Koh, K.H. (2011). Improving teachers’ assessment literacy through professional development, Teaching Education, 22(3), 255-276,
  • Kömür, Ş. (2018). Pre-service English teachers’ assessment awareness: level of readiness or classroom readiness. Journal of Language Teaching and Learning.
  • Kruger, J. & Dunning, D. (1999). Unskilled and unaware of it: How difficulties in recognizing one's own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(6), 1121-1134.
  • Latif, M. W. (2017). Tertiary level EFL practitioners’ understanding of the dynamics of assessment literacy: An exploratory study. In C. Coombe, P. Davidson, A. Gebril, D. Boraie, & S. Hidri (Eds.), Language assessment in the Middle East and North Africa: Theory, practice and future trends, (pp. 71–87) TESOL Arabia.
  • Latif, M. W. (2021). Exploring tertiary the EFL practitioners’ knowledge base component of assessment literacy: implications for teacher professional development. Language Testing in Asia, 11(1), 1-22.
  • Lee J., & Butler Y. G. (2020). Reconceptualizing language assessment literacy: Where are language learners? TESOL Quarterly, 54(4), 1098–1111.
  • Levi, T., & Inbar-Lourie, O. (2020). Assessment literacy or language assessment literacy: Learning from the teachers. Language Assessment Quarterly, 17(2), 168-182.
  • McCrudden, M. T., & Rapp, D. N. (2023). Inquiry worldviews, approaches to research, and mixed methods in educational psychology. In Handbook of Educational Psychology (pp. 48-70). Taylor and Francis.
  • McMillan, J. H. (2003). Classroom Assessment – Principles & Practice for Effective Instruction. Alyn & Bacon.
  • El-Freihat, S. M. (2021). EFL language assessment literacy among Jordanian EFL secondary school teachers. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences. 16(6), 3266-3277.
  • Mohebbi, H., & Coombe, C. (2020). Research Questions in Language Education and Applied Linguistics: A Reference Guide. Springer.
  • Morrison, A., & Sepulveda-Escobar, P. (2022). Chilean English as a foreign language teacher educators’ conceptions and practices of online assessment. RELC Journal.
  • Ölmezer-Öztürk, E., & Aydın, B. (2019). Voices of EFL teachers as assessors: Their opinions and needs regarding language assessment . Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 7(1), 373-390.
  • Öz, S., & Atay, D. (2017). Turkish EFL instructors’ in-class language assessment literacy: perceptions and practices. ELT Research Journal, 6(1), 25-44.
  • Popham, W. J. (2006). Needed: A dose of assessment literacy. Educational Leadership, 63, 84-85.
  • Quilter, S., & Gallini, J. (2000). Teachers’ assessment literacy and attitudes. The Teacher Educator, 36, 115-131,
  • Quileste, R., & Moreno, L. A. (2020). The pedagogical content knowledge of the school of education pre-service teachers in test construction. JPAIR Institutional Research. DOI:
  • Rahman, M. M. (2018). Teachers' perceptions and practices of classroom assessment in secondary school science classes in Bangladesh. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR).
  • Sanchez, C., & Dunning, D. (2018). Overconfidence among beginners: Is a little learning a dangerous thing? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114(1), 10–28.
  • Sayyadi, A. (2022). In-Service university-level EFL instructors’ language assessment literacy and training needs. Profile: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development.
  • Sevimel-Şahin, A., & Subaşı, G. (2019). An overview of language assessment literacy research within English Language Education Context. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 12(4), 1340-1364,
  • Shim, K. N. (2009). An Investigation into Teachers’ Perceptions of Classroom-Based Assessment of English as a Foreign Language in Korean Primary Education. Doctoral Thesis. University of Exeter.
  • Stiggins, R. J. (1995). Professional Development: The Key to a Total Quality Assessment Environment. NASSP Bulletin, 79(573), 11-19.
  • Taylor, L. (2013). Communicating the theory, practice and principles of language testing to test stakeholders: Some reflections. Language Testing, 30(3), 403-412. https://doi. org/10.1177/0265532213480338.
  • Triastuti, A. (2020). assessing English pre-service teachers’ knowledge base of teaching: linking knowledge and self-portrayal. TEFLIN Journal – A publication on the teaching and learning of English.
  • Xu, Y., & Brown, G. (2016). Teacher assessment literacy in practice: A reconceptualization. Teaching and Teacher Education, 58,149-162,
  • Vogt, K., & Tsagari, D. (2014). Assessment literacy of foreign language teachers: Findings of a European study. Language Assessment Quarterly, 11, 374 – 402.
  • Vogt, K., Tsagari, D., Csépes, I., Green, A., & Sifakis, N. (2020). Linking Learners’ Perspectives on Language Assessment Practices to Teachers’ Assessment Literacy Enhancement (TALE): Insights from Four European Countries. Language Assessment Quarterly, 17(4), 410–433.
  • Vogt, K., Tsagari, D., & Spanoudis, G. (2020). What do teachers think they want? A comparative study of in-service language teachers’ beliefs on LAL training needs. Language Assessment Quarterly, 17, 1-24,
  • Watmani, R., Asadollahfam, H., & Behin, B. (2020). Demystifying language assessment literacy among high school teachers of English as a foreign language in Iran: Implications for teacher education reforms. Tabaran Institute of Higher Education. International Journal of Language Testing, 10(2), 129-144.
  • Wu, X., Zhang, J.L., &Liu, Q. (2021). Using assessment for learning: Multi-case studies of three Chinese university English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers engaging students in learning and assessment. Front. Psychol, 12,
  • Yan, X., Zhang, C., & Fan, J. J. (2018). Assessment knowledge is important, but…: How contextual and experiential factors mediate assessment practice and training needs of language teachers. System, 74, 158–168.
  • Yan, X., & Fan, J. (2020). “Am I qualified to be a language tester?”: Understanding the development of language assessment literacy across three stakeholder groups. Language Testing, 38, 219 – 246.
  • Yeşilçınar, S., & Kartal, G. (2020). EFL teachers’ assessment literacy of young learners: Findings from a small-scale study . Journal of Theoretical Educational Science , 13 (3) , 548-563.
  • Zulaiha, S., Mulyono, H., & Ambarsari, L. (2020). An Investigation into EFL Teachers’ Assessment Literacy: Indonesian Teachers’ Perceptions and Classroom Practice. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 9, 189-201.

Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Uygulamalı Dilbilim ve Eğitim Dilbilimi

Mehmet Abi MUGLA SITKI KOCMAN UNIVERSITY 0000-0002-4976-5173 Türkiye

Şeyda Selen Çimen MUGLA SITKI KOCMAN UNIVERSITY 0000-0001-6840-6558 Türkiye

Şevki Kömür MUGLA SITKI KOCMAN UNIVERSITY 0000-0001-6739-7864 Türkiye

Yayımlanma Tarihi16 Temmuz 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi30 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi11 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APAAbi, M., Çimen, Ş. S., & Kömür, Ş. (2024). How literate are prospective English teachers in language assessment? A Case Just Before Entering the Teaching Profession. ELT Research Journal, 13(1), 44-70.

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