Mediaeval Latin lyrics : Waddell, Helen, 1889-1965, comp. and tr


Mediaeval Latin lyrics : Waddell, Helen, 1889-1965, comp. and tr

viii, 352 pages ; 20 cm

Latin and English

“First published 1929; second edition 1930; third editiion 1930; fourth edition revised 1933.”

“Reprinted 1938.”

Biographical notes: Copa — Petronius — Pulchra comis — Te vigilans oculis : O blandis oculos — Dic quid agis — Ausonius and Paulinus of Nola — Prudentius — Boethius — Venantius Fortunatus — St. Columba — Colman the Irishman — A scholar of Malmesbury — Alcuin — Ms. of Monte Cassino — Angilbert — Hrabanus Maurus — Walafrid Strabo — Sedulius Scottus — The Abbot of Angers — Radbod — Eugenius Vulgarius — Alba — St. Michael — Vestiunt silve — Iam dulcis amica — Heriger, Bishop of Mainz — Levis exsurgit zephyrus — Sigebert of Gembloux — Peter Abelard — The Archpoet — Ms. of Benedictbeuern — De ramis cadunt folia — Ipsa mihi vitam reddidit

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