Mehmet Ali Hacıgökmen. Ahi Sinan bin Ahi Mes`ud ve Şecere-namesi. Doktora tezi (2001)

Tez KünyeDurumu
Ahi Sinan bin Ahi Mes`ud ve Şecere-namesi / Akhi Sinan bin Akhi Mes`ud and his Şecere-name
Yer Bilgisi: Selçuk Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Tarih Ana Bilim Dalı / Ortaçağ Tarihi Bilim Dalı
Konu:Tarih = History
Dizin:Ahiler = Akhies ; Ahilik = Akhism ; Ankara = Ankara ; Şecerenameler = Şecere-names
403 s.
In Anatolia, in the middle of the thirteenth century, Ahis and Turkmens had encountered heavy massacre as result of Kösedağ defeat (64171243) which came thrugh Babais uprising (638/1420) and Mongol invaision. Then, most of the Ahis had escaped to the border regions including Ankara. In the time period bekween the breakdown of Anadolian Selchuk state to the occupation of this land by Ottomans (1343/1362), Ahis in region had took an active role. Ahis had good relations with the dominat powers in the region. Even this situation ha led to sense that an Ahi state was established. It seems possible that Ahi Şerafeddin was regent of Emir Eratna in Ankara. This probability is strengthened by the feet that Emir Eratna had good relations with Ahis and that Şerafeddin was a disciple of Alauddevle Semnanî who was the chief advisor of Gazan Han. Ahi Sinan and his father Ahi Mes’ud had lived in Ankara and Kırşe hir regions. He had a small lodge in a village of town taken his name Eti Mesgut in Ankara. Ahi Mes’ud died before 142/867 and is in Bağluca village. His son Ahi Sinan who had pedigree (şecere-nâme) had lived in An kara and Kırşehir. But in 1471 he was the sheikh of Evren lodge in Kırşehir. 1471, we can find in the documents that he was in life in 1485. It is probable that Ahi Sinan died in a time between the years 1481-1512. But, we have not as much knowledge as to say where he died and where his tomd is found. One of the important documents that can shed on Ahi and Ahi history is the pedigree. Ahis’ lines of descent (silsilah) in these pedigrees are significant in terms of understanding their history, literature and culture. Through the pedigrees, we can know economic and technique developments in our histoury. în this respect, Ahi pedigrees are in the position of primary and genuine materials of the 700 years process of social history.328 Ahi pedigrees especially the Turkish ones are considered as literary works. A pedigree was written in Ottoman language after some months of the Persian pedigree of Ahi Sinan. One of the reasons of this is the nescessity to write in Turkisch that started in thirteeth century. Ahi Sİnan’s pedigree was written in Persian, since in the Ahi institution writting in Persian was a continuing tradition. These pedigrees were all copied from each other. We can see this from the grammer and spelling characters pedigrees.

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