Methoden der organischen Chemie (Houben-Weyl) : erweiterungs-und Folgebände zur vierten auflage


Methoden der organischen Chemie (Houben-Weyl) : erweiterungs-und Folgebände zur vierten auflage

volumes : 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references and indexes

Bd. E1-E2. Organische Phosphor-verbindungen (2 parts) — Bd. E3. Aldehyde — Bd. E4. Kohlensäure-derviate — Bd. E5. Carbonsauren und Carbonsäure-derviate (2 parts) — Bd. E6. Hetarene I (3 parts) — Bd. E7. Hetarene II (2 parts) — Bd. E8. Hetarene III (4 parts) — Bd. E9. Hetarenes IV (6 parts) — Bd. E10. Organo-fluorine compounds (5 parts) — Bd. E11. Organische Schwefel-verbindungen (2 parts) — Bd. E12b. Organotellurium compounds — Bd. E13. Organische Peroxo-verbindungen (2 parts) — Bd. E14a. T. 1. O/O- und O/S-Acetale ; T. 2. O/N-Acetale ; T. 3. Hal/O(S, N)-, S/S(N)-, N/N-Acetale, Hal/O-, O/O-Acetale als anomere Zentren von Kohlenhydraten — Bd. E14b. Organische Stickstoff-vergindungen mit C, N-Doppelbindungen (2 parts) — Bd. E15. En, X- und In, X-Verbindungen (3 parts) — Bd. E16a. Organische Stickstoff-verbindungen I (2 parts) — Bd. E16b. Organische Stickstoff-verbindungen II — Bd. E16c. Organische Stickstoff-verbindungen III — Bd. E16d. Organische Stickstoff-Verbindungen IV (2 parts) — Bd. E17. Carbocyclic three- and four- membered ring compounds (6 parts) — Bd. E18. Organo-[pi]-metall-vergindungen als Hilfsmittel in der organischen (2 parts) — Bd. E19a. C-Radikale (2 parts) — Bd. E19b. Carbene (Carbenoide) (2 parts) — Bd. E19c. Carbokationen, Carbokation-Radikale — Bd. E19d. Carbanionen — Bd. E20. Makromolekulare Staffe (3 parts) — Bd. E21. Stereoselective synthesis (6 parts) — Bd. E22. Synthesis of peptides and peptidomimetics (5 parts) — Bd. E23a. Index of experimental procedures of classes of substances and individual compounds (ch ··· index) Part 1 (Classes of substances; C1 — C13) — Bd. E23b. Index of experimental procedures of classes of substances and individual compounds (ch ··· index) Part 2 (C14 — Cx; H ···, Ag — Zn) — Bd. E23c. Substance index: aliphatic compounds I carbonyl compounds (2 parts) — Bd. E23d. Substance index: aliphatic compounds II alkynes, alkenes, alkanes (3 parts) — Bd. E23e. Substance index: cyclic compounds I three- and four-membered monocyclic compounds — Bd. E23f. Substance index: cyclic compounds II five-membered monocyclic compounds — Bd. E23g. Substance index: cyclic compounds III six-membered monocyclic compounds without heteroatoms — Bd. E23h. Substance index: cyclic compounds IV six-membered monocyclic compounds with heteroatoms, n-Membered monocyclic compounds (n> 6) — Bd. E23k. Substance index: cyclic compounds VII tricyclic compounds I — Bd. E23l. Substance index: cyclic compounds VIII tricyclic compounds II — Bd. E23m. Substance index: cyclic compounds VIII polycyclic compounds I — Bd. E23n. Substance index: cyclic compounds IX polycyclic compounds II — Bd. E23o. Synopsis of the structure I — Bd. E23p. Synopsis of the structure II

Accompanied by booklet (15 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.) with title: The organization principle

Bd. E1-E2. Organische Phosphor-verbindungen (2 parts) — Bd. E3. Aldehyde — Bd. E4. Kohlensaure-derviate — Bd. E5. Carbonsauren und Carbonsaure-derviate (2 parts) — Bd. E6. Hetarene I (3 parts) — Bd. E7. Hetarene II (2 parts) — Bd. E8. Hetarene III (4 parts) — Bd. E9. Hetarenes IV (6 parts) — Bd. E10. Organo-fluorine compounds (5 parts) — Bd. E11. Organische Schwefel-verbindungen (2 parts) — Bd. E12b. Organotellurium compounds — Bd. E13. Organische Peroxo-verbindungen (2 parts) — Bd. E14a. T. 1. O/O- und O/S-Acetale ; T. 2. O/N-Acetale ; T. 3. Hal/O(S, N)-, S/S(N)-, N/N-Acetale, Hal/O-, O/O-Acetale als anomere Zentren von Kohlenhydraten — Bd. E14b. Organische Stickstoff-vergindungen mit C, N-Doppelbindungen (2 parts) — Bd. E15. En, X- und In, X-Verbindungen (3 parts) — Bd. E16a. Organische Stickstoff-verbindungen I (2 parts) — Bd. E16b. Organische Stickstoff-verbindungen II — Bd. E16c. Organische Stickstoff-verbindungen III — Bd. E16d. Organische Stickstoff-Verbindungen IV (2 parts) — Bd. E17. Carbocyclic three- and four- membered ring compounds (6 parts) — Bd. E18. Organo-[pi]-metall-vergindungen als Hilfsmittel in der organischen (2 parts) — Bd. E19a. C-Radikale (2 parts) — Bd. E19b. Carbene (Carbenoide) (2 parts) — Bd. E19c. Carbokationen, Carbokation-Radikale — Bd. E19d. Carbanionen — Bd. E20. Makromolekulare Staffe (3 parts) — Bd. E21. Stereoselective synthesis (6 parts) — Bd. E22. Synthesis of peptides and peptidomimetics (5 parts) — Bd. E23a. Index of experimental procedures of classes of substances and individual compounds (ch ℗ʺ℗ʺ℗ʺ index) Part 1 (Classes of substances; C1 — C13) — Bd. E23b. Index of experimental procedures of classes of substances and individual compounds (ch ℗ʺ℗ʺ℗ʺ index) Part 2 (C14 — Cx; H ℗ʺ℗ʺ℗ʺ, Ag — Zn) — Bd. E23c. Substance index: aliphatic compounds I carbonyl compounds (2 parts) — Bd. E23d. Substance index: aliphatic compounds II alkynes, alkenes, alkanes (3 parts) — Bd. E23e. Substance index: cyclic compounds I three- and four-membered monocyclic compounds — Bd. E23f. Substance index: cyclic compounds II five-membered monocyclic compounds — Bd. E23g. Substance index: cyclic compounds III six-membered monocyclic compounds without heteroatoms — Bd. E23h. Substance index: cyclic compounds IV six-membered monocyclic compounds with heteroatoms, n-Membered monocyclic compounds (n> 6) — Bd. E23k. Substance index: cyclic compounds VII tricyclic compounds I — Bd. E23l. Substance index: cyclic compounds VIII tricyclic compounds II — Bd. E23m. Substance index: cyclic compounds VIII polycyclic compounds I — Bd. E23n. Substance index: cyclic compounds IX polycyclic compounds II — Bd. E23o. Synopsis of the structure I — Bd. E23p. Synopsis of the structure II


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