National psychology

National psychology [Text] : Kazakh Nation / K. A. Orazbekova ; The Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan .- Almaty : Atamura , 2020.– 200 cop. . – 978-601-331-899-8 (h. c.) Bibliogr.: p. 444-454 Vol. 2 .– 454, [1] p. (h. c.) : 10 tg.

Subject heading:

Psychology. Training manual


This textbook studies the meaning and purpose of the national psychology of the Kazakhs, contains information about famous masters, about the spiritual qualities of the Kazakh people


Orazbekova, K. A.


Қазақстан Республикасының Ұлттық кітапханасы (Алматы қ.)

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