Pilet utoopiasse : ulmeantoloogia


Pilet utoopiasse : ulmeantoloogia

327 pages : 21 cm

Seitsmes ohver = Seventh victim / Robert Sheckley — Pilet tranaile = Ticket to Tranai / Robert Sheckley — Kummaline vein = Strange wine / Harlan Ellison — Klaasikillud = Broken glass / Harlan Ellison — Sõda jõulupuu all = The war beneath the tree / Gene Wolfe — Majake rannal = A cabin on the coast / Gene Wolfe — Kuninglik liha = Kingsmeat / Orson Scott Card — Silm silma vastu = Eye for eye / Orson Scott Card — Igavesti sinu, Anna = Forever yours, Anna / Kate Wilhelm — Georgia mu südames = Georgia on my mind / Charles Sheffield — Lincolni rong = The Lincoln train / Maureen F. McHugh — Surnud poiss teie akna taga = The dead boy at the window / Bruce Holland Rogers — Väikevend TM = Little brother TM / Bruce Holland Rogers — Don Ysidro = Don Ysidro / Bruce Holland Rogers — Teistsugune pimedus = Different kinds of darkness / David Langford — Lugu Marsist = Falling onto Mars / Geoffrey A. Landis

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