Political History of Ahwaz: Iranian Occupation, Colonialism and Ahwazi People’s Territorial Claims

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 291 – 322, 31.12.2023



İran’daki Ahvaz halkı, İran ulusal kimliğinden ziyade kendi etnik kökeni, dili ve kültürüyle özdeşleşmektedir. Halk olduklarını, milliyetlerini ve kendi kaderini tayin hakkına sahip olduklarını göstermek için tarihe güvenmektedirler. Ahvaz tarihi oldukça tartışmalı olsa da bu araştırma, Ahvaz perspektifi sunarak Ahvaz halkının uzun süredir devam eden tarihsel toprak iddialarına ilişkin tartışmayı çerçevelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu araştırma, Ahvaz Şeyhleri ile İran’daki Şah arasındaki tarihsel dinamikleri inceleyerek Şeyhlerin özerkliğinin kapsamını ve Şah’ın Ahvaz bölgesi üzerindeki hakimiyetini değerlendirmektedir. Ahvaz bölgesinin coğrafyası, doğal kaynakları, etnik yapısı, siyasi tarihi ve iddiaları hakkında genel bir bakış sağlamaktadır. Ayrıca sömürgeci çıkarların son Ahvaz Emirliği’nin işgaline nasıl yol açtığını ve çeşitliliğe ve katılıma yer vermeyen merkezi bir siyasi sistemi kapsayan İran ulus devletinin kökenini nasıl etkilediğini de sergilemiş olmaktadır.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Ahvaz Siyasi Tarihi, İran, Askeri İşgal, Sömürgecilik, Toprak Talepleri


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Political History of Ahwaz: Iranian Occupation, Colonialism and Ahwazi People’s Territorial Claims

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 291 – 322, 31.12.2023



Ahwazi people in Iran identify with their own ethnicity, language and culture rather than the Iranian national identity. They rely on history to demonstrate their peoplehood, nationality and entitlement to the right to self-determination. While Ahwazi history is highly contested, this research aims to frame the discussion on the Ahwazi people’s long-standing historical claims to territory by offering an Ahwazi perspective. This research delves into the historical dynamics between the Ahwazi Sheikhs and the Shah of Persia, assessing the extent of the Sheikhs’ autonomy and the Shah’s dominion over the Ahwaz region. It provides an overview of the geography, natural resources, ethnic composition, political history, and claims over the Ahwaz region. It also demonstrates how colonial interests led to the occupation of the last Ahwazi emirate and influenced the origin of the Iranian nation-state, encompassing a centralised political system with no room for diversity and inclusion.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Ahwaz Political History, Iran, Military Occupation, Colonialism, Territorial Claims

Etik Beyan

No potential conflict of interest was found.


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  • Ahwaz Human Rights Organization, Indigenous Ahwazi Arabs for Freedom and Democracy in Iran & Democratic Solidarity Party of Ahwaz. (2004). Statement by Karim Banisaid-Abdian, head of the indigenous Ahwazi-Arab delegation, read and submitted under agenda item 4(b), indigenous peoples and conflict resolution group on indigenous populations July 19-23, 2004. Geneva, Switzerland.
  • AJIL. (1907). Convention signed on August 31, 1907, between Great Britain and Russia, containing arrangements on the subject of Persia, Afghanistan, and Thibet. American Journal of International Law, 1, 398-406. https://doi.org/10.2307/2212229
  • Aksakal, M. (2011). 'Holy war made in Germany'? Ottoman origins of the 1914 jihad. War in History, 18(2), 184-199. https://doi.org/10.1177/0968344510393596
  • Al Ghaithi, A. M. S. (2020). Al-Khalij: Arabi am Farisi? Darasah tarikhiyah le jothor alserae wa abadah wa tadaiyatah Journal of General Education (Asiut), 36(12), 160-189.‎ https://doi.org/10.21608/mfes.2020.141419
  • Al-Sheati, A. (2011, December 6). Iranian Mandaeans in exile following persecution. Al-Arabiya. http://www.alarabia.net/articles/2011/12/06/181123.html
  • AlHilo, A. N. (1969). Al-Ahwaz "Arabistan:" Fi adwariha atarikhiyah (Vol. 2). Dar al-Basri.
  • AlHilo, A. N. (1970). Al-Ahwaz: Qabaeleha wa osareha (Vol. 4). Matbaat al-Fora al-Haditha.
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  • Atabaki, T. (2006). The First World War, great powers rivalries and the emergence of political community in Iran. In T. Atabaki (Ed.), Iran and the First World War: Battleground of the great powers (pp. 1-8). IB Tauris. https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/iran-and-the-first-world-war-9781860649646/
  • Atabaki, T. (2016). Persia/Iran. In U. Daniel et al. (Eds.), 1914-1918-online: International encyclopedia of the First World War (pp. 1-18). Freie Universität Berlin. https://encyclopedia.1914-1918-online.net/article/persiairan
  • Ates, S. (2019). Treaty of Zohab, 1639: Foundational myth or foundational document? Iranian Studies, 52(3-4), 397-423. https://doi.org/10.1080/00210862.2019.1653172
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  • Avery, P., et al. (Eds.). (1991). The Cambridge history of Iran: From Nadir Shah to the Islamic Republic. Cambridge University Press.
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  • Azawi, A. (2004). Mosoat tarikh al-Iraq bain ehtelalain (Vol. 3). Dar al-Arabiyah lel-Darasat.
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  • Buckley, J. J. (2002). The Mandaeans: Ancient texts and modern people. OUP.
  • Buderi, C., & Ricart, L. (2018). The Iran-UAE Gulf islands dispute: A journey through international law, history and politics. Brill-Nijhoff.
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Toplam 115 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Abdulrahman Hetteh City, University of London 0009-0006-2797-3090 United Kingdom

Yayımlanma Tarihi31 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APAHetteh, A. (2023). Political History of Ahwaz: Iranian Occupation, Colonialism and Ahwazi People’s Territorial Claims. İran Çalışmaları Dergisi, 7(2), 291-322. https://doi.org/10.33201/iranian.1354019

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