Prominent Archaeological Sites of Central Asia on the Great Silk Road

Prominent Archaeological Sites of Central Asia on the Great Silk Road [Text] / A. Sulaymanova A. Gritsina A. Kurbanov K. Baipakov R. Mukimov D. Voyakin ; [chief of the project Sh. Mustafayev ; scientific editors: K. Baipakov, Sh. Pikayev]… – Samarkand : International Institute for Central Asian studies, 2011. – 134 p., [41] sheets of ill.; . – Bibliogr.: p. 121-133 . – 500 cop. – ISBN 978-9943-357-20-4 :

Subject heading:

History of caravan trade. Central Asia


Introduces readers to the most famous and outstanding archaeological sites of Central Asia


Baipakov, Voyakin, Sulaymanova, Mukimov, Kurbanov, Gritsina, K., D., A., R., A., A.


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