Seyit Sertçelik. Osmanlı-Rus ilişkileri (XVIII. yüzyıl). Yüksek lisans tezi (1993)

Tez KünyeDurumu
Osmanlı-Rus ilişkileri (XVIII. yüzyıl) /
Yer Bilgisi: Ankara Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Tarih Ana Bilim Dalı
Konu:Tarih = History
Dizin:18. yüzyıl = 18. century ; Osmanlı Dönemi = Ottoman Period ; Rusya = Russia ; Türk-Rus ilişkileri = Turkish-Russian relations
Yüksek Lisans
166 s.
141 SUMMARY It can be seen three different stages in the relations between Ottomans and Russians throughout XVHIth century. Firstly, in 1711 Peter I has been defeated by Ottomans in Prut. Secondly, Empress Anna only gained military success against Ottomans after a quarter century. Lastly, Russian victories against Ottoman State both in political and military fields have been achieved in the reign of Empress Catherine II. After second half of the century, Russia and the Prussia became dominant powers of eastern Europe by replacing Ottoman, Sweden and Poland. These events lead to change European map between Black Sea and Baltic. Ottomans and Russians met one more in the battle fields after Catherine II. and Frederick’s intervention to Poland. “Poland Questions” that occupied European agenda ended by abolishment of Poland as an independent state. Furthermore Ottomans lost Crimea to Russians. By this way, Russia gained very important strategic and economic position by reaching Black Sea region, which aimed to success from Peter I.’s period. Western powers have considered Russian advance forward Bosphorus after reaching to Black Sea. England, Prussia, France and Austria were especially aprove of the Ottoman existence against Russia even though they followed time to time contradictory policy. In XVHIth century, “Eastern Question” that is claimed to start by entering Turks to Europe has been changed to expulsion of Turks from Europe by Russian provoking Ottoman Christian subjects in Balkans. Russia has had not only religious142 connection but also race kinship. Therefore, Russia became the greatest defender of Orthodox Church together with Slav nationalism. Ottoman State has been defeated approximately in all wars by Russia at the second half of the XVIHth century. Therefore, it was needed to achieve military and administrative reforms to strengthen the State. However, these reforms became very limited and going on so slow that they remained ineffective. Today, history is repeating. To understand present confusing in Balkans after the fall of the Eastern Block, it should be carefully examine the history of the Balkans of XVTflth century. However, on the contrary present situation, Ottoman tolerance against non-muslim subjects leads to spread peace all over the Balkans during the Ottoman reign.

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