Sosyal Medyada Dijital Kimlik İnşası: Instagram Kullanıcılarının Biyografi Yazılarının Cinsiyet ve Kuşak Kategorisine Göre İçerik Analizi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 219 – 233, 31.12.2023


Digital identity is the way individuals express themselves on social media. In this regard, in the process of building their digital identities, individuals can build an identity according to the individual qualities they have, the social roles that society imposes on them, or the identities they cannot have in real life but want to be. The subject of this study is the digital identities that individuals build on social media. The aim of the research is to determine how individuals representing the The sample of the research consists of a total of 230 people, selected by the purposeful sampling method, representing the X, Y and Z generations who actively use the Instagram application. Although the method of the research is quantitative content analysis, the data collected from 230 users were transferred to the SPSS package program, frequency analyzes were performed and Chi Square relationship tests were applied. In this regard, while there was no significant relationship between the gender of the participants and Instagram biography content (p=.314>.05), content format (p=.077>.05) and content language (p=.205>.05); A significant relationship was detected between the generation the participants belonged to and Instagram bio content (p=.000,05) arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunamazken; katılımcıların ait oldukları kuşak ile Instagram biyografi içerik (p=,000

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