Talebe dayalı malzeme ihtiyaç planlamaya dönüşüm süreci: Bir hazır giyim firmasında uygulama

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 207 – 214, 18.07.2024



Belirsizliğin arttığı bugünün çalışma ortamında perakendecilerin doğru stokları doğru yerde ve doğru miktarda tutmaları önem kazanmıştır. Doğrusal yöntemlerin değişkenliğe dayanıksızlığı ve tahmin hataları stok yönetimini zorlaştırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Hazır Giyim firmalarına talebe dayalı çekme tipi üretim yönetimine dönüşüm için yol haritası önerilmektedir. Talebe Dayalı Malzeme İhtiyaç Planlama (Demand Driven Material Requirement Planning-DDMRP) uygulamasıyla merkez depodan mağazalara gün aşırı döngüsel sefer (milk-run) tarzında tamamlama servisi verilmiştir. Aynı zamanda fabrikanın üretim iş emirleri merkez depodaki DDMRP uygulamasına göre düzenlenmiştir Geleneksel perakende dağıtımı satış tahmini, min-maks stok seviyelerine göre otomatik tamamlama ve birim maliyet düşürme amacıyla satınalma-üretim-sevk için parti büyütme esaslıdır. Gelenekselin aksine ürün aileleri bazında yıllık eğilim dışında satış tahmini ve optimizasyon kullanılmadan dinamik stok yönetimi uygulanarak bir yıl içinde üretimdeki akış süresi %33 azaltılmış, yarı mamul stoklar %37 düşürülmüş, mamul stoklarda %17 azalma ve satışlarda %20 artış elde edilmiştir.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Talebe Duyarlı Malzeme İhtiyaç Planlaması, Dinamik Stok Yönetimi, Bulunurluk, Kısıtlar Teorisi, DDMRP

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



Serdar Karademir için teşekkür yazılmıştır.


  • Choi, T.-M., Govindan, K., ve Li, X. (2017, September 6). Innovative supply chain optimization models with multiple uncertainty factors. Annals of Operational Research. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-017-2582-4
  • Dettmer, H. W. (2007). The Logical Thinking Process. Milwaukee, USA: ASQ Quality Press.
  • Disney, S. M., ve Towill, D. R. (2003, 8 11). The effect of vendor managed inventory (VMI) dynamics on the Bullwhip Effect in supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics, s. 199-215. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0925-5273(03)00110-5
  • Fridgeirsson, T. V., Ingason, H. T., Jonasson, H. I., ve Kristjansdottir, B. H. (2021, 3 30). The VUCAlity of Projects: A New Approach to Assess a Project Risk in a Complex World. Sustainability, s. 1-13. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/su13073808
  • Georgiadis, G., ve Rajaram, K. (2013, September). The Retail Planning Problem Under Demand Uncertainty. Production and Operations Management, s. 1200-1213.
  • Goldratt, E. M. (2009). Isn't It Obvious? Great Barrington, MA, USA: The North River Press.
  • Goldratt, E., ve Goldratt-Ashlag, E. (2008). The Choice. Great Barrington: The North River Press.
  • Goldratt-Research-Labs. (2022, Kasım 12). Hannah's Shop: https://www.hannahsshop.com/vsl-order-form-uio
  • Grzybowska, K., ve A. Tubis, A. (2022, 8 28). Supply Chain Resilience in Reality VUCA – An International DelphiSt udy. Sustainability. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/su141710711
  • Margherita, A., Banchi, E., Biffi, A., di Castri, G., ve Morelli, R. (2022, 10 9). Beyond Total Cost Management (TCM) to Systemic Value Management (SVM): Transformational Trends and a Research Manifesto for an Evolving Discipline. Sustainability. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/su141912890
  • Modi, K., Lowalekar, H., ve Bhatta, N. M. (2018, 9 25). Revolutionizing supply chain management the theory of constraints way: a case study. International Journal of Production Research.
  • Ptak, C. A., ve Smith, C. J. (2011). Orlicky's Material Requirement Planning 3rd ed. ABD: McGraw-Hill Company.
  • Ptak, C., ve Smith, C. (2016). Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning. Connecticut: Industrial Press, Inc.
  • Stratton, R., ve Warburton, R. D. (2003, 8 11). The strategic integration of agile and lean supply. International Journal of Production Economics, s. 184-198.
  • Thorsen, A., ve Yao, T. (2017, 10). Robust Inventory Control Under Demand and Lead Time Uncertainty. Annals of Operations Research. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-015-2084-1
  • Wen, X., Choi, T.-M., ve Chung, S.-H. (2018, November 2). Fashion retail supply chain management: A review of operational models. International Journal of Production Economics. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.10.012
  • Wu, H.-H., ve Tsai, T.-P. (2008). An enhanced model for TOC Supply Chain Replenishment Systems under capacity constraint. IEEE International Conference On Service Operations – Logistics – Informatics (s. 2683-2688).Beijing: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/SOLI.2008.4682991
  • Xu, W., Zhang, L., ve Cui, J. (2022, 4 23). Optimal Replenishment Policies and Trade Credit for Integrated Inventory Problems in Fuzzy Environment. Mathematical Problems In Engineering. doi: https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/5597437

Transformation to Demand Driven MRP: Implementation in a clothing company

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 207 – 214, 18.07.2024



In today’s VUCA environment availability is the major issue for Retailers. The fragility of linear methods under volatility and remarkable forecast errors are major challenges. The traditional method relies on sales forecasting and larger batches to reduce unit cost and min-max for replenishment. This study proposes a roadmap for the transformation to demand-driven pull-type production management for retailers. The retailer issued work orders and organized frequent deliveries by Demand Driven Material Requirement Planning (DDMRP). During the same year, flow time was reduced by 33%, WIP dropped by 37%, finished goods inventory dropped by 17% and sales increased by 20%.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Demand Driven MRP, DDMRP, Dynamic Inventory Management, Availability, Theory of Constraints, Talebe Duyarlı Malzeme İhtiyaç Planlaması, Dinamik Stok Yönetimi, Bulunurluk, Kısıtlar Teorisi

Proje Numarası



  • Choi, T.-M., Govindan, K., ve Li, X. (2017, September 6). Innovative supply chain optimization models with multiple uncertainty factors. Annals of Operational Research. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-017-2582-4
  • Dettmer, H. W. (2007). The Logical Thinking Process. Milwaukee, USA: ASQ Quality Press.
  • Disney, S. M., ve Towill, D. R. (2003, 8 11). The effect of vendor managed inventory (VMI) dynamics on the Bullwhip Effect in supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics, s. 199-215. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0925-5273(03)00110-5
  • Fridgeirsson, T. V., Ingason, H. T., Jonasson, H. I., ve Kristjansdottir, B. H. (2021, 3 30). The VUCAlity of Projects: A New Approach to Assess a Project Risk in a Complex World. Sustainability, s. 1-13. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/su13073808
  • Georgiadis, G., ve Rajaram, K. (2013, September). The Retail Planning Problem Under Demand Uncertainty. Production and Operations Management, s. 1200-1213.
  • Goldratt, E. M. (2009). Isn't It Obvious? Great Barrington, MA, USA: The North River Press.
  • Goldratt, E., ve Goldratt-Ashlag, E. (2008). The Choice. Great Barrington: The North River Press.
  • Goldratt-Research-Labs. (2022, Kasım 12). Hannah's Shop: https://www.hannahsshop.com/vsl-order-form-uio
  • Grzybowska, K., ve A. Tubis, A. (2022, 8 28). Supply Chain Resilience in Reality VUCA – An International DelphiSt udy. Sustainability. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/su141710711
  • Margherita, A., Banchi, E., Biffi, A., di Castri, G., ve Morelli, R. (2022, 10 9). Beyond Total Cost Management (TCM) to Systemic Value Management (SVM): Transformational Trends and a Research Manifesto for an Evolving Discipline. Sustainability. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/su141912890
  • Modi, K., Lowalekar, H., ve Bhatta, N. M. (2018, 9 25). Revolutionizing supply chain management the theory of constraints way: a case study. International Journal of Production Research.
  • Ptak, C. A., ve Smith, C. J. (2011). Orlicky's Material Requirement Planning 3rd ed. ABD: McGraw-Hill Company.
  • Ptak, C., ve Smith, C. (2016). Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning. Connecticut: Industrial Press, Inc.
  • Stratton, R., ve Warburton, R. D. (2003, 8 11). The strategic integration of agile and lean supply. International Journal of Production Economics, s. 184-198.
  • Thorsen, A., ve Yao, T. (2017, 10). Robust Inventory Control Under Demand and Lead Time Uncertainty. Annals of Operations Research. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-015-2084-1
  • Wen, X., Choi, T.-M., ve Chung, S.-H. (2018, November 2). Fashion retail supply chain management: A review of operational models. International Journal of Production Economics. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.10.012
  • Wu, H.-H., ve Tsai, T.-P. (2008). An enhanced model for TOC Supply Chain Replenishment Systems under capacity constraint. IEEE International Conference On Service Operations – Logistics – Informatics (s. 2683-2688).Beijing: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/SOLI.2008.4682991
  • Xu, W., Zhang, L., ve Cui, J. (2022, 4 23). Optimal Replenishment Policies and Trade Credit for Integrated Inventory Problems in Fuzzy Environment. Mathematical Problems In Engineering. doi: https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/5597437

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 207 – 214, 18.07.2024



Anahtar Kelimeler

Demand Driven MRP, DDMRP, Dynamic Inventory Management, Availability, Theory of Constraints, Talebe Duyarlı Malzeme İhtiyaç Planlaması, Dinamik Stok Yönetimi, Bulunurluk, Kısıtlar Teorisi

Proje Numarası



  • Choi, T.-M., Govindan, K., ve Li, X. (2017, September 6). Innovative supply chain optimization models with multiple uncertainty factors. Annals of Operational Research. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-017-2582-4
  • Dettmer, H. W. (2007). The Logical Thinking Process. Milwaukee, USA: ASQ Quality Press.
  • Disney, S. M., ve Towill, D. R. (2003, 8 11). The effect of vendor managed inventory (VMI) dynamics on the Bullwhip Effect in supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics, s. 199-215. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0925-5273(03)00110-5
  • Fridgeirsson, T. V., Ingason, H. T., Jonasson, H. I., ve Kristjansdottir, B. H. (2021, 3 30). The VUCAlity of Projects: A New Approach to Assess a Project Risk in a Complex World. Sustainability, s. 1-13. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/su13073808
  • Georgiadis, G., ve Rajaram, K. (2013, September). The Retail Planning Problem Under Demand Uncertainty. Production and Operations Management, s. 1200-1213.
  • Goldratt, E. M. (2009). Isn't It Obvious? Great Barrington, MA, USA: The North River Press.
  • Goldratt, E., ve Goldratt-Ashlag, E. (2008). The Choice. Great Barrington: The North River Press.
  • Goldratt-Research-Labs. (2022, Kasım 12). Hannah's Shop: https://www.hannahsshop.com/vsl-order-form-uio
  • Grzybowska, K., ve A. Tubis, A. (2022, 8 28). Supply Chain Resilience in Reality VUCA – An International DelphiSt udy. Sustainability. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/su141710711
  • Margherita, A., Banchi, E., Biffi, A., di Castri, G., ve Morelli, R. (2022, 10 9). Beyond Total Cost Management (TCM) to Systemic Value Management (SVM): Transformational Trends and a Research Manifesto for an Evolving Discipline. Sustainability. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/su141912890
  • Modi, K., Lowalekar, H., ve Bhatta, N. M. (2018, 9 25). Revolutionizing supply chain management the theory of constraints way: a case study. International Journal of Production Research.
  • Ptak, C. A., ve Smith, C. J. (2011). Orlicky's Material Requirement Planning 3rd ed. ABD: McGraw-Hill Company.
  • Ptak, C., ve Smith, C. (2016). Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning. Connecticut: Industrial Press, Inc.
  • Stratton, R., ve Warburton, R. D. (2003, 8 11). The strategic integration of agile and lean supply. International Journal of Production Economics, s. 184-198.
  • Thorsen, A., ve Yao, T. (2017, 10). Robust Inventory Control Under Demand and Lead Time Uncertainty. Annals of Operations Research. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-015-2084-1
  • Wen, X., Choi, T.-M., ve Chung, S.-H. (2018, November 2). Fashion retail supply chain management: A review of operational models. International Journal of Production Economics. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.10.012
  • Wu, H.-H., ve Tsai, T.-P. (2008). An enhanced model for TOC Supply Chain Replenishment Systems under capacity constraint. IEEE International Conference On Service Operations – Logistics – Informatics (s. 2683-2688).Beijing: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/SOLI.2008.4682991
  • Xu, W., Zhang, L., ve Cui, J. (2022, 4 23). Optimal Replenishment Policies and Trade Credit for Integrated Inventory Problems in Fuzzy Environment. Mathematical Problems In Engineering. doi: https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/5597437

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 207 – 214, 18.07.2024



Anahtar Kelimeler

Demand Driven MRP, DDMRP, Dynamic Inventory Management, Availability, Theory of Constraints, Talebe Duyarlı Malzeme İhtiyaç Planlaması, Dinamik Stok Yönetimi, Bulunurluk, Kısıtlar Teorisi

Proje Numarası



  • Choi, T.-M., Govindan, K., ve Li, X. (2017, September 6). Innovative supply chain optimization models with multiple uncertainty factors. Annals of Operational Research. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-017-2582-4
  • Dettmer, H. W. (2007). The Logical Thinking Process. Milwaukee, USA: ASQ Quality Press.
  • Disney, S. M., ve Towill, D. R. (2003, 8 11). The effect of vendor managed inventory (VMI) dynamics on the Bullwhip Effect in supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics, s. 199-215. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0925-5273(03)00110-5
  • Fridgeirsson, T. V., Ingason, H. T., Jonasson, H. I., ve Kristjansdottir, B. H. (2021, 3 30). The VUCAlity of Projects: A New Approach to Assess a Project Risk in a Complex World. Sustainability, s. 1-13. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/su13073808
  • Georgiadis, G., ve Rajaram, K. (2013, September). The Retail Planning Problem Under Demand Uncertainty. Production and Operations Management, s. 1200-1213.
  • Goldratt, E. M. (2009). Isn't It Obvious? Great Barrington, MA, USA: The North River Press.
  • Goldratt, E., ve Goldratt-Ashlag, E. (2008). The Choice. Great Barrington: The North River Press.
  • Goldratt-Research-Labs. (2022, Kasım 12). Hannah's Shop: https://www.hannahsshop.com/vsl-order-form-uio
  • Grzybowska, K., ve A. Tubis, A. (2022, 8 28). Supply Chain Resilience in Reality VUCA – An International DelphiSt udy. Sustainability. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/su141710711
  • Margherita, A., Banchi, E., Biffi, A., di Castri, G., ve Morelli, R. (2022, 10 9). Beyond Total Cost Management (TCM) to Systemic Value Management (SVM): Transformational Trends and a Research Manifesto for an Evolving Discipline. Sustainability. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/su141912890
  • Modi, K., Lowalekar, H., ve Bhatta, N. M. (2018, 9 25). Revolutionizing supply chain management the theory of constraints way: a case study. International Journal of Production Research.
  • Ptak, C. A., ve Smith, C. J. (2011). Orlicky's Material Requirement Planning 3rd ed. ABD: McGraw-Hill Company.
  • Ptak, C., ve Smith, C. (2016). Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning. Connecticut: Industrial Press, Inc.
  • Stratton, R., ve Warburton, R. D. (2003, 8 11). The strategic integration of agile and lean supply. International Journal of Production Economics, s. 184-198.
  • Thorsen, A., ve Yao, T. (2017, 10). Robust Inventory Control Under Demand and Lead Time Uncertainty. Annals of Operations Research. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-015-2084-1
  • Wen, X., Choi, T.-M., ve Chung, S.-H. (2018, November 2). Fashion retail supply chain management: A review of operational models. International Journal of Production Economics. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.10.012
  • Wu, H.-H., ve Tsai, T.-P. (2008). An enhanced model for TOC Supply Chain Replenishment Systems under capacity constraint. IEEE International Conference On Service Operations – Logistics – Informatics (s. 2683-2688).Beijing: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/SOLI.2008.4682991
  • Xu, W., Zhang, L., ve Cui, J. (2022, 4 23). Optimal Replenishment Policies and Trade Credit for Integrated Inventory Problems in Fuzzy Environment. Mathematical Problems In Engineering. doi: https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/5597437

Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Endüstri Mühendisliği
BölümAraştırma Makalesi

Utkan Uluçay MALTEPE ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-8182-9093 Türkiye

Proje Numarası???
Erken Görünüm Tarihi18 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi18 Temmuz 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi22 Aralık 2022
Kabul Tarihi14 Eylül 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APAUluçay, U. (2024). Talebe dayalı malzeme ihtiyaç planlamaya dönüşüm süreci: Bir hazır giyim firmasında uygulama. Journal of Turkish Operations Management, 8(1), 207-214. https://doi.org/10.56554/jtom.1222880
AMAUluçay U. Talebe dayalı malzeme ihtiyaç planlamaya dönüşüm süreci: Bir hazır giyim firmasında uygulama. JTOM. Temmuz 2024;8(1):207-214. doi:10.56554/jtom.1222880
ChicagoUluçay, Utkan. “Talebe Dayalı Malzeme Ihtiyaç Planlamaya dönüşüm süreci: Bir hazır Giyim firmasında Uygulama”. Journal of Turkish Operations Management 8, sy. 1 (Temmuz 2024): 207-14. https://doi.org/10.56554/jtom.1222880.
EndNoteUluçay U (01 Temmuz 2024) Talebe dayalı malzeme ihtiyaç planlamaya dönüşüm süreci: Bir hazır giyim firmasında uygulama. Journal of Turkish Operations Management 8 1 207–214.
IEEEU. Uluçay, “Talebe dayalı malzeme ihtiyaç planlamaya dönüşüm süreci: Bir hazır giyim firmasında uygulama”, JTOM, c. 8, sy. 1, ss. 207–214, 2024, doi: 10.56554/jtom.1222880.
ISNADUluçay, Utkan. “Talebe Dayalı Malzeme Ihtiyaç Planlamaya dönüşüm süreci: Bir hazır Giyim firmasında Uygulama”. Journal of Turkish Operations Management 8/1 (Temmuz 2024), 207-214. https://doi.org/10.56554/jtom.1222880.
JAMAUluçay U. Talebe dayalı malzeme ihtiyaç planlamaya dönüşüm süreci: Bir hazır giyim firmasında uygulama. JTOM. 2024;8:207–214.
MLAUluçay, Utkan. “Talebe Dayalı Malzeme Ihtiyaç Planlamaya dönüşüm süreci: Bir hazır Giyim firmasında Uygulama”. Journal of Turkish Operations Management, c. 8, sy. 1, 2024, ss. 207-14, doi:10.56554/jtom.1222880.
VancouverUluçay U. Talebe dayalı malzeme ihtiyaç planlamaya dönüşüm süreci: Bir hazır giyim firmasında uygulama. JTOM. 2024;8(1):207-14.

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