“Transitions” as an archaeological concept. Interpreting the final Ubaid – Late Chalcolithic transition in the northern periphery of Mesopotamia

Frangipane Marcella. “Transitions” as an archaeological concept. Interpreting the final Ubaid – Late Chalcolithic transition in the northern periphery of Mesopotamia. In: After the Ubaid. Interpreting change from the Caucasus to Mesopotamia at the dawn of urban civilization (4500-3500 BC). Papers from The Post-Ubaid Horizon in the Fertile Crescent and Beyond. International Workshop held at Fosseuse, 29th June-1st July 2009. Istanbul : Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes-Georges Dumézil, 2012. pp. 39-62. (Varia Anatolica, 27)

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