Türkiye’de Kuduz 1987-1996

Yıl 1998, Cilt: 9 Sayı: Özel Sayı, 3 – 8, 01.06.1998


Türkiye. Asya ve Avrupa kıtaları arasında değişik coğrafi bölgeleri olan
bir yerleşime sahiptir. Ülke köpek kuduzunun görüldüğü tek Avrupa ülkesi
olma özelliğine sahiptir. 1970’lerin sonlarına doğru büyük şehirlerin merkezinde
ve çevresinde insan populasyonunun artışına bağlı olarak köpek
sayısında da artışlar olmuş . buna paralel olarakta kuduz vakalarında artış
gözlenmiştir. Son on yılda ülke genelinde bildirilen vaka sayısı belirgin derecede
azalmıştır. Ülkede. diğer salgın hayvan hastalıkları ile birlikte kuduzla
mücadeleyi ele Tarım ve Köy İşleri Bakanlığına bağlı Koruma Kontrol
Genel Müdürlüğü yürütür.Bu mücadelenin yürütülmesinde İl ve İlçe Teşkilatları , Veteriner Kontrol Araştırma Enstitüterindeki Veteriner Hekimler
görev alır.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Kuduz, Rabies, 1987, 1996, 1998, Orhan AYLAN, Hikmet ÜN, İsmet YÖRÜK, Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi


  • Barrat J, Barrat MJ, Picard M, Aubert MFA (1988) Diagnosis of rabies on cell culture: comparison of the results of inoculation of a murine n e uroblastoına cell line and mouse inoculation. Comp. Immun. Microbiol. infect. Dis .. 11:207-214
  • Dean DJ, Abelseth MK, Atanasiu P (1996) Tlıe fluorescen t antibocly test. In: Laboratory techniques in rabies. 4th eel. (eds. Meslin F-X. Kaplan MM. Koprowski H) 88-95. World Health Organization , Geneva
  • Koprowski H (1996) The mouse inocıüation test. In: Laboratory techniques in rabies. 4th ed. (ecls. Meslin F-X, Kaplan MM. Koprowski I-I) S0-87. World Health Organization, Geneva
  • Müller WW (1994) Review of reporteel rabies case data in Europe ro the WHO Collaborating Centre. Tübingen. from 1977 to 1994. Rabies Bulletin Emope, 18(4):17-21
  • Smith JS, Yager PA, Baer GM (1996) A rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (RFFIT) for determining rabies virus-neutralizing antibocly. ln: Labora tory teclmiques in rabies. 4th ed. (eds. Meslin F-X. Kaplan MM. Koprowski H) 181-192. World Health Organization. Geneva
  • Tierkel ES, Atanasiu P ( 1996) Rapid microscopic examination for Negri boclies and preparation of specimens for biological tests. In : Laboratory teclmiques in rabies. 4th ed. (eds. Meslin F -X. Kaplan MM. Koprowski H) 55-65. World Health Organization, Geneva
  • Webster WA (1987) A tissue culture infection test in routine rabies diagnosis . Can. J . Vet. Res., 51:367-369

Rabies in Turkey, 1987-1996

Yıl 1998, Cilt: 9 Sayı: Özel Sayı, 3 – 8, 01.06.1998


Turkey forms a bridge between Asia and Europe. and consists of
various geographic regions. It is the only European country with clog
meclia teel r a bies; 7 4.4% of all cases were reporteel in dogs. Towards the enel
of ı 970s the rapid urbanisation was followecl by an increase in the
number of clogs in urban areas. Hence. in and moLınel several big cities ,
especia lly İstanbul. the rabies ineidence increased. In the last elecade, the
number of registered rabies cases elecreased significantly in the whole
country. from 1 005· cases in ı 987 to only ı25 in ı 996. The General
Directorate of Protection and Control. Ministry of Agriculture anel
Rural Ailairs. has initiateel several rabies control and eraelication
prograınmes. For the implementation of these prograrnmes. the
provincia1 anel local veterinary autlıorities , as well as the Veterinary
Control anel Research Institutes. were responsible


  • Barrat J, Barrat MJ, Picard M, Aubert MFA (1988) Diagnosis of rabies on cell culture: comparison of the results of inoculation of a murine n e uroblastoına cell line and mouse inoculation. Comp. Immun. Microbiol. infect. Dis .. 11:207-214
  • Dean DJ, Abelseth MK, Atanasiu P (1996) Tlıe fluorescen t antibocly test. In: Laboratory techniques in rabies. 4th eel. (eds. Meslin F-X. Kaplan MM. Koprowski H) 88-95. World Health Organization , Geneva
  • Koprowski H (1996) The mouse inocıüation test. In: Laboratory techniques in rabies. 4th ed. (ecls. Meslin F-X, Kaplan MM. Koprowski I-I) S0-87. World Health Organization, Geneva
  • Müller WW (1994) Review of reporteel rabies case data in Europe ro the WHO Collaborating Centre. Tübingen. from 1977 to 1994. Rabies Bulletin Emope, 18(4):17-21
  • Smith JS, Yager PA, Baer GM (1996) A rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (RFFIT) for determining rabies virus-neutralizing antibocly. ln: Labora tory teclmiques in rabies. 4th ed. (eds. Meslin F-X. Kaplan MM. Koprowski H) 181-192. World Health Organization. Geneva
  • Tierkel ES, Atanasiu P ( 1996) Rapid microscopic examination for Negri boclies and preparation of specimens for biological tests. In : Laboratory teclmiques in rabies. 4th ed. (eds. Meslin F -X. Kaplan MM. Koprowski H) 55-65. World Health Organization, Geneva
  • Webster WA (1987) A tissue culture infection test in routine rabies diagnosis . Can. J . Vet. Res., 51:367-369


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
BölümAraştırma Makaleleri

Orhan AYLAN Veteriner Kontrol Merkez Araştırma Enstitü Müdürlüğü Türkiye

İsmet YÖRÜK Veteriner Kontrol Merkez Araştırma Enstitü Müdürlüğü Türkiye

Hikmet ÜN Veteriner Kontol Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Türkiye

Yayımlanma Tarihi1 Haziran 1998
Gönderilme Tarihi1 Ocak 1998
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1998 Cilt: 9 Sayı: Özel Sayı

Kaynak Göster

APAAYLAN, O., YÖRÜK, İ., & ÜN, H. (1998). Türkiye’de Kuduz 1987-1996. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 9(Özel Sayı), 3-8.

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