Two Maps of Central Asia of the First Half of 18th Century

Two Maps of Central Asia of the First Half of 18th Century [Text] : New Sources on the Historical Ethno-Geography of Central Asia / Sh. Kamoliddin . – Saarbrücken ., LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co.. – 57 p. : [1] map sheet . – Selected Bibliography: 51-53 p., Literature: p. 54-56 . – [n. c.] – ISBN 978-3-659-29804-2

Subject heading:

Ethnogenesis, history of Central Asia


The book tells the ethnogenesis and ethnic history of the peoples of Central Asia, and in particular the Uzbeks


Kamoliddin, Sh.


Түрік тарихы мен мәдениеті қоры (Тürktav)

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