Uriel’s Machine: The Ancient Origins of Science

Автор: Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas
Название: Uriel’s Machine: The Ancient Origins of Science
Издательство: Arrow
Год: 2000
ISBN: 978-0099281825
Язык: English
Формат: epub
Размер: 4 mb
Страниц: 466

New geological evidence shows that in 7640 BC Earth was hit by seven comet fragments causing gigantic tidal waves. Is this the reality behind the worldwide myths of the flood? In China a cave has recently been excavated containing the remains of animals and men from around the world. Was this an ‘ark’ designed to survive a flood?

According to Masonic tradition the Biblical character called Enoch constructed a machine that predicts the movements of the sun and moon and gives early warning of comets on an Earth collision course. The authors show that the ancient Book of Enoch, rediscovered in the eighteenth century describes how this machine should be constructed, and how Enoch’s secret technology has been preserved since ancient times in Freemasonic lore.

Uriel's Machine: The Ancient Origins of Science CONTENTS:

About the Book
About the Authors
List of Figures
Illustration Acknowledgements


Chapter One: The Problem of Prehistory

The Collapse of the First Paradigm
Out of the Apes
The Caveman Myth
The Building of Early Societies
Rocking the Cradle of Civilization
Redating the Megalithic Sites of Europe
The Power of Language
The Ancient Histories

Chapter Two: The Ancient Story of Enoch

Who Was Enoch?
Enoch in the Bible
The Masonic Enoch
The Book of Enoch

Chapter Three: Vulnerable Earth

Our Battered Neighbour
Comets and Meteorites
A History of Earth Impacts
A Nearby Disaster
Earth Impact
The Effects of a Sea Impact
The Evidence for the Enoch Impacts
Sand, Salt and Seashells
The Power of Magnets
Long-Term Effects on the Environment

Chapter Four: Ancient Memories

Noah’s Account of the Flood
The Rainbow Message
Gilgamesh’s Flood
The Flood Described in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Of Giants and New Animals
Enoch Describes the Seven Comet Fragments
Hitting Earth
Enochian Judaism
Enochian Freemasonry
The Metronome of the Solar System
The Hanging Angel

Chapter Five: A Watershed for Mankind

The American Wave
Ancient America
A Japanese Connection?
An American Disaster
Inland Salt Seas
The Disaster that Shaped a New World

Chapter Six: Enoch and the Angels

The People of Enoch’s Story
The Giant of Bashan
Where Was the Book of Enoch Written?
The Evidence of the Length of Day
Revising Our View

Chapter Seven: The Enoch Zone

The Geometry of Stonehenge
Latitude 59° North
Skara Brae
Stone Things
The Ring of Brodgar
Stenness and Barnhouse
Maes Howe
The Puzzle of Orkney

Chapter Eight: The Science of Prehistory

Storing Knowledge
The Development of Writing
First Writing
Where Did the First Symbols of Writing Originate?
The Megalithic Culture
The Megalithic Yard
Megalithic Mathematics

Chapter Nine: The Light of Venus

The Hill of the Black Grove
Sunlight Writing
The Venus Effect
The Winter Solstice
The Solstice Sunrise
A Scientific Instrument
Legends of the Sites
The Jerusalem Connection

Chapter Ten: Rebuilding Uriel’s Machine

Enoch’s Tutorial
The Instructions
Resurrecting Uriel’s Machine
A Megalithic Standard

Chapter Eleven: The Venus Chamber

The White Wall
The Structure
An Engineering Masterpiece
Knowth and Dowth
The Economics of the Megalithic Builders
The Lightbox
Reading Uriel’s Lintel
The Writing on the Wall
God’s House

Chapter Twelve: The Spread of Ancient Knowledge

The Egyptian Observatory
The Sumerian Arrival
The Giants Who Went East
The Inheritance of the Jews
The Enochian Priesthood
The Rise and Fall of Enochian Judaism
The Qumranian Calendar
The Sons of Light

Chapter Thirteen: The Knowledge of the Druids

The Soul Lives On
The Legend of Tara
The Lia Fial
Angus of Newgrange
The Druids
Destruction of the Druids
The First Eisteddfod Chair
The White and Holy Stone
A Masonic Puzzle

Chapter Fourteen: The One Religion

The Last Son of the Star
Celtic Christianity
The Rise of the Sons of Light
The Knowledge of the Bruces and the St Clairs
The Enochian Temple of Freemasonry
The End of the Beginning

Picture Section

Time Line
Appendix 1: A Message to English Freemasonry
A New Paradigm of Freemasonry
Our Starting Point
The Future
Appendix 2: Reflections on Maes Howe
Appendix 3: How Did the Grooved Ware People Develop an Advanced Civilization?
The Characteristics of the Boyne Valley Community
The Economics of Farming
Appendix 4: Rosslyn Chapel
Appendix 5: The Masonic Tradition of Enoch
Appendix 6: An Ancient Text Rediscovered
Appendix 7: The Book of Giants


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