Zimbabwe: prose and poetry : Mutswairo, Solomon M. Feso. English. 1974


Zimbabwe: prose and poetry : Mutswairo, Solomon M. Feso. English. 1974

Mutswairo, S. M. The dawn of the Monomotapa Kingdom–an historical essay.–Preface to Feso.–Herdeck, D. E. Introduction.–Map: the land of Feso.–Mutswairo, S. M. Feso.–Poetry of Zimbabwe: Mutswairo, S. M. Preface.–Herdeck, D. E. Some comments on translating Zezuru poetry.–Mutswairo, S. M., and others. Poems in dual texts.–Bibliographic notes.–Geneological chart of “Feso” kings.–Map: Vatapa migrations from Uranga, circa 1000 A.D.–Biographical notes on authors

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